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Are you bothered by snake dreams? Find help here! -

Snake Dreams

Are you bothered by snake dreams? Generally a dream about a snake is about an enemy, someone poisonous in your life, who slithers around and may strike you at any time. However, this is not true of all snake dreams. If you own a snake the meaning will be related to how you see snakes – if you adore snakes then a snake may be seen as a hidden friend.

Stepping Over Snakes

If your dream involved stepping over a snake or several snakes then you are able to avoid conflict. You are aware that there are those around you who may wish to harm you fortunately, you are able to keep yourself safe by being careful in your actions.

Dream about being bitten by a snake

A snake bite in a dream, means that in life you have hidden enemies that may strike out against you at any time. Usually a snake bite is sudden and unexpected and so this is a warning to watch your enemies closely! If you dreamed about many snakes beware, there is more than one person conspiring against you.

Many snakes in a dream

When you see many snakes in a dream it means that you are in the snakes territory. In life you are surrounded by those who are different from you and you will need to tread carefully to avoid falling into conflict with those around you. You are in an environment where people move differently, they are nervous and easily upset. People may act against you because they see you as a threat.

Dream about a snake shedding it’s skin

A snake shedding it’s skin is a sign of renewal, refreshment and of growth. This is a good omen because it means that you are growing and developing. You will have a fresh outlook and a new lease on life. You have grown out of your old skin and are ready for something new.

Snake Charmer Dream

If you saw a snake charmer in your dream, you are around someone who is able to manipulate those around you to obey. If you were the snake charmer, then you have a great sales talent which will give you power over a wide variety of people.

Poisonous Snake Dream

When you are surrounded by poisonous snakes in a dream, it is likely that the people around you in life have poisonous tongues and will say and write bad things about you. Watch your back!

Pet Snake Dream

A pet snake in a dream, if it was your snake, shows that you are willing to open your heart and your home to someone who is different from you. If the snake belonged to someone else, that person is open minded and open hearted, the meaning will depend on the relationship that you have with that person.

Hissing Snake Dream

A dream where you see a hissing snake is a warning that you will be hurt if you do not change your current attitude. You need to stand back and allow everyone to calm down. It is possible that others see you as a threat and will retaliate if you persist.

Crushed by a Snake Dream

If your dream involved being crushed by a snake, it is likely that those around you are restricting your movement. Perhaps you are living in a community with a lot of rules that are crushing your personality. You may be in a relationship where your partner or a family member is too possessive or overbearing. You are feeling crushed!

If you escaped from the snake then that is a happy omen, you will be able to get away from this stifling situation.

Dead Snake Dream

A dream about a dead snake is a sign that those who were going to harm you have been defeated. If you killed the snake you have triumphed over those who would deceive you.

Snake in a Tree Dream

Dreaming about a snake or snakes in a tree is a sign that those above you do not have your best interests at heart and they are openly threatening you. This could be older family members, managers at work or even government bodies.

Swimming Snake Dream

If your dream involved seeing snakes swimming it is a reminder that your enemies are versatile and can pursue you in many different ways. If you like looking at the snakes then you can appreciate the skill and adaptability of those around you, fortunately, you can watch them without getting drawn into danger.

Snake Colours in Dreams

Red snake – danger. Watch out for hidden enemies

Orange snake – change. Get ready for some important developments in your life.

Yellow snake – success. You are likely to overcome any obstacles. The sun is shining on you and those around you.

Green snake – the natural world. Go out, enjoy some time in the outdoors and appreciate being in a different element

Blue snake – Communication, coldness. Talk to those who oppose you to resolve any conflicts. You can remain detached.

Purple snake – promotion. You are likely to get recognition for your work with others.

Black snake – hidden, night. Watch out for those who will be working overtime to get their own way. There may be a hidden agenda.

White snake – innocence, newness. You will have a truce with those who formerly opposed you. A fresh start in a relationship.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

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More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Other Dreams:

Dream List

Transportation Dreams

Dreams about clothes

Dreams about Situations

Dreams about buildings, furniture, objects

Dreams about Nature

Dreams about Family and People

How to Interpret your Hotel Dream. 14 Hotel Dreams Explained. - Dreamed About

Hotel Dreams are about temporary situations. They are usually about your work life balance or your living situation. Read below for more clarity….

General Meaning

How to interpret your hotel dream. A hotel is a place where we stay temporarily, it may be a refuge from stresses of everyday life. Usually, the meaning is that we are in a temporary living situation whether pleasant or not depends on the condition of the hotel.

