How to interpret your wild dream about the sea

beach during sunset

Sea dreams are quite easy to understand, read on to find out how….

Sea Dreams

The sea is made up of water. Water is associated with emotions. The sea represents our inner landscape. It represents how we feel about things. Therefore a rough sea represents wild swings in emotion whereas a calm see means that we are at peace with ourselves.

Dream of Being In Deep Water

To dream of deep water means that you are emotionally of financially out of your depth. Your finances are described a liquid and if you borrow too much you may be out of your depth. Consider which is the true meaning for your situation and then take appropriate action.

Dream about Drowning

This dream is telling you that you are not coping with the situation you find yourself in. There are too many people around you who are emotionally draining you and leaving you weak. You need to take some time for yourself in order to regain your balance.

Aquatic Life Dream

If you were surrounded by friendly creatures then your life is full of promise and variety. If you dream involved dangerous predators, it means that you need to move away from a current emotional situation.

Dream of Waves

Large waves mean unstable emotional situations, small waves bring variety in life. the waves represent the ups and downs in life.

Dream of Surfing

If you dream of surfing and you are able to balance on the surfboard, This means that you are in charge in your life and able to cope with whatever emotional situation that life gives you.

Dream about Sailing, Paddleboarding, Wind Surfing

Any dream where you master the waves is a sign that you are in charge of your feelings. You can overcome any difficulties. If you are struggling in the water, if means that you should consider a different approach to your emotions. It may be time to revise your goals to something that is more achievable for you.

Paddling Dream

To dream about paddling in shallow water means that you are being timid with your emotions. You are just getting your feet wet, perhaps you are at the beginning of a new relationship.

Swimming in the Sea

A dream of swimming in the sea means that you have the strength to follow your path and get to the places that you want to go. You are comfortable emotionally and adapted to your environment.

Dream of a Rip-Tide

To dream of being caught in a rip tide is a warning that things are going to be tough emotionally for a while. If you hang on you will be able to survive the situation, keep doing what needs to be done.

Dream of a Dried up Sea Bed

If the sea has dried up, you are feeling emotionally exhausted and unable to give any more love to anyone. Give yourself some time to heal before trying to get involved in a new relationship.

Dream about High Tide

In a dream of high tide or a flood. You emotions are at their height you are feeling overly emotional and volatile, be aware that high tide does not last long and you will soon be feeling more normal again.

Dream about Low Tide

You are feeling emotionally tired and unable to fully appreciate your relationships. This is a passing phase and with a little break you will be able to regain perspective.

Dream about Fishing in the Sea

If you dreamed about fishing and you successfully caught a fish, then you are able to gain what you need from current relationships. If you were unable to catch a fish in your dream it is possible that you are in a bad relationship and will never get the things that you want. You may need to find a different love to make yourself happy.

Dream about Diving

If you dreamed about diving or swimming under water, this means that you are emotionally in a good place. You are in your element. If you struggled to breath, it means that your relationship is crushing you and you should rethink your choices.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

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Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Dream List

Transportation Dreams

Dreams about clothes

Dreams about Situations

Dreams about buildings, furniture, objects

Dreams about Nature

Dreams about Family and People


Five things to consider in a dream about a game.

battle black board board game

Think about the type and purpose of the game to understand your message…

Dreams about Games

There are so many types of games, video games, sports games, board games, children’s games and each has a different meaning. Five things to think about

  1. What was the object of the game?
  2. Were you winning or losing?
  3. Did you watch someone else playing a game?
  4. What were your emotions about the game?
  5. Who was playing the game with you?

Dream meaning by Game Type

Video Games

In these games, you may be competing against others in life. You may be trying to survive or to solve a problem. The dreams mean exactly that. You might be trying to wipe out the competition in life, or you may solve one puzzle and then realise that you still have a long way to go. In the dream you may be an Avatar, which means that you feel you need additional skills or training in order to succeed.

Sports Games

To dream of a physical game of sports, shows that you have the stamina and will to succeed. Perhaps, you are ready for a new challenge. If you are playing games where you need to score goals then you are a competitive person. Games where you have to be quick show that you are interested in speed. Games where you need patience and skill show that these are the qualities that you would like to have.

Board Games

When you dream about a board game you are usually competing with others based on luck or intellect. If the game was chess you are competing on strategy. If the game was monopoly you are working on your finances. A dream about playing scrabble means you are competing with others based on your language skills.

Games where a dice is rolled or cards are shuffled are based more on chance so your success or failure will be because of luck as much as skill.

Children’s Games

Dreaming about playing children’s games when you are not a child, may mean that you have nostalgia for a time in the past when life was simpler. If the dream involved dressing up, you are pretending to be something that you are not!

Dream about Winning or Losing a Game

If you win the game you will succeed at your present task. Perhaps you scored points towards a long term goal by completing a task. It is fortunate if you saved others in your game. A team game meaning will depend on your role in its success of failure. You may be supporting others or you may have people around you that will help you to reach your goals.

If you win a game where you had to outwit or out think others, you have the intellectual skills and education needed to succeed. Winning at Monopoly means that you will have financial success whereas losing means that you need to think about how you spend your money.

Losing a race in a physical game means that you need to work on your personal fitness and how quickly you react to situations. Losing a game of chance means that you should either take fewer risks or wait until your luck changes before you attempt the same thing again.

To win at a children’s game means that your success will be small and not too important. To lose at a children’s game means that you are focussing on the small things instead of looking at the big picture.

To play games such a croquet in a dream and win, would mean that you will succeed in creating an atmosphere of nostalgia. To lose would mean that you are spending too much time looking at the past. You cannot go back and change things.

Dream about Someone Else Playing a Game

If you watched someone else playing a game in a dream you are spending time thinking about others and possibly becoming too involved. You need to take care of your own life.

If you were supporting a team of a friend in a game then you are willing to help others achieve their goals. This is especially true if you were the team coach and it is your role to help others.

Dream about Game Emotions

The question to ask yourself is whether your happiness or sadness about winning or losing a game is in proportion to the event. In other words, were you really ecstatic about a small win? If so you are putting too much emphasis on little things. This is especially true if you were devastated about a loss, perhaps you lost at a card game or playing chess. You have to remember that these are games. There are always disappointments and so the more upset you were the more difficulties are ahead for you.

If you were proportionately happy then good times are ahead but these may not last too long. Happiness as the result of playing a game may not have lasting impact. You are only as good as your last win!

Dream about Games, Solo or a Team?

Happily, if you played a team game, then you are easy to get along with and you like to work with others to achieve mutual success. However, if you did not play well as a team then you are best working alone. You are better at having the freedom to make your own choices. You do not like to obey the rules and you would prefer to lead rather than be lead.

If you played a game alone and were happy, then you are satisfied with you own company. You have the confidence to create your own adventure. If you played alone but were sad about it, then you must look for a new partner in life to help you achieve your goals.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

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More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

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Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Dream List

Transportation Dreams

Dreams about clothes

Dreams about Situations

Dreams about buildings, furniture, objects

Dreams about Nature

Dreams about Family and People

Use the Law of Correspondence to Make your Life Better

tree with reflection on body of water

Your external life is a mirror of your thoughts.

What is the law of correspondence?

Whatever you think about will manifest if you give it enough energy. Listen to your thoughts and your words as you will create a reality based on these thoughts. Be conscious of what you say, take time to reflect on who you are and who you would like to be.

Listen to your self talk and create a new better self through meditation and contemplation of your path. Self belief is very important.

External Factors

We can only control ourselves. Lots of things happen that are out of our control, this could be the actions of others, politics, the law, climate change or economic change. The thing we can change is how we react, we can choose to be angry, disappointed or upset but then we have to go into healing mode.

We need to give positive energy to our challenges and be solution oriented. If you are surrounded by low frequencies, raise your own frequencies to overcome this.

Be Like a Tree

Trees use their senses to see the amount of light, feel the temperature and use their hormones to shut down growth of tree limbs in winter. You can read more about how trees react to the climate around them here. The tree rings inside a tree show how the tree reacts to adverse conditions by growing less and preserving energy. As humans we need to be the same, take actions to protect ourselves in adverse times. Be strong in outlook and confident in your ability to deal with challenges.

tree at the desert


I stand alone,

I stand tall,

I spread my branches,

I do not fall.

I have enough,

I live and thrive

In desert land

I make my life

Amongst the sand

I can survive

Where others fail

I will prevail.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

What does my Scary Operation Dream Mean

How To Manifest Your Desires With The Law of Inspired Action

spring trees

When it’s Spring the trees blossom…will you know when it’s your turn to blossom?

The Law of Inspired Action

Inspired action is when you have a gut feeling about something and you decide to act upon it. It’s a feeling of excitement or even nervousness about doing something a little different. It’s something that you know that you must do to manifest your desires.

Does This Clash With The Law Of Attraction?

With the law of attraction it often sounds as if you ask the universe for something and then you get it when the time is right. That could be a bit like hoping to win the lottery but never buying a ticket! It’s simple, follow your gut instincts, the universe will tell you when to act and what to do. You will have to take some action!

Follow Your Intuition

Luckily you can get in touch with your desires. You can be inspired, be creative and act as if you already have achieved your goals. These are great manifesting tools. Have enthusiasm. Perhaps your intuition is telling you to make space in your home for a new partner, or to go to college and train for that new career. These can be inspired actions – follow your whims.

Be Like A Tree

Trees live outdoors in all weathers and they can feel when the seasons are changing. We live indoors and this shields us from the changes in nature. We may miss the signs that action is needed when we are distracted by electronic devices, work agendas and the stresses of everyday life.

A tree knows when it is time to drop it’s leaves for the winter and to conserve energy. Trees can feel the onset of spring and produce new leaves and blossom. They attract pollinators and produce fruit. These things do not happen by inaction and endless waiting, the tree knows when to act.

Fortunately, you can manifest like a tree, make connecting with the earth a part of your routine. Take time in meditation to listen to your instincts. Speak your intentions and then act when you get the signal. This is the law of inspired inspiration.

Manifest your dreams, listen to your heart and act when your soul instructs you to.

low angle shot of papaya fruits on the tree

It’s good to know

There’s a season to grow,

There’s action,



and Fall.

