Dreams about your physical body problems are worrying read on to find the meanings….
Physical Body Dreams
As a general rule dreams where you have a problem with a certain part of your body are to do with the function of that body part unless you actually do have a physical ailment.
Eye Dreams
Dreams where you have a problem with your eyes means that you are not seeing what is in front of you. You may be trying to see ahead but the universe would like you to wait for things to unfold. However, if you are blind in the dream, you are unwilling to see what is obvious to everyone else.
Ear Dreams
A dream where you cannot hear is a sign that you are not listening to what people are telling you. If everything is too loud in your dream then people are telling you things that you already know and you would like to be left in peace. To lose an ear is a sign that you are unable to hear what others are telling you. Unfortunately, if you speak to someone in a dream with no ears, it means that others are not prepared to hear your point of view.
Head Dreams
To have a dream about a head injury means that something is stopping you from learning or understanding what needs to be done. To dream about an operation on your brain means that you are not feeling confident about your ability to succeed in your endeavours. It means that someone is messing with your head, beware!
Nose Dreams
To dream of a nose job means that you are not feeling confident in your appearance. If your nose is broken in the dream it is a warning that you are unable to tell when people are being untruthful to you. You have no nose for a problem, you cannot smell a rat!
Mouth Dreams
A dream where your mouth is injured is a warning that if you persist on your current path you will be unable to support your basic needs. Teeth dreams are usually about appearances, bad teeth would mean that you are not making a good impression with others. You are having problems communicating your desires.
Chin Dreams
If you survive a chin injury in a dream then you are able to survive whatever life throws at you. Fortunately, you are able to take it on the chin!
Skin Dreams
Dreams about bad skin are indicative that you are worried about the way the world looks at you.
Neck Dreams
A dream of a neck injury indicates that you are having trouble looking around and seeing what is happening in your life. It’s difficult to get perspective if you cannot reflect on what you have learned. It means that you are stuck in one position.
Shoulder Dreams
To have injured shoulders in a dream means that you are unable to cope with what is happening in your life. Things are getting on top of you and you are unable to shrug them off. You may have the weight of the world on our shoulders.
Arm Dreams
If you dream about losing your arms or having arm injuries, you are being warned that things you may like to achieve are currently beyond your reach.
Hand Dreams
If your hand is injured or missing in a dream, it means that you cannot hold on to what you have. You keep letting go of everything, this can be positive too, you would have to consider the other elements of the dream to work this out.
Fingers Dream
A dream of injured fingers means that you cannot hold the finer things in life. Your fingers are not available may also mean that you cannot get married or make long term commitments in a relationship.
Chest Dream
For a man an injured chest may mean that strength is lacking. For a woman an injured chest can be an attack on your femininity. You may feel unable to take care of your responsibilities.
Stomach Dreams
These refer to what you take in from the world. A stomach problem in a dream means that you have taken on something that is not in line with your best purpose in life. You need to consider your commitments.
Back Dreams
A back injury in a dream means that you are unable to stand up for yourself. If you have a back operation in your dream it means that someone is stabbing you in the back. Watch your back! Conversely someone supporting your back is a good dream – think “I have your back”.
Leg Dreams
A dream where you cannot walk is a warning that you will not be able to leave a current situation, you are feeling stuck. If you have only one leg in a dream then you will have trouble escaping a situation but it is still possible.
Feet Dreams
A dream about foot injuries refers to your ability to stand on your feet, to be independent and to have balance in your life. An injured foot or feet will hinder you from going where you want to go, sadly foot dreams may mean that your freedom is threatened. You will be restricted, analyse the other elements of your dream to find out what area of your life this refers to.
Kidney Problems
If you dream about a kidney problem then you are having trouble holding onto ideas. Your ideas do not hold water. Everything is washing away from you and there is a feeling that things are temporary.
Heart Problems
A heart problem in your dream refers to your emotional life, perhaps you are falling in love with the wrong people or you are unable to love those around you. You need to take some action to correct what is wrong with your emotional life. A fast beating heart may mean that you are moving too fast in emotional affairs. Whereas a slow beating heart would mean that you are being cold and unemotional.
Liver Problems
A dream about liver problems is a warning that you are not able to cleanse yourself of the past. You need to take action to let things go.
Blood Problems
Dreaming of having a blood problem is telling you that the essence of your life is under threat. Losing blood in a dream means that your life is flowing away from you and you need to take drastic action to pull yourself back from the brink of disaster. Think about ways that you can preserve what life you have left, this may be a warning to take better care of your health.
Buttocks Dream
To dream that your buttocks are unattractive is a fear that others will not find you sexy. To dream of attractive buttocks refer to sexual desire.
Sexual Organs Dream
Dreaming about having problems with your sexual organs refers to assertiveness and creativity. You may be having trouble making decisions or creating new things and getting ideas under way.
Body Problem Dreams
Please contact me if you have any examples of body dreams that you would like me to add to this post.
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