Rundown Hotel

If you dreamed of staying in a rundown hotel, things in your life may look bad at the moment. However, the situation you are in will improve soon.

Luxury Hotel

If you dreamed of staying in a luxury hotel, remember to enjoy your present circumstances. Generally this is not permanent so enjoy it while it lasts.

Lost in a Hotel

If you dreamed of being lost in a hotel, you are having some trouble working out where you belong. Perhaps you have been moving house often or are in a new relationship? Currently, you are not feeling settled and the hotel is a place where you would like to stay until you find your roots. The same applies if you have lost the key to your hotel room. It’s a warning that you have lost your way in life and need to spend some time to consider the ‘key’ to getting your life back on track. Unfortunately the temporary situation that you are in is not working out for you either.

Working in a Hotel

Unless you work in a hotel in your waking life, you feel as if you are giving all of your time to others. Sadly you are running around for everyone else but you do not have time to take care of yourself. You feel as if life is passing you by and you need to have some adventures of your own.

If you do work in a hotel, consider the context of the dream as it relates to your work. Consider who was in the dream and what happened, the hotel is more likely to be a background to your true dream meaning.

Hotel Burning

If you dreamed of a hotel burning and you were inside it, this is a warning that you need to take care of some serious issues with your life before you can take time out to relax. All of your dreams are going up in smoke. Stay home and deal with your pressing personal issues.

If you saw a hotel burning in the distance, the dream is making you aware that other people around you are finding life stressful and they feel trapped and unable to escape from their responsibilities. You may be able to offer some assistance.

Hotel Falling Down

If you dreamed of a hotel falling down, your dreams of getting away are collapsing in front of your eyes. You need to find more stability in your life before you are able to take some time out. This is a time to buckle down and do what you can to make yourself more secure.

Building a Hotel

If you dreamed about building a hotel, you are making long term plans for your future or perhaps your retirement. Things may take a while and you will have to work hard in the short term. Be careful not to work too hard and miss out on all the fun in life.

Living in a Hotel

If you dreamed of living in a hotel the situation depends on the type of hotel that you are living in. A luxurious hotel would mean that you are on permanent vacation and life is fun for you. If you are living in a hotel/hostel situation then your life is very unstable, you need to take steps to make some long term plans so that you can set down permanent roots and work on your personal development.

Meeting Friends in a Hotel

A dream about meeting friends in a hotel is a good omen of happy times ahead, having the opportunity to hang out with friends socially either current friends or making new friends. This is a short period so enjoy it!

Meeting Enemies in a Hotel

If you dreamed about running into your enemies in a hotel, your dream is telling you that there is no escape from your current situation. Unfortunately, something has to change before you can relax. You need to make peace with those who have hurt you or you will be forever haunted. It may be a case of letting something go, so that you can move on with your life.

Unable to Find your Hotel Room

If you dreamed that you are staying in a hotel and you are unable to find your room it means that you cannot find your place in life. You know that you are only in the hotel for a short while but you are unable to get the relaxation that you crave because other things in your life are so unsettled. Fortunately this is temporary and you will eventually find your place.

If you remember the room number that you were looking for, consider if it has any significance in your life. You can also check the meaning of the number under my General Dreams section.

Hotel Lift

If you dreamed of going up in a hotel lift, you will have a temporary rise in life, it could be money, social status or related to pleasure and relaxation.

If you dreamed of descending in a hotel life, you will have a temporary setback, probably related to your leisure time activities.

Rodent Infested Hotel

If you dreamed of a revolting dirty hotel, this is a warning that things are not what they appear to be. If you are signing any contracts check the get out clause in case things do not work out. It is not a long term situation but it’s better to be prepared and to protect yourself.


Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Other Dreams:

Dream List

Transportation Dreams

Dreams about clothes

Dreams about Situations

Dreams about buildings, furniture, objects

Dreams about Nature

Dreams about Family and People


Dream Meanings. Be free of these 12 common dreams -

12 Common Dreams

Almost certainly you will have had at least one of these dreams. When one of these dreams reoccurs several times in your life it is a signal to take care of the issue that is causing this dream. I have included some suggestions in this blog.

1. Naked in Public.

This common dream is about feeling exposed and vulnerable. There are no clothes to protect you or to shield your private parts from public scrutiny. For most people this is an uncomfortable dream. You are unable to hide who you are and you may be criticised in a personal way.