And a time to sleep

When you’ve done it all…..

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Learn Tarot - Get help with the suits here!

tarot cards and decorative bottles on table at home

Each suit is associated with an element, read more here…

Tarot for beginners – Suits

There are 4 suits in the tarot cards, cups, swords, pentacles and wands. Every suit has 14 cards so if you understand the elements of each suit you will have a basic understanding of 48 tarot cards!

Meaning of the suit of cups

Cups are used to hold liquid so this is an easy way to remember that suits are associated with the element of water. Whenever you pull one of the cups cards associate the meaning with love.

The element of water represents the emotions, how we feel inside. These cards are associated with relationships, with intuition, romance and family.

Water is associated with the star signs of pisces, cancer and scorpio. Take a look at the card and use your intuition. If you are asked about the characteristics of someone from a reading where a cup sign appears, which star sign does it represent? It is a good idea to learn something about each star sign to help you with interpretation.

Are the cups full or have they been knocked over? This will give direction as to how a relationship is going.

Meaning of the suit of wands

Wands are associated with the element of fire. Fire is about passion, heat, moving fast, perhaps burning with desire. It can also mean getting hot tempered. Passion can be associated with love but also the things that we love such as art, sports, so it can also be associated with creative pursuits.

The star signs of leo, sagittarius and aries are in the fire element. These are strong positive types. Consider how the wands are being used, are they flourishing and growing or are they in a fight? Aries can be quite war like as it is associated with Mars and this will help you to interpret.

Meaning of the suit of swords

Swords are related to air, they move quickly in the air and are sharp and quick witted. Think of being in a sword fight and being agile and light on your feet. These are characteristics of air signs. They are smart and intellectual and restlessly moving around.

The star signs of gemini, libra and aquarius are in the air element. They can move fast, they may be full of hot air or a breath of fresh air. Use your intuition with each card and look at surrounding cards to decipher the meaning.

Luckily the pictures will help you, are the swords lying flat or have they caused injury? Quick witted people can also have sharp tongues like a sword so consider the position of the swords.

Meaning of the suit of pentacles

Pentacles are also called coins, they are firm and material. They represent the element of earth so they are firm and steady. The pentacles are slow to act and reliable, they are materialistic and have beautiful things.

The star signs of taurus, virgo and capricorn are associated with earth. Think of steady and considered rather than quick and passionate.

Fortunately the cards give you many clues, look at the pentacles, is the money growing or is this person being a hoarder. The positions of the pentacles will help you to work that out.


Learn the meaning of each suit

What’s Next?

If you would like to advance your tarot reading to the next stage, watch out for videos on using numerology, astrology and basic information on the meaning of each suit to help you with your readings.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


What does your scary alligator dream mean?

sea water wave ocean

Alligators are associated with your instincts often hidden and surprising

Dreams about alligators and crocodiles

When you dream about alligators you need to consider their actions in the dream and your relationship with these creatures. How do you feel about alligators?

Chased by an alligator dream

If you dreamed about being chased by an alligator or crocodile then you are afraid of your hidden thoughts. These creatures are believed to be very sensitive and hyper aware of what is happening around them. Alligators tend to lie hidden from view and then suddenly attack, this is why they represent hidden thoughts, instincts and ideas.

Your reaction to the attack will give you a better idea of how you cope with your hidden thoughts. Did you make friends with the alligator or did your thoughts overtake you?

Alligator/Crocodile blocking your path dream

If you dreamed that an alligator was blocking your path then your hidden thoughts are preventing you from moving forward in your life. If you were afraid of the creature then you must take the time to work out why you are unable to move past a situation.

Baby Alligator Dream

This dream shows that you have been able to manifest a new idea and bring it into reality. Although, it is still very vulnerable at this point, if you are able to nurture your project you will have every chance of future success.

Swimming with Alligators/Crocodiles dream

A dream where you are swimming with these creatures is a positive sign especially if you were comfortable in the water. However, if you felt threatened then there are people in your environment who cannot be trusted and may strike out at you at any time. Be careful who you trust!

Eating an alligator dream

To dream about eating an alligator is about swallowing your thoughts and instincts. Perhaps someone around you is preventing you from being your true self?

Killing an alligator/crocodile dream

In this dream you killing your base instincts. The meaning whether positive or negative will depend on your actions in the dream. Was this an intentional act or was it accidental. It is usually best to live in harmony with your inner self and to accept who you are.

If someone else killed the alligator, then you are allowing someone else to control your thoughts and inner ideas.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Dream List

Transportation Dreams

Dreams about clothes

Dreams about Situations

Dreams about buildings, furniture, objects

Dreams about Nature

Dreams about Family and People

Here is the meaning of your strange rock dream!

man standing on rock during sunset

Are you solid as a rock or walking on stony ground? Read on to find out...

Dreams about rocks

There are many types of rocks, rocks come in different shapes and sizes and so do the meanings of these dreams.

If your dream involved looking at a rock, whatever the size, you are looking at stability and security. Large rocks in the ocean represent stability in the emotional realm. Large rocks on land are a sign of permanence, the tried and tested, things that have evolved over time and not changed.

Rock cliffs falling into sea

If you see rocks collapsing into the water, it means that emotion has broken down the status quo. Feelings that have endured for you over a long time have been washed away.

Rock Climbing

To dream of rock climbing if you are climbing upwards, would mean that you are using your skills to reach the top of your chosen career. You are successfully working with tradition and long established rules. If you are climbing downwards in your dream then you are taking a break from the limelight. To fall out of control means that this is not a voluntary stepping down.

To be rock climbing with others, means that you have the support of those around you who can help you to succeed. You are also helping others to climb to the top.

Building with rocks or stones

A dream where you built something with rocks or stones means that you are looking for permanence and hoping to make a difference in the long term. If your building collapsed then you are being told to build a better foundation and to take things more slowly.

To see a stone building is a sign that you are surrounded by tradition and stability. If the building was damaged then traditions are being broken and major changes are ahead.

Mining Rocks

To dream about mining rocks means that you are breaking down tradition and exploiting a situation. Unfortunately, you will have to work hard to succeed at this. You may have to chip away slowly before you can make any progress with your goals. In life, you are up against solid rock.

Valuable Stones

This dream meaning will depend on the actions involved. You may be given a valuable stone that signifies permanence and stability for the long run. If you lose the stone then you will suffer some serious upheavals and have major changes to your expectations.

A dream of stealing a valuable stone shows that you are feeling guilty about how you make a living. Are you taking stability and safety from someone else?

Pebbles Dream

To dream of pretty pebbles means that you are enjoying the traditions and feelings of being part of a large group or community. Check the meaning of the colour to see if this gives you more clarity. Pebbles have been shaped by time and water so feelings have shaped the way that they appear.

Walking on stones dream

If your dream involved walking on stones and it was uncomfortable it means that you have chosen a difficult path. Sadly, you are on rocky ground and life will not be easy for you. You can choose to persist or try to find something that will be easier for you to pursue.

Throwing stones dream

When someone throws stones at you in a dream, it means that you are being gossiped about and criticised. People are trying to stop you from progressing on your path.

If you were the person throwing stones at someone else, then you are trying to prevent them from succeeding.

Dream Examples

I have included a series of dreams and interpretations of the elements in each dream to help you to understand how best to interpret your dreams. Perhaps you had a different rocks dream, let me know. I am available to interpret a dream for you.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Dream List

Transportation Dreams

Dreams about clothes

Dreams about Situations

Dreams about buildings, furniture, objects

Dreams about Nature

Dreams about Family and People

Are You New to Tarot? Help Is Here!

nature man people woman

Here are some hints on how to read the cards without memorising anything!

Tarot Reading Easy Hints

If you are new to tarot, the cards can seem a bit daunting, how are you going to remember what they all mean? You don’t have to learn them at all and you don’t have to use the typed definitions that come with each tarot pack.

There are 3 important things that you can do.

  1. Relax
  2. Use your intuition
  3. Use the pictures to describe what you see.


Do whatever it takes to calm your mind. You may want to meditate or take some deep breaths to centre yourself. You may find candles and low lights to be calming or how about some beautiful incense? I like Nag Champa as it gets me in the right mood. The Psychic Tree has a good supply and of course you can order from Amazon.

Use Your Intuition

When you are relaxed and reading cards you will start to hear your inner voice. It may be a voice, a vision, a feeling but you will start to know what to say. What I mean is, that each card’s meaning will vary based on the type of reading that you are doing and which elements of the card seem appropriate. Think of the cards as a tool for your intuition to speak.

You will notice different elements of the cards on different days. You may suddenly notice a feature of a card that you had no paid attention to previously. This is your intuition telling you to use that image to describe a situation. Perhaps you notice a snail on a card, this would mean that things are going to move slowly. Perhaps, you are looking at one of the wand suit and you really notice new leaves spouting. You are being told that it is early in a situation and that things are starting to take off.

Use The Pictures

This is the easiest way of understanding the cards, look at the picture and think about what the message is. If you are stuck, imagine yourself carry out the action on the card. How do you feel? Did you just fall out ofThe Tower or were you The Hermit shining your light in the dark?

The pictures will guide you through basic tarot meanings. If you would like to see this at work, visit . Please watch the video below to see how this works.

Reading the cards using the pictures.

What’s Next?

If you would like to advance your tarot reading to the next stage, watch out for videos on using numerology, astrology and basic information on the meaning of each suit to help you with your readings.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Do you want to learn to read tarot cards?

person holding brown round table

This beginner’s tarot journey is for those who have not yet learned all of the cards and for those who would like to expand their knowledge.

Starting Out

You have just opened a nice box of tarot cards. What next?

Firstly you should take a quick look at all of the cards. There are 22 cards in the major arcana numbered from 0, the Fool to 21, the World. The major arcana are the most important cards in the spread, they are more powerful than the minor arcana cards. The minor arcana are very much like regular playing cards, there are 4 suits but there is an extra picture card. The suits are cups, wands, pentacles and swords. The court cards are page, knight, queen and king. Sometimes the pages are replaced by princesses.

Here is a video to explain….

