When will my ship come in?
Running Away!

A little rain must fall.....


Usually I write my blog about positive things, feeling good and being optimistic and upbeat. Some days, it doesn't feel appropriate, so I am going to use a technique that does the opposite but can actually make you feel better.

I remember the Monty Python sketch where everyone is boasting about how bad life was when they were growing up:

Michael Palin: You were lucky. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down the mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!
Graham Chapman: Luxury! We used to have to get out of the lake at three o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of hot gravel, go to work at the mill every day for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would beat us around the head and neck with a broken bottle, if we were LUCKY!
Terry Gilliam: Well, we had it tough. We used to have to get up out of the shoebox at twelve o'clock at night, and LICK the road clean with our tongues. We had half a handful of freezing cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at the mill for fourpence every six years, and when we got home, our Dad would slice us in two with a bread knife.
Eric Idle: Right. steels himself I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing "Hallelujah."
Michael Palin: But you try and tell the young people today that... and they won't believe ya'.
All: Nope, nope...


Well today is my day for feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, walking in treacle, climbing uphill, going around in circles, getting the run around, being a dollar short and a day late, missing the boat, sleeping at the wheel, swimming against the tide, running on empty.

It's strange, but writing all those sayings made me feel better, I hope it works for you.  BTW - I am happy not to be living in a shoe box.

Perhaps singing this song will work for you:

Into each lifesome rain must fall
But too much is falling in mine
Into each heart some tears must fall
But some day the sun will shine

Some folks can lose the blues in their hearts
But when I think of you another shower starts
Into each
lifesome rain must fall
But too much is falling in mine

Into each life some rain must fall
But too much, too much is fallin' in mine
Into each heart some tears must fall
But some day the sun will shine

Some folks can lose the blues in their heart
But when I think of you another shower starts
Into each life some rain must fall
But too much is fallin' in mine

Into each and every life some rain has got to fall
But too much of that stuff is fallin' into mine
And into each heart some tears got to fall
And I know that someday that sun is bound to shine

Some folks can lose the blues in their heart
But when I think of you another shower starts
Into each life some rain must fall
But too much is fallin' in mine.

If you need some help with the rainfall in your life,  Pauline Courchene Certified Life Coach email me at: [email protected] first session is free, affordable rates for all.

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

Your Vision

Be Positive

Real Goals

Think Positive

Great Expectations

Manifesting Perfection