The location of this dream will give you an idea of where you are feeling exposed. To be naked in an office is a fear that those who you work with will see how vulnerable you are. To be naked with family is a fear that that your family know too much about your private life. The message is to take your power and to make whatever changes in your life that will protect you from criticism. You can either change your behaviour or change who you confide in.

If you enjoyed being naked in your dream, then you are comfortable with who you are. You do not fear what others think about you. If your dream involved being naked with a lover, here is a dream lover interpretation.

2. Looking for a toilet

If you dreamed about looking for a toilet in your dream then you are concerned about your privacy. Commonly in this dream, you are unable to find anywhere to go to unload your waste. Generally, you have a fear of intimacy and you try to dispose of your worries and debris from your past. Unfortunately, there are constant reminders around you and sadly you are unable to escape and let go. This dream is urging you to move away from a current situation as even your most basic emotional needs are not being catered for.

3. Driving an out of control car

In this dream you are either driving very fast, you cannot find the brakes, steer the car or you are driving backwards. All of these dreams are about how you are moving through life. If the car is out of control and driving very fast, it is a sign that you are being impulsive, rushing into situations and are out of control.

If the car is out of control and you cannot find the brakes, you do not know how to slow down in your life so that you can enjoy the moment that you are living in. You are in danger of crashing through your life unless you make an effort to calm down.

If you cannot steer the car, then you are having trouble changing direction in your life. You would like to do something different but the forces and patterns that are established are making it difficult for you to find a new path. Hold on tight and soon things will change.

If the car is out of control and you are going backwards, you are having trouble escaping your past. It doesn’t matter how hard you try, the past will always catch up with you. It may be time to face your demons.

4. Falling Dream

If you dreamed about falling, then you feel as if you are not in control of your life. Everything is happening to you and you are unable to take any steps to change anything. Should you continue on your current path, it is inevitable that you will eventually reach rock bottom.

If you fell and landed safely, then it is a sign that you are able to cope with this setback and in time you will be able to take control of your life again. If the fall was devastating, this is a warning that you must take immediate action to change the course of your life.

5. Dream about Going Down

Direction is quite important in your dreams, any dream where you are descending means that you are going down in life. This can be a drop in status or a drop in income, it may also be symbolic of getting down to basics in some way. In our dream you may be walking downstairs, down a hill, going down in a lift, if the descent was deliberate you are willing taking a step back.

6. Dream about Going Up

If you dreamed about going up, then you are likely to have some kind of promotion or a rise in status or income. You could be going up in a lift, in a helicopter, climbing a hill, the ease of the rise will tell you how difficult or easy your rise in status will be for you.

7. Barrier Dream

If your dreamed involved a barrier, then there are obstacles in life that are preventing you from reaching your goals. The nature and size of the barrier will give you an idea of how easy it will be to overcome the object. Some barriers can be jumped over, such as small walls and streams, whereas some barriers can be very high solid walls that will take a great deal of work to overcome.

8. Being Chased

A dream of being chased symbolises anxiety and that something from the past that you thought was behind you, may catch up with you. If you escaped from the chaser then you will be able to overcome this. If you are chased by a monster you will have to decide whether it is worth facing your fear. Did the monster give up or is it still waiting for you in a future dream?

You will also need to consider what would happen if the chaser caught up with you. This will help you to work out what you are running from and the best steps you can take to escape.

9. Being in School

If you dreamed about being in school you are feeling inadequate, you feel as if people are treating you like a child. School is where we learn basic lessons in life. It is likely that someone in your circle is not treating you with respect. You may also be feeling overwhelmed by a situation. Perhaps, you feel the need to go back to study so that you are able to cope with new situations in your life.

10. Teeth Falling Out Dream

If you dreamed about your teeth falling out, you are feeling a loss of power. You have no teeth so you cannot bite into anything and it is difficult for you to eat and sustain yourself. Teeth are important for your strength and your ability to survive. This dream may relate to physical problems that you are experiencing.

11. Taking a Test

If you dreamed about taking a test, you feel as if you need to prove yourself to others. Only by passing a test can you have evidence that you have the skills and abilities to do your job. You feel that those around you do not trust you and you need a boost to your confidence.

12. Dream of Dying

If you dreamed about dying, there are major changes happening in your life. One area of your life is over and you will be having a fresh start. There will be a transformation in the way that you live.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


More of my dream interpretations!