Tarot for Beginners Part 1

Your First Tarot Spread

The most popular spread is the Celtic Cross so you will most likely begin with this. Firstly, you should shuffle the cards, either select the first 10 cards that fall out of the pack or shuffle until the cards feel right. Meanwhile you should be concentrating on a question, such as ‘What’s going on in my love life?’.

You will have a diagram of how to set out the cards for this, and you can also watch the following video to see how it is done.

Card 1 = The Questioner – Who is the Questioner?

Card 2 = The Immediate Obstacle – What’s confronting the Questioner now?

Card 3 = The Goal – This is what the Questioner would like to achieve

Card 4= Distant Past Foundation – Things from the distant past that effect the Questioner in this context

Card 5 = Recent Past Events – What been going on recently?

Card 6 = The Future – What’s likely to happen in the future if nothing else changes

Card 7 = The Questioner in this Context – The Questioner in relation to this question

Card 8 = The Environment of the Questioner – This people and situations around the Questioner that effect the outcome

Card 9 = Hopes and Fears of Questioner – What does the Questioner want and what are they afraid of?

Card 10 = The Final Result – The most likely outcome if nothing else changes.

You will probably reach for the book of definitions of the cards at this point. Most likely, you will be confronted with a list of words which you will try to make sense of in this reading. The majority of people at this stage get a bit confused.

Please watch video below.

Tarot for Beginners Part 2

What’s next?

Help!! The next part is to learn what each tarot card means. There are many tips and tricks to help you with this. Part 3 will be an explanation of how you can use the pictures to create simple definitions. In later videos we will cover, other techniques that you can use to make learning the cards much simpler. Don’t throw out the book yet, but you should be able to put it aside soon!

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Are you worried about a mirror dream? Help is here!

black and white long sleeve dress

Mirrors give us a glimpse of the image that we show to the world…so what does a mirror dream mean?

Mirror Dreams

A dream where you see a mirror is a reminder to look at yourself to see the image that you portray. Perhaps you are unaware of the effect that your appearance can have on others. You may also see an image of your subconscious in a mirror dream.

Broken Mirror Dream

Although a broken mirror is said to bring bad luck for seven years, a broken mirror in a dream has a different meaning. If you break a mirror in your dream this is a symbol of changing your public image. You are no longer able to look at yourself in the same way.

If the mirror was already broken, this is a warning to take some time to consider your life goals. At the moment you are unable to settle on one thing. Your life is shattered and in pieces like the mirror. If the mirror is cracked, then there is a fault in the way that you are looking at things.

In a dream if someone else smashes your mirror, beware! Someone is out to create serious damage to your image or self worth. Be careful who you trust with your secrets.

Blurred Mirror Dream

If you dreamed about a mirror and the image that you see is blurred, this means that you are not being clear about your goals. Others may be able to help you if you are able to create a plan and stick to it.

Someone Else’s Reflection Dream

A dream of looking in the mirror and seeing someone else means that you do not recognise who you have become. You are looking at your inner self. If it is your reflection but much older this is a warning that time is passing you by. Hurry up, you must take action to achieve your goals now.

If you dream of someone famous in the mirror, this could be who you are aspiring to be. A positive image means that your goals are achievable. Whereas a negative image, someone that you do not want to emanate is a warning that you need to change direction.

Many Mirrors Dream

A dream of being surrounded by mirrors is your subconscious telling you that you must take the time to consider who you are inside. You must take necessary steps to remedy any problems that you have. Unfortunately, you are surrounded by mirrors because you cannot escape from this. The time for introspection is now!

Mirror Hiding Something Dream

This is a bit of an odd dream, but if the mirror was placed in front of something that is hidden from you, it is possible that you are not being open with yourself about your long term plans. When you just see what is reflected in the mirror, you are not getting the full picture. Therefore, this is a warning to look deeper at your own motivations before acting on a plan.

Hall of Mirrors Dream

A dream of being in a hall of mirrors where everything is out of proportion is a reminder that you must be cautious about making positive decisions at this time. The images that you could base a decision on are unreliable and likely to change soon. It would be better to wait for a little while.

Other Types of Mirror Dream

If you dream about mirror sunglasses, the person who is wearing them does not want to give any information away about themselves or their feelings. A person who reflects back at you, wants you to feel good but they are hiding something important. If you are wearing the mirror sunglasses then you are hiding your feelings from others.

If you have a mirror ball dream, this can be an exciting fun time. The message of this dream is that everything is temporary. Your image and your feelings are moving around, enjoy this period of your life!

Walking Through a Mirror Dream

A dream where you walked through a mirror is a sign that you are ready to meet your inner self. Luckily, this is a time to meditate and find out the deeper meaning of your life. Your dream is a signal that you should take an inner spiritual journey and investigate your belief system.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

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Dreams about Family and People

Your strange clothing dreams explained!

striped shirt hanging on gray wire between beige painted wall building during daytime

Clothes serve many purposes so dreams about clothes have diverse meanings…

Clothes Dreams

Consider the function of the clothes in your dream, were you dressing to impress, to protect yourself or perhaps to disguise yourself? Were the clothes in your dream fit for purpose? By answering these questions you will have a better idea as to the message of your dream. Here is a link for a naked dream.

Clothes Dreams Comfort

You may have been aware of the clothes in your dream because they were uncomfortable. To dream of wearing wet clothes may be a sign that you are being overly emotional about something that is happening in your life. If someone else made your clothes wet, then they are the cause of you losing money or being pulled down emotionally.

To dream of clothes that are too small means that you have outgrown your surroundings. You need to take on a new role as you are currently being constrained.

If the clothes in your dream were dirty or ragged this is a warning that you need to find a better way of presenting yourself to the world. You and others will be distracted by your appearance. Others will not spend time to find out who you really are.

Uniform Dream

A dream about wearing a uniform, if it was comfortable and you were happy, is a sign that you are fitting in well with others and meeting your expectations. However if the uniform did not fit you or was uncomfortable, then you are trying to be something that you are not. It’s okay to be different.

Clothes as Protection Dream

Clothes can be a serious form of protection such as armour and wet suits. They can also be protection from prying eyes. A dream where your clothes do not adequately protect you, such as a skirt that is too short or a blouse that is too low may mean that you are not happy with the image that you are projecting to the world.

A problem with armour or a wet suit would mean that you do not feel prepared for the challenges ahead. You have not been given the right equipment to survive.

If your clothes are not warm enough then you may be living in the wrong environment. Your dream may be telling you to move to somewhere warmer. Alternatively, it may be a warning that you need to take additional measures to protect yourself in the season ahead. Your current preparations are inadequate. The same meanings would apply if your clothes are too warm for you. When things are getting too hot, you need to cool them down. Possibly you are being asked to step back from a situation.

Clothes as Enhancement Dream

A dream where clothes were adorned as bodily enhancement is about the image you would like to project to the world. If you looked good, happily this means that you are satisfied with the way that you look and how you are perceived.

If you were dissatisfied with your look, unfortunately you have to do some work on how others see you. Think about what was wrong with your look and this will guide you as to the meaning. Did you look too sexy? Perhaps you need to portray a more conservative image. Did you look too old fashioned? Perhaps you need to update your appearance and your attitudes.

What colours were the clothes in your dream? Here is a link. Brightly coloured clothes mean that you want everyone to see you, whereas dull colours mean that you are happy to be in the background. Sparkly clothes mean that you want to put on a show.

Costume Dream

Dreaming about wearing a costume means that you do not want people to get to know who you really are. You are happy for people to see an image that you have created. If you are happy with the costume then this is not a problem, however if you are unhappy, then you must make the effort to come out of your shell and allow people to see who you are. Sometimes it can mean that you are hiding your emotions from others.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

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Dreams about Family and People

Making sense of a frightening forest dream

Scary Graveyard Dream. Help is here!

man walking on green grass

A graveyard dream can be disturbing but often there is a positive meaning…

Graveyard Dreams

You may dream of a graveyard when you have recently lost someone, this dream should be interpreted based on your relationship with the newly deceased. In general graveyard dreams are about changes in our lives. To dream of a graveyard can be a symbol of something that you have left behind. It could be something big like your childhood but could also refer to a change in your behaviour.

Well Tended Grave Dream

This dream means that you are maintaining a change of habit and doing everything that is expected of you.

Damaged Grave Dream

This dream means that your memories of a person have been altered in some way. You have neglected a situation and now it is important to take steps to put things right. The person your dream refers to, may not be dead in the real sense. It can refer to someone that you have not seen in a while.

Person Coming Out Of A Grave

A situation that you thought was over has resurrected itself. Although you probably are disturbed by this, the important thing is to take some action to deal with the situation.

Dream Of A New Grave

If you dream of a new grave and have not recently lost someone, this dream refers to major changes that you have made in your life. You have buried an old habit and are ready to start on a fresh chapter.

Living Person’s Gravestone Dream

A dream about the gravestone of another living person is a sign that they are undergoing major changes in their life. They will seem like a new person after this transformation. If it was your gravestone, then you will be undergoing a major change.

Dream of Digging a Grave

A grave is the place to deposit the past, if you are digging your own grave, this can be a warning that you are getting into self inflicted problems. To dream of digging a grave for someone else is a sign that you want a relationship to end.

Dream of a Graveyard at Night

A visit to a graveyard at night means that you are having dark thoughts about things that have passed. You need to focus on the future and not focus on your regrets.

Dream of Putting Flowers on a Grave

When you dream about putting flowers on a grave, you are showing respect for someone who is no longer in your life. The person may still be living, you can celebrate the time that you had together. However do not try to resurrect this relationship it is truly over!

Dream Examples

I have included a series of dreams and interpretations of the elements in each dream to help you to understand how best to interpret your dreams. Perhaps you had a different helicopter or drone dream, let me know. I am available to interpret a dream for you.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

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Exciting Helicopter or Drone Dreams...What Do They Mean?

silhouette of airplane flying over the sea during sunset

These versatile flying machines often appear in dreams and can have very different meanings…

Helicopter Dreams

Helicopters are used for pleasure, to fight crime and for defence. This makes the context of a helicopter dream very important. If you have worked with helicopters consider how you feel about them before interpreting your dream.

