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September 2018

Life's Journey's - Finding your inner Artist - Introduction

Fullsizeoutput_ec9I love to paint trees!

This post is for those people, who want to be more creative in life but are not sure how to find an outlet for that creativity. There are so many ways of being creative and so many hobbies where we can exercise our creative muscles, which activities should we choose?  How do you select a creative outlet?

My random list of creative activities - writing and playing music, designing things, art of all types, creative writing, dance, psychic development, cake decorating, candle making. You may have tried some of these things at school, (probably not the psychic development unless you attended Hogwarts) I was lucky enough to have attended a less academic school where I was allowed to be creative and I believe that these creative skills have been valuable throughout my life, giving me the ability to switch off from the mundane and delve into the artistic universe.

This blog will explore some of the ways that you can delve into creativity, it is not about the skills that you develop although it is always nice to be good at something, it is the sheer joy of experimentation and producing something that is uniquely you. It is the lopsided cake, the smudgy art work, the clumsy dancing -who cares? If you enjoy it, keep doing it, feel good and escape from other people's standards and judgements. This is about you, your creativity, your projects, your self expression of what you are truly feeling inside - no imitations!

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Eco Speakers ; Abstract Painting

Contact me: [email protected]

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

A Better World

Change is Good

Climb the Mountain

Blessing in Disguise

Interview Tips

New Year Resolutions

Vision Board

Working too hard?

Faking It

Why you should dance

The Big Picture

How to be Happy

Just Functioning

Life's Journey's - Being Yourself

Much is written about "faking it", "being the best you can be", "putting on a show", "wearing a mask", it is really rather sad that we often feel that being ourselves is somehow inadequate. There are times when we need to "fake it", but this should not be something that we do the majority of the time, if you are in a situation where faking is normal then you probably need to move into something where you can be yourself.

Admit that you are not the best at everything, there is always someone better, smarter, cuter, more intelligent so learn to be happy in your own skin. Be who you are - I say this with the caveat that you must always be good to yourself and to others because that is the recipe for happiness. It's very simple, be good. For some reason being good has become confused with being dumb or naive - you can still be smart and do the right thing.

Getting back to my point about being yourself - appreciate who you are, your unique traits, your unique looks, your personal experiences, there is no-one else like you. Enjoy who you are, be amused at your failings, and thrilled by your successes -they are important to you. 

Whatever type of relationship you are in, be yourself, be honest especially if you are getting married - find out who you are and who your partner is -before it gets  complicated. Seriously - take things slowly, passion fizzles.

Below is a link to a poem I wrote about not being labelled, being who you are.



If you would like me to be your life coach or define your dreams please email me at [email protected]

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

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