Dream Meaning - Train Journey
Dream Meaning -Insect Bite

Dream Meaning - Black Bird

black crows on black steel stand

Read on to find out what this dream means....

Dream about a black bird.

This is my blog where I describe a dream, interpret the elements of the dream and then write a full dream interpretation. As a tarot reader I also associate a tarot card meaning with the dream -just for fun!

In today's dream our dreamer sees a black bird similar to a raven or a crow. The bird is sitting on top of the house. Then the dreamer is in their car, they are not driving, the sister is driving. The black bird flies overhead and drops a children's car seat into the car. The neighbours are amazed. What does this dream mean?

Dream about Black Bird

Black birds in dreams can seem quite sinister, they are dark and mysterious. It is important to think about the type of black bird and also the actions of the bird.

Black is associated with darkness and things that are hidden. Hidden things can be secrets and the subconscious, they are not necessarily bad. Black is also associated with death as it is often used in mourning. Black can be associated with the dark arts too. Consider the actions of the bird, were they helpful or harmful? How did the bird make you feel?


These large black birds look scary and it is difficult to describe them as attractive. These birds are associated with death as they eat carrion, they clean up the dead. Dreaming of vultures may be positive or negative. If you dreamt that you were surrounded by vultures at work, it would mean that people are around you waiting for you to leave or make a mistake so that they can benefit.

If you dream or vultures in nature, it may be a symbol that everything will work out for the best. The vultures are there to clear everything up and you will have a rebirth or a fresh start.

To see vultures soaring overhead, would mean that you will have to wait for a fresh start, the process has not played out yet as the vultures are still waiting for things to conclude. Change will happen soon.

Ravens, Crows, Jackdaws in a dream

These are intelligent birds, they are opportunists and will steal your jewels and shiny things. If you see one of these black birds in your home it may be a warning that you should secure your valuables as someone is trying to steal something from you.

These birds can also symbolise your subconscious so if they are hanging around it is a reminder for you to look inside and consider your life and direction. It could be a reminder to use your gut feelings. The action of these birds is very significant, were the birds sinister or were they there to help you with something.

Blackbird in a dream

These garden birds are harmless, they eat fruit and worms and sing beautifully. These birds are our friends and a connection to our spirituality, they are a reminder that to get what you want you need to get up early and present a confident face to the world. It is a sign that you should sing, you may be singing your own praises or someone else who was in your dreamm.

Black Bird in a Cage Dream

If you dreamed of a black bird in a cage, it means that you are being restricted. Your subconscious is being restrained, it could be your own belief system that is limiting you or the people around you are not allow you the freedom that you need.

Sister Dream

Sisters are a gift, they are an extra person in your life who may be a constant companion or friend. The can also symbolise competition to affection.

Car Driving Dream

Dreams about being in a car can be interpreted by how the car was being driven, was it safe? Was the driving reckless? What was the road like? Who was driving the car? The answers to these questions will tell you how you are moving through life, what your environment is like and who is in control of you.

Car Seat Dream

Dreaming about a car seat can be interpreted as how comfortable are we when we move through life. A comfortable seat means that life is good, unfortunately a torn or damaged seat would mean that life is difficult and uncomfortable. Dreaming of a baby car seat, means that you are protecting others or your ideas. A baby in a dream can represent an idea that is new, a new situation, a new business. Think about what you are nurturing for an interpretation.

Interpretation of Today's Dream

In today's dream our dreamer is aware if a large dark bird at the house. This bird represents the dreamers self conscious, it is the shadow self, that they feel at home with. In the dream the bird drops a baby car seat into the dreamers car. The sister is driving the car, so our dreamer is happy not to be in total control of their life. The seat represents some new ideas that the dreamer has developed. The black bird, or self conscious is telling the dreamer to take their ideas with them. the dreamer is being asked to nurture their ideas and those around them will be amazed at what they can do. Our dreamer is perhaps a little shy and needs to have more confidence in their ability. They need to step up and take control of their life.

Tarot Card Associate with this Dream

woman in a red dress wearing creative makeup holding a tarot card

The death card...

Meaning of the death card

This card, like the black birds can seem really sinister but in reality it can be about rebirth and making a fresh start. Everything that existed previously can be swept away. This card represents starting afresh and having a rebirth, it can be new ideas and making radical changes. The past must be released and let everything go.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

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Readings are for entertainment only

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