Helicopter Crash Dream

This dream is a reminder that everything comes to an end. One minute the helicopter is riding high and the next everything is shattered. Warning, do not take your good luck for granted.

Military or Police Helicopter Dream

If the helicopter was chasing you, then powerful forces are opposed to your course of action. You may want to reconsider your goals. Unfortunately, your enemies are strong and versatile.

If the helicopter was there to help or assist you, happily, you have powerful friends who will go to great lengths to protect you.

Fly a Helicopter Dream

If you were flying the helicopter, you have great power and have many choices about which goals in life to pursue. Flying a helicopter with passengers is a reminder that there are other people who are depending on your skills and expertise.

Helicopter Rescue Dream

A dream where you were rescued by a helicopter means that other people value your life. You are important and surrounded by others who want to help you. In addition, if you saved someone else in a helicopter, you have the power to save the lives of others.

Helicopter Sightseeing Dream

A dream of going sightseeing in a helicopter is a sign that good times are ahead for you. You will be successful and able to exceed your highest dreams.

Helicopter Passenger Dream

If you dreamed of flying in a helicopter as a passenger you are able to rise above your problems. Luckily, you have the help and support of others around you.

Drone Dreams

Like helicopters drones are versatile machines, they can be used for pleasure, for work or for defence. Be aware of the context of the dream to get the best interpretation.

Military Drone Dream

If you are attacked by a military drone, you are in danger. Unfortunately, you have sophisticated enemies who will be adept at covering their tracks. Be careful who you trust.

Flying a military drone in a dream means that you have the technology and skill to succeed and reach your targets. Others may be surprised by your success.

Nuisance Drone

A drone that pursues you in a dream, takes photos or acts in an annoying way, is a reminder that everything that you do is being watched. Take care who you trust and remember that there are no secrets.

Flying A Drone

If the dream involves you flying a drone, you are versatile and able to see things that others cannot see. You have the power to gather information and put it to use.

Losing/Crashing A Drone

Losing control of your drone or crashing your drone, means that you are in danger of becoming arrogant. You have the ability to succeed but it takes continued effort and diligence to succeed in the long run.


Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

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Dreams about Family and People

Scary Spider Dream? Here Are 6 Meanings

a helpless woman trapped in a spider web

Arachnaphobic or not, spider dreams can be quite significant.

Spider Dreams

You may be dreaming about spiders or spider’s webs. Your personal feelings about spiders will effect how you interpret the dream meaning. If you are afraid of spiders you may see them as enemies, however if you like spiders they may represent little wonders of nature.

Spider’s Web Dream

To dream about a spiders web has a few different meanings depending on the situation. Spiders use webs to catch their prey, so if you dream of being caught in a spider’s web then you are in danger of becoming entangled in a difficult situation that may destroy you. Best case scenario, you may be tied up for a while dealing with a situation. Worst case scenario, the situation will destroy you. Beware of your involvements and be careful when signing contracts and making long term commitments.

A spider’s web can also signify a web of lies and deceit. You may be caught up in some intrigue or someone may be telling lies about you. You need to delicately extract yourself from a situation. A struggle in the web will leave you more entangled.

If you see a beautiful spider’s web in your dream, you may be being asked to appreciate the small things in life. Even, if you are scared of spiders, you may be being asked to reconsider your attitude to something.

Large Spider Dream

A large spider dream is telling you to face your fears. The spider will not go away, you will have to either confront the spider or run away.

Small Spider Dream

You will find it easy to overcome your fears, things are not as bad as you think they are.

Killing A Spider Dream

If you killed a spider that was a threat to you, this means that you are able to overcome the things that have been frightening you. To accidentally kill a spider is a warning to be more careful about where you go and to watch your step.

Running Away From A Spider Dream

When you run away from anything in a dream, you are trying to escape from a scary situation. It is best to turn around and overcome your problem rather than trying to avoid conflict.

Multiple Spiders Dream

A dream where you are surrounded by spiders, unless you like the spiders is a warning that you will have problems wherever you turn. You need to confront a situation or else if will continue to bother you.

Spider Bite Dream

This dream is a warning that you are in physical danger from your enemies. You must be prepared to defend yourself from a surprise attack. Someone in your circle may be deceiving you.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

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Dream about your phone? Here are 6 meanings

man wearing black headset

If your house was on fire, would you grab your phone first?

Phone Dreams

It is likely that you have a cell or mobile phone and use if for much more than making phone calls. Dreams about your phone are now much more than dreams about communication. You may use your phone to store memories, contacts, work and your calendar. You may play games, use social media, read news and watch films. Your phone may be your GPS and you would be lost literally without it. Dreams about your phone are therefore quite complex. Pause and think about what your phone means to you before you interpret your phone dream.

Lose Your Phone Dream

To dream of losing your mobile phone is a fear of losing your identity and losing touch with those that you care about. If you use your phone mostly for finding your way -then your fear is of getting lost. If you use your phone for social media then your fear is of losing touch and not knowing everything that is happening in your circle. 

Finding A Phone Dream

If you found someone else’s phone then you have accidentally become involved in their personal life. You have a lot of power over this person. Perhaps someone has opened up to you and shared too much information or you are feeling overwhelmed by other people’s demands on you.

If you threw the phone away or destroyed it, you will discard or destroy this relationship. If you kept the phone, you want to control this person. Returning the phone to the person who lost it, means that you are giving them back their life.

If you gave the phone to someone else then you are giving away the responsibility for a relationship that has become too much for you.

However, finding your own phone is a sign that you will be back in control of your life. Fortunately, you will be feeling more independent.

Broken Phone Dream

 Dreaming that your cell phone is broken in a dream. Sadly, this is a warning that you are having communication problems. If you also use your phone to take photos and store memories then you will have trouble remembering the happy times. Losing a phone that is used as a GPS, may mean that you are feeling lost. Unfortunately, losing your contacts list in a phone is a warning that you may be cut off from friends and family. This dream is asking you to reconnect with what is important to you.

New Phone Dream

 If you bought a new phone or were given a new phone in a dream, you are looking forward to better communication with those you care about. You want to create happy memories and work efficiently not hard. When a phone is given to you, someone in your sphere is trying to help you create a better social life.

Repairing A Phone Dream

A dream where you repair a phone or someone else repairs a phone is a sign of renewed communication. You may have lost touch with someone or had a bad argument. Therefore, fixing the phone is symbolic of repaired communications and relationships.

Selling A Phone Dream

Selling your phone or someone else’s phone in a dream may mean that you do not value your relationships. You see those around you as products that can be bought and sold. You would prefer to have money than lots of people to communicate with.

However, if you sold a phone that was no longer needed, then you are a practical person who is not overly sentimental.

Stolen Phone Dream

A dream where someone steals your phone means that you have enemies who want to control you. They want to know who you communicate with. Beware of those who are too invasive of your privacy.

If you steal a phone in your dream, if means that you are trying to control someone else.

Receive A Phone Call Dream

Dreaming of receiving a phone call means that you are expecting important news. The nature of the call will give you an idea of the type of news.

To receive a phone call from work in your dream is a warning that you are working too hard. Try to relax more so that work cannot interfere with your need to rest.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

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Dream Interpretations

I started interpreting dreams when I was a teenager. I always had very detailed dreams and would recount them to my friends. A boyfriend bought me a dream dictionary and I started to delve into interpretation. Unfortunately, I found that many dreams had elements that were contradictory and so I did not get a good understanding of my dream by just using a dictionary.

I realised that different people have different relationships with dream symbols based on experience, their daily lives and culture. A person who keeps snakes will have a different interpretation of a snake dream to a person who has a fear of snakes.

Dreams may have symbols that are good omens or bad omens, understanding the context of the omens will help you to interpret their true meaning for you.

My blog is a series of dreams and interpretations of the elements in each dream to help you to understand how best to interpret your dreams, I am also available to interpret a dream for you.

Need a dream interpretation email me.

Dream Better

If you would like help with reaching your life goals, I can help you! Life Coaching Contact  I trained as a life coach in 2009 and have worked with many people since then. I specialise in careers advice, education and living well…

Explore posts to help you remember and record your dreams here: Dream Better .This section also contains posts about living your dream life. More to come….contact me for the latest updates!

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If you would like me to analyse your dream or read your tarot cards, contact me here: Dream Products 

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Are you disturbed by emotional dreams? 14 explanations here.

dreaming charming black woman leaning on table

Intense emotions in a dream can cause you to wake up in a good or a bad mood? But what do these dreams mean?

Emotional Dreams

You can experience a whole gamut of emotional feelings during a dream state. Some dreams are very vivid and you may wake up angry, scared or disturbed. If you are having a recurring dream that is interfering with the way that you live, you should seek professional help.

Help yourself by reprogramming annoying recurring dreams in your head. Set an intention before sleep so that if you are having a recurring nightmare, you are able to write a new script and change the scary ending. Think of something ridiculous or funny to help you to achieve this.

It is believed that many emotional dreams are a replay of something that happened to us during the day. Read the definitions below to see if these rings true for you.

Anger Dream

This dream can be quite disturbing and reflects a state of pent up anger. Perhaps, there is something happening in your waking life that causes you to be upset, but you are not in a position to vent those feelings. You may be surrounded by unfairness and favouritism, potentially, someone is not listening to you or you are hiding your emotions. An anger dream is your mind’s way of telling you to let your emotions out.

Laughter Dream

If you dreamed of laughing, you have happiness and good times ahead. However if someone was laughing at you and you were unhappy about it, you need to consider who your friends are. Are you getting good advice and making sound decisions in life? Are you lacking in confidence and have a fear of being laughed not based on reality? Take a step back to consider why you are feeling this way.

Laughing with friends is a sign of supportive relationships and a common philosophy. You are living in harmony with those around you.

Crying Dream

A dream where you are crying is a sign of loss or pain. Perhaps you have been disappointed with your life and have been unable to express your feelings openly. A crying dream is a reminder to let your emotions out.

If you dreamed of someone else crying and you tried to help them, you are emotionally secure and strong enough to cope with your own feelings and also to assist others. However, if you were annoyed by someone else crying, you need to think about how your actions may impact those around you. Try to be more sensitive in your approach.

