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Dream Meaning - Dreaming about Catching a Plane

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog, where I describe a dream, explore the meanings of each element of the dream and then interpret the dream. Here is my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings.

In today's dream, our dreamer dreams that she is going to the airport, she is running late and cannot find out what time her plane leaves. Her two daughters are there to help her, she turns on a mini computer to find out the flight time. The computer is tiny and she cannot operate it. She finds herself at the airport and she sees people going to board her plane but she has forgotten to check in, she cannot find the check in desk but then her daughter escorts her to the desk. The man behind the desk has white hair and a beard and a strange green velvet outfit, she does not feel confident that this is the right desk. Anyway she is reassured and checks in. She then has to walk to the gate but somehow the other passengers have disappeared and she finds herself in a shopping center. She hurries through the stores and asks someone the way, they ignore her and fall over. She realizes that she is not wearing any pants and that is why no-one will help her. She has checked her bag so she cannot find any pants now. She asks another man for help but he just wants to talk about his sinuses, she walks on and then wakes up!

Obstacle dream - the meaning of an obstacle dream is that the dreamer is trying to make a change in life but is either going the wrong way about it or must learn to persevere despite all of the issues. To overcome the obstacles in a dream is a sign that with perseverance you will succeed. If you do not overcome the obstacles and are not getting nearer to your target in the dream you may need to try a fresh approach to a problem.

To dream of catching a plane, planes go up and so generally this is a positive dream. Going up in the world, can mean achieving goals, reaching potential, being successful. It can also mean that you are moving up to new things or across to new positions. These things can be in perspective or in a new place.

Dreaming of luggage - dream meaning luggage, this is our personal baggage that we carry with us.

Dreaming of velvet - Velvet in a dream symbolises wealth and success. It was a fabric worn by the wealthy at one time, it is strong and durable.

Dreaming of green clothes - green is associated with nature and also jealousy, it meaning will depend on who is wearing the clothes.

Dream of old bearded man - an old bearded man in a dream is a sign of wisdom or a good advisor. If the old man was homeless it is a warning of financial set backs.

Dreaming of an airport - the airport and especially the gate are where new ideas take off. Heading for the airport gate you are heading for a departure or a new beginning.

Dreaming of shops - Shops are places where we spend time and money, if the shop was pleasant we may get what we desire. The type of shop will be a clue as to what we may be looking for.

Dream meaning asking for directions: if you ask for directions in a dream then you are likely to be asking for advice. You are lost and do not know what to do next. The outcome will depend on how successful you were in the dream.

Dream meaning see someone fall over - this literally means that someone falls short of expectations. They are not able to stand up to scrutiny, perhaps they are weak or off balance in some way.

Dream meaning - sinuses -if we have sinus problems it is a warning that we need to take better care of our health or we will be plagued with trivial illnesses. To see someone else with a sinus problem is a sign that those around us are not healthy.

Dream meaning naked - see previous blog - Dreaming about being naked when we dream about being naked, we are worried of being embarrassed or exposed.

This is a classic obstacle dream - the dreamer is trying to attain something but everything goes wrong. She finds that she is hampered at every turn. This can be a reflection of real life, the dreamer is trying to attain a goal but everywhere she turns there are problems. The dreamer has a problem with the computer, she is not feeling comfortable with technology. Her daughters help her in the dream so we can see that she has family support. She is heading to the airport and this shows that she wants to launch into something new and better. Even when her daughter helps her to find the check in, she is still not confident because the agent is a wise old man. A wise old man takes away her baggage so this is a positive symbol that she will be helped by someone mature. 

She cannot find the gate, this is a symbol to show that she does not know how to launch her new direction. She visits shops on the way but they do not have what she needs, they are a distraction from her goal. She asks for help to get to her goal from two young men, one is not up to the task and falls over. The second one is concerned with his health and does not help her. She is embarrassed because she has exposed herself - no pants. We do not know if she succeeds in her venture because she woke up.

