What does my dream mean?
This is my blog where I describe a dream, write about the elements in the dream and then interpret the dream.
In today's dream, the dreamer is at home, she is thinking about a family member and then she sees a teddy bear move on it's own. She thinks this might be psychokinesis but then realises that it is really windy outside and the draught made the bear move. She looks outside to the balcony and can see her clothes are outside on a rail and they are blowing in the wind.
One of her room mates comes in from outside and tells her that her clothes are blowing away. She wants to go outside and rescue her clothes but her partner does not want to help. She opens the door to go out but the wind is far too strong so she has to abandon the clothes that blew away.
What does this mean?
Dream of being at Home: Often the home that you occupy in your dreams is not the same as your home in waking life. Being at home just means that you are where you should be.
Dream of "thinking of a family member": Even in our dreams we sometimes have memories and family members who we may not have in our waking lives. This shows us that the dreamer has family members that they care about so long as the dream about them was positive.
Dream about Psychokinesis: Even in the dream this is unusual and the dreamer is surprised to find "proof' of this. Psychokinesis is the ability to move objects at a distance - in a dream this would mean that you have the ability to influence things that you are not physically touching. You are able to manipulate behaviour from a distance.
Dream about strong winds, gales: winds mean change, external changes to our environment that we are not in charge of. Strong winds mean that there are big changes in the environment.
Dream about a gentle breeze: there will be small pleasant changes about you, these are not disruptive and you are able to cope with them.
Dream about a tornado: a tornado has been described as the 'finger of god'. It is a huge environmental change that happens quickly with no warning and it may have devastating consequences.
Dream about a Teddy Bear: A teddy bear is a symbol of childhood and something that you may depend on for comfort when you are alone. The meaning depends on the situation that the bear was in.
Dream about a Balcony: Standing on a balcony, we may be looking down on others, feeling that we are above them. A balcony is also what we show of ourselves to the world, the home is hidden behind the balcony and is not open to anyone else.
Dream about clothes on a rail: Clothes on a rail are an outer display, they show clothes that are for sale or clothes that have been organised for public viewing as opposed to clothes that are shut away in a wardrobe or closet.
Dream about Clothes: It depends on the quality and condition of the clothes but clothes are the image that we show to the world. They are a costume for the different roles we play. It could be something specific like a uniform, showing that you want to conform.
Dream about Tight clothes - you need to update your image, you have outgrown it.
Dream about Dirty clothes: You need to clean up your image and take care of your health.
Dream about New Clothes: You are taking on a new role.
Dream about Exotic clothes/costumes: You are taking on a new role, perhaps you will be asked to entertain others.
Dream about Black clothes: A symbol of mourning or sad times ahead.
Dream about Flowery clothes: You are feeling close to nature.
Dream about Exercise Clothes: You need to work on your fitness and show the world that you're physically strong.
Dream about losing your clothes: You will no longer be able to portray the same image to the world, something is changing about your appearance.
Dream about Room mate: Your are living in a community where people are around you that are not related to you.
Dream about Partner: We often dream about partners that we do not know in our waking lives. This is a representation of someone who knows you well and is comfortable with who you are.
Dream interpretation.
At the beginning of the dream, our dreamer is thinking of a family member and she sees the teddy bear move. It seems as if she is thinking that she can control the relationship with her family member remotely just by thinking about them. She is thinking of her child, the teddy bear symbolises that. She thinks she has been successful in influencing her child but then she realises that the wind/nature is in control.
The dreamer notices her clothes blowing about. The clothes are on the balcony on a rack so they represent the image that she portrays to the world. The blowing wind makes her aware that her image is being changed externally. She does not worry too much until her room mate comes in from outside and tells her that her stuff is blowing everywhere. The room mate in this instance has been outside and is aware of how the dreamer's image has changed.
The dreamer is disturbed by this and wants to go and rescue her clothes/image. She asks her partner for help, but the partner is not interested in her image. She tries to go outside and rescue the clothes herself but the wind is too strong. The winds of change are too strong, she cannot hold back the forces of nature so she has to accept that things have changed and there is nothing that she can do about it, without risking her life.
Her partner accepts her the way she is and is not concerned with external images. This can be a positive dream and can refer to changes in the external environment that are beyond our control.
Main blog page: What does my dream mean?
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Main blog page: What does my dream mean?
Dream Interpretation List
Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..
dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle
Dream about driving a car
dream about a helicopter.
Dreaming about a drone
dream about a UFO
Dream about catching a plane
Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash
Dream of a road
Dream meaning running away
Dream about moving backwards
Dream about Rocks
Dreams about clothes
Dream about shoes
Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white
dream about losing your purse or handbag
Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus
Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs
Dream about Losing your Clothes
Dream about being naked .
Dreams about family and people
Dream about family moving away
dream about talking babies
Dream about having someone on your back
Dream of looking for your date
dream about a room mate and musicians!
Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things
Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet
Dream about Dorm Room and Key
Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone
Dream about car park, road and driving
Dream about Driving and object in road
Dream about being lost in a hotel
dream about a house
Dream about Painting
Dream meaning scaffolding
Dream about stealing dishes ;
dream about television ;
Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;
Dream about cups, dream about two ;
Dream of a sink ;
Dreaming about floors ;
Dream of Photographs ;
Dream about a mirror
Dream about candlesticks,
dream about book shelves ;
Dream about a book
Dream meaning Park Bench ;
Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;
Dream about a Statue
dream about fairground
Dream about job interview and clothes
Dream about Statues and Graveyard
Dreams about situations
dream of being blind ;
Dream about ex-boyfriends mother
Dream about Blood ;
Dream meaning out of breath,
lost luggage, bus ;
Dream of searching for your seat,
dream of looking for your date
Dream about an interview
Dream about pie,
dream about explosion ;
Dream of losing your purse,
dream of making dough;
dream of photographs
Dreaming of numbers,
dreaming of income
Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair
Dream about cups,
dream about two
Dreams about nature and wildlife
dream meaning birds
Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds
Dreaming about birds flying
Dreaming about birds 1
Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman
Dreaming of butterflies,
dreaming of flowers
Dream about rocks ;
Dreaming about Fire, ;
Dreaming about Mud
Dream meaning cobwebs
Dream about wolves
Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp
Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog
Dream of a forest and a cradle
Dream about escaping a spider web