Jealousy Dream

Feelings of envy in a dream, especially when intensified with the colour green, show that you are not feeling valued. Other people in your life are succeeding and getting rewards but it isn’t your turn. Think about why you are unhappy and what steps you can take to improve your feelings of unfairness.

When you dream about someone being jealous of you, consider how fortunate you are. Your reaction of whether to assist them or to ignore them will depend on their relationship you. Be happy that you are admired.

Excitement Dream

A dream about excitement, means that things are going to get better for you. Perhaps everything in your life is not perfect at the moment but being excited means that your plans will come to fruition soon.

Depressed Dream

Dreaming that you are in a low mood and nothing will make you happy is an expression of how dark your life seems. It’s possible that in daily life you are putting on a brave face about how you really feel. Fortunately, this dream is a warning to you to take some action before things get worse. You need to explore your feelings and work out what you can change in order to make yourself feel better.

Scared Dream

Sometimes you wake up scared and sometimes you have had a really scary nightmare. It can be ghosts, zombies, monsters and or real things that scare you. Look up the meaning of the scary thing and think about how you can change things. You may need to write a new script for this dream so that if it reoccurs you can vanquish whatever is causing you fear.

Scary dreams usually occur because something in your life is causing you anxiety. This may be something that has already happened to you or something that you fear will happen. Take whatever steps you can to alleviate this fear.

If you see someone in your dream who is scared. You are being told to act as a reassuring person to help others in your life who are not as brave as you are.

Love Dream

To feel the emotion of love in a dream is a wonderful feeling. It is possible that you have strong feelings about protecting and nurturing someone in a relationship but you are unable to do so in waking life. To dream about the act of making love in a dream means that you have pent up physical desires and you are looking for some release.

Guilty Dream

When you feel guilty in a dream, you should question your acts in waking life to see what you are doing that is causing this feeling. You may be doing something that is legal but your mind is telling you that it is the wrong thing. What actions can you take to make things better?

Surprise Dream

Dreaming about being surprised is a need to have more excitement in your life. Your mind is craving stimulation or for something different to happen to change your routine.

Embarrassment Dream

If you were embarrassed in your dream then you are likely to be doing something secretive in your life. Your dream is reminding you that if others discover your secret you will be embarrassed. Think carefully about your actions and the consequences.

Boredom Dream

To dream of being bored, sadly this means that you are probably depressed or in a low mood. You are not feeling in control of your life or you have little ability to change things. Take what actions you can to alleviate the situation.

Gratitude Dream

It’s lovely to dream of being grateful, you are feeling happy and secure. You are surrounded by people who both help and support you.

If someone in your dream was grateful to you, then you are being rewarded for the kind deeds that you have done. Perhaps people have not shown you that they are grateful to you but your help has really made a difference.

Loneliness Dream

This is a sad dream because you are not feeling supported. You may be surrounded by people but you are unable to truly talk to about how you feel. You need to seek people with similar life experiences and confide in them to get the help that you crave.


I hope that at least one of these 14 emotional dream types rang true for you. Remember to consider all the other aspects of the dream to come up with a complete meaning.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

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How to interpret your crazy wedding dreams

woman in black dress and men in gray dress shirt

You dream about weddings whether you are due to get married or not. Is it pre-wedding nerves or something else?

Wedding Dreams

Generally getting married in a dream is about making a serious commitment to something. It is a dream about a long awaited change. But there are many types of wedding dreams, see if you can find your dream below.

Attending A Wedding

If you dreamed about attending a wedding but you are not part of the wedding party then you are feeling left behind. It seems as if everyone around you is settling down but you have yet to find either your soul mate or your life purpose.

However, if you dreamed of being the best man, or bridesmaid at a wedding then those close to you have faith that you will be there for them

If you dreamt that your child was getting married but they are too young. You fear that they are growing up and will leave you. Stop neglecting yourself, remember that your happiness is important to your child as well as yourself.

A dream that your parents are marrying someone else and in reality they are not means that you feel insecure in your close family relationships

Divorce Dream

If you dreamed that you were getting divorced but in reality this is not true, then whatever you are doing in life is not working out. You are being told to make some major changes in your life path, especially in your personal relationships.

Cheating On Your Future Spouse

Dreaming about cheating on your future spouse means that you are feeling guilty about something. You are afraid that the commitment you have made will stifle you as a person. You should talk about whatever is bothering you with your partner.

If you dreamed of cheating with the best man or a bridesmaid this is a sign that you have not been honest about your feelings. You should take more time to consider before you sign any paperwork.

Runaway Bride/Groom Dream

If you ran away from your wedding in a dream, you have a fear of commitment. Perhaps you have been pressured into a certain course of action and you would like to escape. Now, is a good time to make a decision about your future and change direction before it is too late!

A dream where you arrive at the wedding but your spouse does not, indicates that you are fearful that those closest to you do not share your enthusiasm and commitment to an important project.

Marry a Family Member Dream

When you dream about marrying a family member, you are letting this person ruin your life. This family member has such a strong hold on you that you are unable to form other meaningful relationships. You need to break free.

Marrying an Ex Dream

A dream of marrying an ex is pure nostalgia. Perhaps you are remembering the happy times together and life seemed better when you were with them. But relationships break up for a reason and it is likely, that should you reunite all of the old patterns would repeat themselves. It is time to move on.

Marrying your Boss or Co-Worker

If you dream about marrying your boss or co-worker, you are being warned that you spend far to much time at work. Happily this is a warning to slow down, think about your other more important commitments.

Happy Wedding Dream

When you dream about a happy wedding, you are contented with your long term plans and the commitments you have made in your life.

Rainy Wedding Day Dream

If your dream involved getting married in the rain, you have a fear that the universe is not smiling on you. You feel that you have not made fortunate choices in your life.

Wedding Outfit Dream

Whether you are getting married or not, this is an anxiety dream. If the outfit is too big or too small, you feel as if you have committed to the wrong thing. You are not a good fit for this person or this situation.

If your wedding outfit is missing you are worried that other people are becoming too close to you. You like to create a beautiful impression and be admired from a distance.

A dream where the bridesmaid and groomsmen clothes are missing, means that you have not had enough time to plan your future and everything feels rushed. You need some more support from those close to you.

Problems With Wedding Meal Dream

If your dream involves a problem with the wedding meal, you have issues with security. Unfortunately, the commitments that you have made in your life might not even take care of your basic needs.

Problems With Wedding Ceremony and Paperwork Dream

If you dream about having problems with a wedding ceremony or the paperwork, you have a fear that what you are doing is unconventional and may not be legal. You would like to take some action but there is always something official that stands in your way.

No Guests Arrive At Wedding Dream

A dream where no guests turn up at your wedding is a fear that those around you do not agree with your long term plans. You are not getting the love and support that you need. You should discuss this or seek support somewhere else.

Dream Meaning Late To A Wedding

A dream where you are late to your own wedding means that you fear that you have missed the deadline for a project. You are embarrassed, it would be a good idea to discuss why you were delayed.

In a dream, if your spouse is late to your wedding, you fear that those close to you do not have the same enthusiasm for a joint commitment.

Dream Meaning Invitations

Receiving a wedding invitation in a dream is telling you to expect some happy times ahead with friends and family. If you were unhappy about the invitation, then this is a dream about a missed opportunity for a long term commitment.

A dream about sending out invitations with the wrong date is an anxiety dream. You feel that there are communication problems between you and your family and friends. They do not understand your long term goals. Unfortunately, when you talk to them things get worse.

Wedding Ring Dreams

A dream about your wedding rings is about the outward signs of a committed relationship. This can be a work relationship or a personal one. If the rings were missing in your dream, then is it going to be difficult to explain your commitment to others.

If your spouse loses a wedding ring in your dream then you will struggle to keep others committed to your project. A wedding ring that does not fit in a dream, is a warning that you are committing to the wrong person or idea.

Forgetting Your Vows Dream

If you are unable to recall your vows in a dream, you should reconsider what you are committing to. Seriously, if you are unsure of your intent, how can you make a long term success of a relationship?


There are so many types of wedding dream, many more things than I have covered here. I didn’t even get to the honey moon! Reach out to me with your dreams and I will interpret them for you.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

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More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

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Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Other Dreams:

Dream List

Transportation Dreams

Dreams about clothes

Dreams about Situations

Dreams about buildings, furniture, objects

Dreams about Nature

Dreams about Family and People

Are you bothered by snake dreams? Find help here! -

Snake Dreams

Are you bothered by snake dreams? Generally a dream about a snake is about an enemy, someone poisonous in your life, who slithers around and may strike you at any time. However, this is not true of all snake dreams. If you own a snake the meaning will be related to how you see snakes – if you adore snakes then a snake may be seen as a hidden friend.

Stepping Over Snakes

If your dream involved stepping over a snake or several snakes then you are able to avoid conflict. You are aware that there are those around you who may wish to harm you fortunately, you are able to keep yourself safe by being careful in your actions.

Dream about being bitten by a snake

A snake bite in a dream, means that in life you have hidden enemies that may strike out against you at any time. Usually a snake bite is sudden and unexpected and so this is a warning to watch your enemies closely! If you dreamed about many snakes beware, there is more than one person conspiring against you.

Many snakes in a dream

When you see many snakes in a dream it means that you are in the snakes territory. In life you are surrounded by those who are different from you and you will need to tread carefully to avoid falling into conflict with those around you. You are in an environment where people move differently, they are nervous and easily upset. People may act against you because they see you as a threat.

Dream about a snake shedding it’s skin

A snake shedding it’s skin is a sign of renewal, refreshment and of growth. This is a good omen because it means that you are growing and developing. You will have a fresh outlook and a new lease on life. You have grown out of your old skin and are ready for something new.

Snake Charmer Dream

If you saw a snake charmer in your dream, you are around someone who is able to manipulate those around you to obey. If you were the snake charmer, then you have a great sales talent which will give you power over a wide variety of people.

Poisonous Snake Dream

When you are surrounded by poisonous snakes in a dream, it is likely that the people around you in life have poisonous tongues and will say and write bad things about you. Watch your back!