Basically this dream means that the dreamer will be launching something new with family support. She should not be afraid to let people see who she is, she can get advice from a mature man but should not waste her time with less experienced people.



Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

IMG_1167Although these look like pieces of banana, they are in fact my runes. If you would like to learn about reading the runes, my rune blog is here: Reading the Runes

Dream Meaning - Dreaming about a Statue

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog where I describe a dream, write about the meanings of the elements of the dream and then create a dream interpretation. Here is my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

In today's dream, our dreamer dreams that she owns a statue of a deer.  The statue comes to life and turns into a German Shepherd. The dreamer has a pet wolf and the German Shepherd and the Wolf fight. The dreamer is unhappy about this.

Statues in dreams often represent ideals, they often represent the idolisation of an object or person. A statue may be a person who has been put on a pedestal, a statue may be seen as a false idol.

To see a statue come to life in a dream means that something that you had given up on, perhaps a relationship comes back to life. You may be revisiting an old relationship.

Dream meaning deer - deer are usually seen as gentle, agile creatures. A deer would represent the feminine side of a person.

Dream meaning - German Shepherd -these symbolise protection, they are intelligent and often used as police or guard dogs. If you are attacked by a German Shepherd in your dream you are vulnerable and perhaps no-one is taking your side in an argument.

Dream meaning Wolf -dreaming about a wolf may be about your primal or wild urges or it may be about how you work with others if it was part of a pack. See Dreaming about Wolves

So what does today's dream mean?

To dream of a statue of a deer symbolises that this person has put her femininity into an idealistic state. She brings her femininity back to life, perhaps revisiting an old relationship but instead of her reawakening a deer, the relationship turns into a German Shepherd who is protective and fights either with her wild inner instincts, the wolf or with her existing relationships.

This dream is a warning of conflict and perhaps is telling the dreamer to open her eyes and be less idealistic and more realistic in her relationships.



Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

IMG_1158This is from my Reading the Runes blog  - WYRD is the blank rune.

Reading the Runes - WYRD

Dream Meaning - Dreaming about Family Moving Away

This is my blog where I describe a dream, interpret elements of the dream and then interpret the dream. Here is my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings.

In today's dream our dreamer wakes up in the morning to discover that her family have moved out in the night. Everything has been packed up and she is left alone in the house.

Dream meaning family  moving out - this is a fear of abandonment, you feel that those close to you are moving away and you will be isolated. The dream does not mean that this will happen, it is the dreamers fear of this happening.

Dream meaning - room mates move out without telling you - this dream means that you are not communicating effectively with those close to you. Perhaps you are not listening or you are not aware of things that are happening in your environment.

Dream meaning - house -houses in dreams represent our inner space, see previous blog post, Dreaming about a house

Dream meaning - empty house -dreaming of an empty house means that you are feeling empty, lost, insecure and unsure of yourself. You may be feeling depressed or lonely.

In today's dream the dreamer wakes up and finds that her home is empty and her family have left unexpectedly. This dream shows that the dreamer is depending on her family for her sense of well being and if they left her she would have nothing left, her home would be empty. She is afraid that they are not communicating with her or she is not understanding the plans that her family has. She has a definite fear of abandonment. She needs to either enrich her own life so that she is less dependent on others or she needs to be more perceptive when communicating with those around her.


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

IMG_1159Reading the Runes - FEHU

This is from my blog about reading the runes - a magical alphabet that can tell you about a possible future or can be used to create a talisman.

Dream Meaning - Dreaming about an interview

What does my dream mean?

This is my blog about dream  meaning where I describe a dream, write about the elements of the dream and then give an interpretation. Here is my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings.

In this weeks dream, the dreamer dreams that she is being interviewed for a new position, she is not sure that she is right for the position. She is in a group interview and has to go through several rounds of the interview and take many tests. At the end of the dream she has to take one final test where there is a 50/50 chance of being correct. She makes the right choice and succeeds in the test, she guessed the correct answer and so wonders if she is qualified for the position.

