Learn to read tarot - The Emperor
Learn to read tarot - The Lovers

Learn to read tarot - The Hierophant

This is my tarot reading blog to help you to learn the meanings of the tarot cards quickly and easily, using visual, audio and kinaesthetic cues.  I like to use the traditional Rider Waite tarot cards as the symbology is so beautiful.

The Hierophant

The Hierophant is card number 5 of the major arcana, this can be a card of conflict or choosing to change direction. It is the energy and balance of the four plus one. It is associated with spiritual growth.

The Hierophant has Taurus energy the strength and power of the bull, with Venus - a love of beauty and luxury.

The Hierophant wears blue, white and red robes so is associated with communication, purity and knowledge.

He wears a 3 tiered crown, representing the conscious, unconscious and super conscious.

The Hierophant is the Pope, the father of kings, the governor of the world. He holds a sceptre of sovereignty.

He has power and teaches spiritual knowledge to the initiates - with this card you could be the Hierophant or an initiate who is gaining knowledge as a student.

The Hierophant is a preacher, he can be associated with marriage. This card is associated with tradition, rituals, joining a group. You may have joined a religious group, a cult, something that is related to spiritual studies.


I have added some tarot quizzes to TikTok under Mysticpolly. Enjoy!

Tarot Reading

More than 30 years of experience with the tarot cards. Let me answer your questions.

$50 per hour for a face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

If you would like a tarot reading, please email me.

Let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Dream Interpretations

I started interpreting dreams when I was a teenager. I always had very detailed dreams and would recount them to my friends. A boyfriend bought me a dream dictionary and I started to delve into interpretation. Unfortunately, I found that many dreams had elements that were contradictory and so I did not get a good understanding of my dream by just using a dictionary.

I realised that different people have different relationships with dream symbols based on experience, their daily lives and culture. A person who keeps snakes will have a different interpretation of a snake dream to a person who has a fear of snakes.

Dreams may have symbols that are good omens or bad omens, understanding the context of the omens will help you to interpret their true meaning for you.

My blog is a series of dreams and interpretations of the elements in each dream to help you to understand how best to interpret your dreams, I am also available to interpret a dream for you.

Need a dream interpretation email me.


Readings are for entertainment only!

Here are some other tarot posts: 

Easy Tarot Reading - Introduction

Learn to read tarot - The Fool

Learn to read tarot - The Magician

Learn to read tarot - The High Priestess

Learn to read tarot - The Empress

Learn to read tarot - The Emperor