Pet Snake Dream

A pet snake in a dream, if it was your snake, shows that you are willing to open your heart and your home to someone who is different from you. If the snake belonged to someone else, that person is open minded and open hearted, the meaning will depend on the relationship that you have with that person.

Hissing Snake Dream

A dream where you see a hissing snake is a warning that you will be hurt if you do not change your current attitude. You need to stand back and allow everyone to calm down. It is possible that others see you as a threat and will retaliate if you persist.

Crushed by a Snake Dream

If your dream involved being crushed by a snake, it is likely that those around you are restricting your movement. Perhaps you are living in a community with a lot of rules that are crushing your personality. You may be in a relationship where your partner or a family member is too possessive or overbearing. You are feeling crushed!

If you escaped from the snake then that is a happy omen, you will be able to get away from this stifling situation.

Dead Snake Dream

A dream about a dead snake is a sign that those who were going to harm you have been defeated. If you killed the snake you have triumphed over those who would deceive you.

Snake in a Tree Dream

Dreaming about a snake or snakes in a tree is a sign that those above you do not have your best interests at heart and they are openly threatening you. This could be older family members, managers at work or even government bodies.

Swimming Snake Dream

If your dream involved seeing snakes swimming it is a reminder that your enemies are versatile and can pursue you in many different ways. If you like looking at the snakes then you can appreciate the skill and adaptability of those around you, fortunately, you can watch them without getting drawn into danger.

Snake Colours in Dreams

Red snake – danger. Watch out for hidden enemies

Orange snake – change. Get ready for some important developments in your life.

Yellow snake – success. You are likely to overcome any obstacles. The sun is shining on you and those around you.

Green snake – the natural world. Go out, enjoy some time in the outdoors and appreciate being in a different element

Blue snake – Communication, coldness. Talk to those who oppose you to resolve any conflicts. You can remain detached.

Purple snake – promotion. You are likely to get recognition for your work with others.

Black snake – hidden, night. Watch out for those who will be working overtime to get their own way. There may be a hidden agenda.

White snake – innocence, newness. You will have a truce with those who formerly opposed you. A fresh start in a relationship.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Other Dreams:

Dream List

Transportation Dreams

Dreams about clothes

Dreams about Situations

Dreams about buildings, furniture, objects

Dreams about Nature

Dreams about Family and People

How to Interpret your Hotel Dream. 14 Hotel Dreams Explained. - Dreamed About

Hotel Dreams are about temporary situations. They are usually about your work life balance or your living situation. Read below for more clarity….

General Meaning

How to interpret your hotel dream. A hotel is a place where we stay temporarily, it may be a refuge from stresses of everyday life. Usually, the meaning is that we are in a temporary living situation whether pleasant or not depends on the condition of the hotel.

Rundown Hotel

If you dreamed of staying in a rundown hotel, things in your life may look bad at the moment. However, the situation you are in will improve soon.

Luxury Hotel

If you dreamed of staying in a luxury hotel, remember to enjoy your present circumstances. Generally this is not permanent so enjoy it while it lasts.

Lost in a Hotel

If you dreamed of being lost in a hotel, you are having some trouble working out where you belong. Perhaps you have been moving house often or are in a new relationship? Currently, you are not feeling settled and the hotel is a place where you would like to stay until you find your roots. The same applies if you have lost the key to your hotel room. It’s a warning that you have lost your way in life and need to spend some time to consider the ‘key’ to getting your life back on track. Unfortunately the temporary situation that you are in is not working out for you either.

Working in a Hotel

Unless you work in a hotel in your waking life, you feel as if you are giving all of your time to others. Sadly you are running around for everyone else but you do not have time to take care of yourself. You feel as if life is passing you by and you need to have some adventures of your own.

If you do work in a hotel, consider the context of the dream as it relates to your work. Consider who was in the dream and what happened, the hotel is more likely to be a background to your true dream meaning.

Hotel Burning

If you dreamed of a hotel burning and you were inside it, this is a warning that you need to take care of some serious issues with your life before you can take time out to relax. All of your dreams are going up in smoke. Stay home and deal with your pressing personal issues.

If you saw a hotel burning in the distance, the dream is making you aware that other people around you are finding life stressful and they feel trapped and unable to escape from their responsibilities. You may be able to offer some assistance.

Hotel Falling Down

If you dreamed of a hotel falling down, your dreams of getting away are collapsing in front of your eyes. You need to find more stability in your life before you are able to take some time out. This is a time to buckle down and do what you can to make yourself more secure.

Building a Hotel

If you dreamed about building a hotel, you are making long term plans for your future or perhaps your retirement. Things may take a while and you will have to work hard in the short term. Be careful not to work too hard and miss out on all the fun in life.

Living in a Hotel

If you dreamed of living in a hotel the situation depends on the type of hotel that you are living in. A luxurious hotel would mean that you are on permanent vacation and life is fun for you. If you are living in a hotel/hostel situation then your life is very unstable, you need to take steps to make some long term plans so that you can set down permanent roots and work on your personal development.

Meeting Friends in a Hotel

A dream about meeting friends in a hotel is a good omen of happy times ahead, having the opportunity to hang out with friends socially either current friends or making new friends. This is a short period so enjoy it!

Meeting Enemies in a Hotel

If you dreamed about running into your enemies in a hotel, your dream is telling you that there is no escape from your current situation. Unfortunately, something has to change before you can relax. You need to make peace with those who have hurt you or you will be forever haunted. It may be a case of letting something go, so that you can move on with your life.

Unable to Find your Hotel Room

If you dreamed that you are staying in a hotel and you are unable to find your room it means that you cannot find your place in life. You know that you are only in the hotel for a short while but you are unable to get the relaxation that you crave because other things in your life are so unsettled. Fortunately this is temporary and you will eventually find your place.

If you remember the room number that you were looking for, consider if it has any significance in your life. You can also check the meaning of the number under my General Dreams section.

Hotel Lift

If you dreamed of going up in a hotel lift, you will have a temporary rise in life, it could be money, social status or related to pleasure and relaxation.

If you dreamed of descending in a hotel life, you will have a temporary setback, probably related to your leisure time activities.

Rodent Infested Hotel

If you dreamed of a revolting dirty hotel, this is a warning that things are not what they appear to be. If you are signing any contracts check the get out clause in case things do not work out. It is not a long term situation but it’s better to be prepared and to protect yourself.


Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Other Dreams:

Dream List

Transportation Dreams

Dreams about clothes

Dreams about Situations

Dreams about buildings, furniture, objects

Dreams about Nature

Dreams about Family and People


Dream Meanings. Be free of these 12 common dreams -

12 Common Dreams

Almost certainly you will have had at least one of these dreams. When one of these dreams reoccurs several times in your life it is a signal to take care of the issue that is causing this dream. I have included some suggestions in this blog.

1. Naked in Public.

This common dream is about feeling exposed and vulnerable. There are no clothes to protect you or to shield your private parts from public scrutiny. For most people this is an uncomfortable dream. You are unable to hide who you are and you may be criticised in a personal way.

The location of this dream will give you an idea of where you are feeling exposed. To be naked in an office is a fear that those who you work with will see how vulnerable you are. To be naked with family is a fear that that your family know too much about your private life. The message is to take your power and to make whatever changes in your life that will protect you from criticism. You can either change your behaviour or change who you confide in.

If you enjoyed being naked in your dream, then you are comfortable with who you are. You do not fear what others think about you. If your dream involved being naked with a lover, here is a dream lover interpretation.

2. Looking for a toilet

If you dreamed about looking for a toilet in your dream then you are concerned about your privacy. Commonly in this dream, you are unable to find anywhere to go to unload your waste. Generally, you have a fear of intimacy and you try to dispose of your worries and debris from your past. Unfortunately, there are constant reminders around you and sadly you are unable to escape and let go. This dream is urging you to move away from a current situation as even your most basic emotional needs are not being catered for.

3. Driving an out of control car

In this dream you are either driving very fast, you cannot find the brakes, steer the car or you are driving backwards. All of these dreams are about how you are moving through life. If the car is out of control and driving very fast, it is a sign that you are being impulsive, rushing into situations and are out of control.

If the car is out of control and you cannot find the brakes, you do not know how to slow down in your life so that you can enjoy the moment that you are living in. You are in danger of crashing through your life unless you make an effort to calm down.

If you cannot steer the car, then you are having trouble changing direction in your life. You would like to do something different but the forces and patterns that are established are making it difficult for you to find a new path. Hold on tight and soon things will change.

If the car is out of control and you are going backwards, you are having trouble escaping your past. It doesn’t matter how hard you try, the past will always catch up with you. It may be time to face your demons.

4. Falling Dream

If you dreamed about falling, then you feel as if you are not in control of your life. Everything is happening to you and you are unable to take any steps to change anything. Should you continue on your current path, it is inevitable that you will eventually reach rock bottom.

If you fell and landed safely, then it is a sign that you are able to cope with this setback and in time you will be able to take control of your life again. If the fall was devastating, this is a warning that you must take immediate action to change the course of your life.

5. Dream about Going Down

Direction is quite important in your dreams, any dream where you are descending means that you are going down in life. This can be a drop in status or a drop in income, it may also be symbolic of getting down to basics in some way. In our dream you may be walking downstairs, down a hill, going down in a lift, if the descent was deliberate you are willing taking a step back.

6. Dream about Going Up

If you dreamed about going up, then you are likely to have some kind of promotion or a rise in status or income. You could be going up in a lift, in a helicopter, climbing a hill, the ease of the rise will tell you how difficult or easy your rise in status will be for you.

7. Barrier Dream

If your dreamed involved a barrier, then there are obstacles in life that are preventing you from reaching your goals. The nature and size of the barrier will give you an idea of how easy it will be to overcome the object. Some barriers can be jumped over, such as small walls and streams, whereas some barriers can be very high solid walls that will take a great deal of work to overcome.

8. Being Chased

A dream of being chased symbolises anxiety and that something from the past that you thought was behind you, may catch up with you. If you escaped from the chaser then you will be able to overcome this. If you are chased by a monster you will have to decide whether it is worth facing your fear. Did the monster give up or is it still waiting for you in a future dream?