Dreaming about an interview - interview dreams are tests, they are when we are asked to account for ourselves to explain who we are and why we should be granted a new position. If you dream about an interview you are being tested in life, if you want to make changes in life you will need to impress others in some way, perhaps literally taking tests, or learning skills ad being able to demonstrate to others that you are capable.

To dream of being successful in an interview: this dream means that you will succeed in advancing either in your current role or in a new role, it depends on the details of the dream.

To dream of failing an interview means that you are not yet prepared to take on new challenges.

To dream of interviewing others, means that you are ready to share your life or your work with others but they must pass a test before you will allow them into your life, You are acting as a gatekeeper.

To dream of taking a test, your success or failure will mean either success or failure with the task that most concerns you in your waking life. There will be clues in your dream as to what this may entail.

In today's dream, our dreamer was put to the test many times and each time she succeeded, so she is successful in her life. She is either very modest about her success and does not feel comfortable accepting credit for her success or she feels that her success came from luck rather than from skill.



Rune Art by Pauline Courchene

Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

The Year of Living Kindly -Kind Woman Blog - The Upward and Downward Spiral

This is my blog about living kindly, being kinder to the planet to myself and to others. We have all heard of being in a downward spiral, or spiralling towards, defeat and this week felt a little bit like that. It was as if my old bad habits had resurfaced and taken control again and so I started to realise life is a spiral and the momentum can either be up or down.

When I started writing this blog, I was determined to be a better kinder person this year but this week I felt as though I was taking a vacation from kindness, and then laziness set in, and disappointment and frustration at how easy it is to let old habits resurface. Today, I have put the breaks on the downward spiral, it is a spiral of excuses, of not speaking up, of not offering 100% and of not helping people. It is a spiral of unhappiness that will grow and take root in your soul creating misery. Today, it stops, and the spiral rebounds, it climbs and it conquers, there is more effort in going uphill but the view is much better from the summit.

If I can turn this ship around, then you dear reader can do the same. Eliminate all those things that make you feel uncomfortable inside, be careful with your associations, if you belong to a group that is not doing the right thing, you do not have to join in. Be true to yourself and do better, the easy path downwards is the way to sadness and failure. Have the courage to be different to speak out and volunteer to do the right thing. Be supportive of others even if it makes you unpopular, because your harshest critic is yourself. You must please yourself everyone else in your life is temporary. You will live with yourself and die with yourself.

My advice, if you are on the downward spiral, stop, put the brakes on and be brave. It may be tough to find your way back initially but once you gain momentum you will be so happy that you made the decision to do better, to be better and to succeed.

DSCN0212The view is better from the top

Asheville, NC

Here are some similar posts: Natural Hair DyeHand Wash DishesHealthy FoodIntroduction, Plastic Packaging


Pauline Courchene Life Coach email me at [email protected]



The Year of Living Kindly -Kind Woman Blog - Natural Coir Doormat

This is my blog about living kindly, being kinder to the environment, to myself and to others. A couple of years ago I bought a doormat, it was a pretty design when it was new and I was pleased with it. One day I picked it up to beat it and it split in half, right down the middle, it has a plastic or rubber backing. I have been determined to buy a new doormat but this time I want one that will last. The stores are full of nice designs but they all have the same type of backing that will break. I love to support my local stores but again had to resort to an online search.

I found a natural coir woven doormat with no offensive backing and ordered it today.  I hope this solves the problem, wipes shoes, looks good and lasts a long time. I will have to wait and see...

Here are some similar posts: 

 Natural Hair DyeHand Wash DishesHealthy FoodIntroduction, Plastic Packaging


Pauline Courchene Life Coach email me at [email protected]

Dream Meaning - Dreaming about Stealing Dishes

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog, where I describe a dream, interpret the elements of the dream and then give a dream meaning. Here is my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

In today's dream the dreamer has returned from a vacation and she finds that two other younger women have moved into her house and have stolen her dishes. She is upset and is preparing to tell the women that they can have the house but not the dishes.