You will also need to consider what would happen if the chaser caught up with you. This will help you to work out what you are running from and the best steps you can take to escape.

9. Being in School

If you dreamed about being in school you are feeling inadequate, you feel as if people are treating you like a child. School is where we learn basic lessons in life. It is likely that someone in your circle is not treating you with respect. You may also be feeling overwhelmed by a situation. Perhaps, you feel the need to go back to study so that you are able to cope with new situations in your life.

10. Teeth Falling Out Dream

If you dreamed about your teeth falling out, you are feeling a loss of power. You have no teeth so you cannot bite into anything and it is difficult for you to eat and sustain yourself. Teeth are important for your strength and your ability to survive. This dream may relate to physical problems that you are experiencing.

11. Taking a Test

If you dreamed about taking a test, you feel as if you need to prove yourself to others. Only by passing a test can you have evidence that you have the skills and abilities to do your job. You feel that those around you do not trust you and you need a boost to your confidence.

12. Dream of Dying

If you dreamed about dying, there are major changes happening in your life. One area of your life is over and you will be having a fresh start. There will be a transformation in the way that you live.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


More of my dream interpretations!

Dream about losing a shoe

This is my dream interpretation blog where I describe a dream, interpret the elements of the dream and then give a dream interpretation.

In today's dream our dreamer is sitting at a table in a hotel, there are 5 of them at the table. One is a sister and another is an old friend from school. There is a disturbance and the lights go out. It is dark and the dreamer has lost their shoes. The school friend has a torch and helps the dreamer to find the right shoe, eventually a left shoe is found but it is not the matching shoe. The friend starts talking to the sister about someone the dreamer used to date and says they look good now. The dreamer agrees but wants to find the left shoe of the pair. The friend loses interest in finding the shoe because the other one is good enough. What does this dream mean?

Dream meaning hotel: If you dream about a hotel, hostel, bed and breakfast - you are in transition between one phase or one place in your life and another. Hotels are temporary accommodation so the place that you are in now will change and transition into something else. The condition of the hotel will give you an idea of whether this is a positive or negative change for you. A broken down hotel would mean that things are not going well at the moment, a luxurious hotel means that financially things are good - however these are transitory places and so change will come either way.

Dream meaning 5 - Five is the number of change and growth. It means that things are not stable and that you are ready to move on to something better.

Dream meaning Sister - Dreaming about your sister is usually a symbol of close family ties, friendship and happy times. The context needs to be taken into account and also the relationship with a sister in real life. Dreaming about a sister if you do not have one, shows that you still have close friends and ties who will be loyal to you in the long run.

Dream Meaning Dark - If you dreamed of being in the dark and unable to see, this means that you are struggling to find your way in life. You may be lacking the information you need to make a decision, you may be afraid to move forward or feeling lost and unsure about how to proceed.

Dream Meaning Shoes - If you dreamed about shoes you are thinking about the way that you move through life, shoes protect our feet and enable us to go further, to move comfortably on different surfaces and terrains. You may dream of shoes to enhance your beauty and make you more attractive. Broken or uncomfortable shoes will make it hard for you to progress on your path in life, it might mean that you need to do a rethink or reassess your needs. If your heels were too high, it is a sign that you are deliberately making yourself vulnerable and allowing vanity to prevent you from making progress towards your goals.

Shoes have soles and sometimes the dream may be referring to your soul. A lost shoe dream means that you have lost or not yet found your partner or your soul mate.

Dream Meaning Torch/Flashlight - dreaming of a torch or flashlight literally means shedding some light on a situation in your life. A flashlight helps you find the way. A broken flashlight or torch means that you will struggle to find your next step or you may have to choose an alternative source of help to reach your goals.

Dream Meaning Old Friend - When you dream of old friends it is usually because you are feeling wistful about past times. You may be looking back at a situation and wondering why things did not work out or wondering how you got to your present place. An old friend in a dream is still someone who is traditionally there to help and support you. Their appearance can be related to the events that were happening in your life when you were friends - relationships, education, work.

Dream Meaning:

In this dream our dreamer finds themselves in a temporary situation based on the hotel and the number 5. They are in a position of transition and change and are surrounded by friends who want to help. Everything goes dark and the dreamer has lost become lost. The friend who provides the torch helps them to find their soul -this is the first shoe. They find another shoe but it is not a perfect match, the friend thinks this is good enough. The dreamer is also reminded of an ex by the sister and friend so they are trying to help the dreamer find love. The dreamer is looking for their soul mate and it must be a perfect match. This dream is about finding true love and the message to the dreamer is that friends may want to help you find a partner but they can only do so much. Ultimately the dreamer must find their best match, their soul mate, even if it takes a long time and others give up trying to help.

Tarot Card Associated with this Dream

5 cupsRider Waite Tarot - The Five of Cups

I chose this tarot card to go with the dream because it is associated with the number 5, the number of transition and change. The suit of cups is associated with the emotions and love. In this card the person is in a relationship but three cups have fallen over and two are left standing. There is a choice, to stay and make the best of what is left of this relationship or to move onto something different. This is the choice of our dreamer, to be in an imperfect relationship, the shoe that doesn't quite match or to continue to look for their soul mate.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Please see list of dreams below.

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dream about losing a shoe

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

This is my blog where I describe a dream and then analyse the different elements of the dream to understand the message of the dream.

In today's dream, our dreamer is watching a nephew playing with their cell phone. The nephew holds a magnet to the cell phone. The dreamer is upset and is worried that the memory will be erased. The dreamer takes back the cell phone and is enraged to find that everything has been deleted.  What does this dream mean?

Dream meaning: Cell Phone/Mobile Phone. Dreaming about a cell phone or mobile phone is about identity and communication. Mobile phones are used to contact other people, we depend on them to stay in constant touch with friends and family. A phone is used to take photos so is used to create memories. Mobile phones may be used to upload to social media which is concerned with the image that we want to portray to the world. We may use a GPS on a mobile phone to find our way. 

Dream Meaning  - Lose Mobile/Cell Phone: To dream of losing your mobile phone is a fear of losing your identity and losing touch with those that you care about. If you use your phone mostly for finding your way -then your fear is of getting lost . If you use your phone for social media your fear is of losing touch and not knowing everything that is happening in your circle. 

Dream Meaning  - Finding a Cell Phone - If you found someone else's phone, then you are feeling like an intruder in someone else's life. Perhaps someone has opened up to you and shared too much information or you are feeling overwhelmed by other people's demands on you. If you found your own phone this is a sign that communication for you is going to become much easier and smoother.

Dream Meaning - Broken Cell/Mobile Phone - If your cell phone is broken in a dream, this is a warning that you are having communication and image problems. You may be feeling lost of cut off from friends and family. If the memory of your cell phone is lost then you have last touch with those that you care about.

Dream Meaning -New Cell/Mobile Phone - If you bought a new phone or were given a new phone, you will have better and faster communication. You will be feeling refreshed and happy and will be in touch with your image, your memories and those you care about.

Dream Meaning - Family Members.

Dream Meaning - Father - Generally, a father in a dream represents someone who is in authority and who cares about you and your future.

Dream Meaning - Mother - Generally, a mother in a dream represents someone who nurtures you, feeds you an takes care of your needs.

Dream Meaning - Brother - Generally, a dream about a brother, represents someone who is protective towards you and has been through similar experiences in life.

Dream Meaning - Sister - Generally, a dream about a sister, represents a companion in life who is similar to you in background. Someone who is there for you for the long term.

Dream Meaning - Grandparents - Generally a dream about grandparents is about people in your life who are mature, experienced and who care for you. They have your best interests at heart. 

Dream Meaning - Uncle or Aunt - Generally a dream about Uncle or Aunt is a sign that you are moving away from the influence of your immediate family. You are in touch with family but have distanced yourself.

Dream Meaning -Nephew or Niece -Generally a dream about a niece or nephew is a sign that you will have small trials in life with family, simple conflicts and responsibilities that you may not have asked for.

Dream Meaning - Children- Generally, dreaming about your children, this represents your desire to grow and to nurture and to make a difference. Children can also represent your inner child that has a need to come out and play.

What does today's dream mean?

The nephew using a magnet to destroy the phone memory. The dreamers family are causing problems for the dreamer, the dreamer is in danger of losing their friends and close connections because of a family member. The family is deliberately making it difficult for the dreamer to maintain their social life, their identity and their ability to freely move around.

Tarot Card Associated with this Dream.

10 swordsThe Rider Waite Tarot Deck

I chose this card because it is about endings, it can mean death to a way of life and a new start in the future as the dawn is breaking. This card is about being stabbed in the back so many times that you can't go on, something has to change. You are feeling defeated. This is in line with the dream where the family are cutting the dreamer off, breaking communications and isolating them.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Please see list of dreams below.

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about losing a shoe

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web


Learn to read tarot - The Chariot

This is my tarot reading blog to help you to learn the meanings of the tarot cards quickly and easily, using visual, audio and kinaesthetic cues.  I like to use the traditional Rider Waite tarot cards as the symbology is so beautiful.

The Chariot

The Chariot is number seven in the major arcana, it is the magical number 7 card associated with luck.

The card depicts a journey or someone moving away from the city to another destination.

The charioteer has to control two Sphinxes that are opposite colours, black and white and who may be pulling in different directions.

The Chariot represents strength, being determined to reach a goal. There are talismans to bring luck to the tasks.

A crescent moon represents fertility, growth, power and creativity associated with this card.

The square carriage represents the harmony and balance that must be maintained in order to reach the goal.

There is a lingon and yoni symbol that represents a sexual union between man and woman. This card is about bringing harmony between opposites and cooperation.

All 4 elements work together in this card to reach a destination.

The charioteer wears a star of authority and the colour yellow is strong in this card representing consciousness.

I have added some tarot quizzes to TikTok under Mysticpolly. Enjoy!


Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Learn to read tarot - The Lovers

This is my tarot reading blog to help you to learn the meanings of the tarot cards quickly and easily, using visual, audio and kinaesthetic cues.  I like to use the traditional Rider Waite tarot cards as the symbology is so beautiful.

The Lovers

The lovers are card number 6 in the major arcana. Number 6 is associated with harmony and the opportunity to create safety and security by choice.

This card depicts the archangel Raphael who is in charge of partnerships of healing the divide between things, of building bridges and of medical workers who heal.

The lovers is about making choices the woman is a temptress, she stands by the tree with the forbidden fruit and the snake from the garden of Eden.

The card represents the passion of physical love, there is a volcano that may erupt.

The male may be a soul mate, he could also be temptation, there is heat, honest represented by the nudity of the man and woman.

There could be a union of opposites to create a harmonious whole. This can also represent working on a relationship.

I have added some tarot quizzes to TikTok under Mysticpolly. Enjoy!


Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Learn to read tarot - The Hierophant

This is my tarot reading blog to help you to learn the meanings of the tarot cards quickly and easily, using visual, audio and kinaesthetic cues.  I like to use the traditional Rider Waite tarot cards as the symbology is so beautiful.

The Hierophant

The Hierophant is card number 5 of the major arcana, this can be a card of conflict or choosing to change direction. It is the energy and balance of the four plus one. It is associated with spiritual growth.

The Hierophant has Taurus energy the strength and power of the bull, with Venus - a love of beauty and luxury.

The Hierophant wears blue, white and red robes so is associated with communication, purity and knowledge.

He wears a 3 tiered crown, representing the conscious, unconscious and super conscious.

The Hierophant is the Pope, the father of kings, the governor of the world. He holds a sceptre of sovereignty.

He has power and teaches spiritual knowledge to the initiates - with this card you could be the Hierophant or an initiate who is gaining knowledge as a student.

The Hierophant is a preacher, he can be associated with marriage. This card is associated with tradition, rituals, joining a group. You may have joined a religious group, a cult, something that is related to spiritual studies.


I have added some tarot quizzes to TikTok under Mysticpolly. Enjoy!

Tarot Reading

More than 30 years of experience with the tarot cards. Let me answer your questions.

$50 per hour for a face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

If you would like a tarot reading, please email me.

Let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Dream Interpretations

I started interpreting dreams when I was a teenager. I always had very detailed dreams and would recount them to my friends. A boyfriend bought me a dream dictionary and I started to delve into interpretation. Unfortunately, I found that many dreams had elements that were contradictory and so I did not get a good understanding of my dream by just using a dictionary.

I realised that different people have different relationships with dream symbols based on experience, their daily lives and culture. A person who keeps snakes will have a different interpretation of a snake dream to a person who has a fear of snakes.

Dreams may have symbols that are good omens or bad omens, understanding the context of the omens will help you to interpret their true meaning for you.

My blog is a series of dreams and interpretations of the elements in each dream to help you to understand how best to interpret your dreams, I am also available to interpret a dream for you.

Need a dream interpretation email me.


Readings are for entertainment only!

Here are some other tarot posts: 

Easy Tarot Reading - Introduction

Learn to read tarot - The Fool

Learn to read tarot - The Magician

Learn to read tarot - The High Priestess

Learn to read tarot - The Empress

Learn to read tarot - The Emperor


Learn to read tarot - The Emperor

This is my tarot reading blog to help you to learn the meanings of the tarot cards quickly and easily, using visual, audio and kinaesthetic cues.  I like to use the traditional Rider Waite tarot cards as the symbology is so beautiful.

The Emperor

The emperor is card number 4 of the major arcana. Four is associated with squares, four even sides, stability and balance. Everything is on a stable footing.

This card has a close association with Aries the Ram. The emperor is a leader, he is in charge. He is associated with fire and can be seen as a father figure. 

The emperor is associated with power and force and strength.

The emperor wears red, for passion and knowledge, there is also danger if you make him mad!

There is a warlike feeling with this card, Aries is rules by Mars, the God of War and the Emperor is wearing a suit of armour, he is ready to do battle.

He has the symbol of an ankh which represents hidden spiritual knowledge and fertility.

He holds an orb in his hand and this represents power over the world, thoughts about ruling the planet are associated with this.

This person is strong, a powerful leader, straight and forthright, perhaps inflexible, obeying the rules and expecting to be obeyed. There is an inflexibility with the number 4.

Here is my YouTube video for this card:

I have added some tarot quizzes to TikTok under Mysticpolly. Enjoy!

Tarot Reading

More than 30 years of experience with the tarot cards. Let me answer your questions.

$50 per hour for a face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

If you would like a tarot reading, please email me.

Let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Dream Interpretations

I started interpreting dreams when I was a teenager. I always had very detailed dreams and would recount them to my friends. A boyfriend bought me a dream dictionary and I started to delve into interpretation. Unfortunately, I found that many dreams had elements that were contradictory and so I did not get a good understanding of my dream by just using a dictionary.

I realised that different people have different relationships with dream symbols based on experience, their daily lives and culture. A person who keeps snakes will have a different interpretation of a snake dream to a person who has a fear of snakes.

Dreams may have symbols that are good omens or bad omens, understanding the context of the omens will help you to interpret their true meaning for you.

My blog is a series of dreams and interpretations of the elements in each dream to help you to understand how best to interpret your dreams, I am also available to interpret a dream for you.

Need a dream interpretation email me.



Readings are for entertainment only!

Here are some other tarot posts: 

Easy Tarot Reading - Introduction

Learn to read tarot - The Fool

Learn to read tarot - The Magician

Learn to read tarot - The High Priestess

Learn to read tarot - The Empress

Learn to read tarot - The Empress

This is my tarot reading blog to help you to learn the meanings of the tarot cards quickly and easily, using visual, audio and kinaesthetic cues.  I like to use the traditional Rider Waite tarot cards as the symbology is so beautiful.

The Empress

The empress is the third card of the major arcana, representing a partnership of 2 plus one to become 3. It is associated with fertility or with producing or creating something new.

The empress wears a crown of 12 stars, these can be called the 12 devotions of Mary or they may represent the 12 months of the year  -  a woman in charge of all seasons.

The pomegranate represents seeds and fertility and it is possible that the empress is expecting a child.

The empress wears red velvet representing luxury, passion and knowledge.

The has a heart shaped shield next to her seat with a symbol of Venus the goddess of love. There is a feeling a beauty and abundance.

The empress sits amongst a lush forest of fertility, everything is growing and coming into fruition.

A winding stream gives the water for life, to feed nature and create abundance.

There is a feeling of opulence with this card, a mother figure and giving birth, creating new life and being in harmony with nature, a feeling of physical love, beauty and having everything that is needed to grow.

Here is my YouTube video about The Empress:

I have added some tarot quizzes to TikTok under Mysticpolly. Enjoy!

Tarot Reading

More than 30 years of experience with the tarot cards. Let me answer your questions.

$50 per hour for a face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

If you would like a tarot reading, please email me.

Let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Dream Interpretations

I started interpreting dreams when I was a teenager. I always had very detailed dreams and would recount them to my friends. A boyfriend bought me a dream dictionary and I started to delve into interpretation. Unfortunately, I found that many dreams had elements that were contradictory and so I did not get a good understanding of my dream by just using a dictionary.

I realised that different people have different relationships with dream symbols based on experience, their daily lives and culture. A person who keeps snakes will have a different interpretation of a snake dream to a person who has a fear of snakes.

Dreams may have symbols that are good omens or bad omens, understanding the context of the omens will help you to interpret their true meaning for you.

My blog is a series of dreams and interpretations of the elements in each dream to help you to understand how best to interpret your dreams, I am also available to interpret a dream for you.

Need a dream interpretation email me.

Readings are for entertainment only!

Here are some other tarot posts: 

Easy Tarot Reading - Introduction

Learn to read tarot - The Fool

Learn to read tarot - The Magician

Learn to read tarot - The High Priestess

Learn to read tarot - The Lovers

Learn to read tarot - The Chariot


Learn to read tarot - The High Priestess

This is my tarot reading blog to help you to learn the meanings of the tarot cards quickly and easily, using visual, audio and kinaesthetic cues.  I like to use the traditional Rider Waite tarot cards as the symbology is so beautiful.

The High Priestess

This is card number 2 of the major arcana - it symbolises duality and partnerships.

The high priestess sits in front of a veil which represents the conscious and unconscious mind.

The pomegranates on the veil represent seeds and fertility, the hidden feminine, marriage, life, death and rebirth.

Persephone who had to return to the underworld for 6 months every year is associated with the pomegranate.

The priestess sits between 2 pillars of metal, representing strength and establishment. 

Despite this there is a strong sense of the feminine with the Egyptian lily representing rebirth.

The priestess wears a blue robe, that is associated with the throat chakra and with communication.

On her head is a diadem representing authority.

On her lap there is a Tora scroll showing hidden knowledge, there is a feeling of secrets that will be revealed in time.

The moon represents change, moon cycles and feminine energy.

The high priestess is a teacher, a librarian, a guarder of knowledge of fertility and feminine secrets. She represents knowledge and depth, intuition and spirituality.

Here is a link to my YouTube video about the high priestess:

I have added some tarot quizzes to TikTok under Mysticpolly. Enjoy!

Tarot Reading

More than 30 years of experience with the tarot cards. Let me answer your questions.

$50 per hour for a face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

If you would like a tarot reading, please email me.

Let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Dream Interpretations

I started interpreting dreams when I was a teenager. I always had very detailed dreams and would recount them to my friends. A boyfriend bought me a dream dictionary and I started to delve into interpretation. Unfortunately, I found that many dreams had elements that were contradictory and so I did not get a good understanding of my dream by just using a dictionary.

I realised that different people have different relationships with dream symbols based on experience, their daily lives and culture. A person who keeps snakes will have a different interpretation of a snake dream to a person who has a fear of snakes.

Dreams may have symbols that are good omens or bad omens, understanding the context of the omens will help you to interpret their true meaning for you.

My blog is a series of dreams and interpretations of the elements in each dream to help you to understand how best to interpret your dreams, I am also available to interpret a dream for you.

Need a dream interpretation email me.


Readings are for entertainment only!

Here are some other tarot posts: 

Easy Tarot Reading - Introduction

Learn to read tarot - The Fool

Learn to read tarot - The Magician