Dream meaning stealing - if you dream that you are stealing from others you are feeling as if you do not have everything that you need to keep you happy and healthy. You may be worried or stressed about something.

Dream meaning about being caught stealing - this is a dream means that you feel that you are getting too much credit for your work, you are earning more praise or money than expected and you feel guilty as the work requires little effort.

Dream meaning stealing food - if you dream that you are stealing food or other life essentials, you are scared that you do not have enough money to get by.

Dream meaning someone stealing from you - in a dream when someone is stealing from you, you feel as if you are being taken for granted or not appreciated for what you do. This can be work related or may be at home. It is a sign that you do not trust those around you to treat you with respect. You may also feel that you are being taken advantage of.

In today's dream the dreamer has her home stolen by two younger girls, this may signify that she is having her home wrecked by one or two younger women. It is possible that the dreamer is going through the change in life and sees the young girls as stealing  her opportunities to create a nice home. She seems to accept that the girls have taken her home but she has drawn a line in the sand about her plates.

Dreaming that someone is stealing your plates may mean that they are taking away your ability to eat in comfort or if the plates were special, they are stealing your memories. These plates symbolize memories in the dream, the girls were able to take the home but not the special plates, the dreamer was going to ask for her plates back but accepted that the home had been taken.




IMG_1152I see butterflies by Pauline Courchene

Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

The Year of Living Kindly - Kind Woman Blog - Plastic Free Kettle

This is my blog about living kindly, being kind to myself, kind to the planet and kind to others. This week my electric kettle stopped working, I was disappointed because I have only had it for a couple of years and as a true Brit I cannot survive for more than a few hours without a hot cuppa tea. Replacing the kettle was urgent and I started to look at different options, the idea of purchasing a plastic free kettle was new to me until I stumbled on a ceramic kettle on Amazon. I usually buy the cheapest option when purchasing household items but in the name of being kind to the planet I was prepared to pay a little more, I am happy that I did, the kettle looks good and feels nice in my hand. Bialetti Kettle no longer on Amazon but worth looking for elsewhere.

The kettle looks good, heats quickly and although it is slightly heavier than my previous plastic kettle it is still easy to pour.

Here are some similar posts: Natural Hair DyeHand Wash DishesHealthy FoodIntroduction, Plastic Packaging



Pauline Courchene Life Coach email me at [email protected]

Dream Meaning - Dreaming about losing your purse or handbag

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog where I describe a dream, interpret the elements of the dream to come up with a dream meaning. Here is my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

In today's dream our dreamer arrives home from a trip in a taxi, when she gets to the house she realises that she has left her purse in the taxi. She knows that she needs to retrieve the purse/handbag but she is so anxious to get home that she keeps forgetting about it.

Dream meaning losing your purse - a purse contains all of our important little things, not just money and credit cards, it may contain our make up, cell phone and keys. These are all things that we need to function in our lives. Generally losing a purse or handbag in a dream means that we have lost our identity.

Dream meaning - losing a credit card, this dream means losing your identity.

Dream meaning - losing your make up, this dream means that you are losing the mask of how you appear to the world. This can be positive, you have the confidence to show who you really are, or you may feel exposed by it.

Dream meaning - losing your money in a purse - you have lost your sense of independence.

Dream meaning -losing your keys this dream means that you have lost your way and cannot go back to where you were before, you may need assistance to return to your home or previous position or you may be happy to move on.

In today's dream our dreamer, has lost her handbag/purse and although she is concerned about it, she has other priorities. This lady knows that her identity is changing, perhaps she is deliberately changing, she has just come back from somewhere else. She has taken a taxi which means that she may not have friends in her environment. She feels that she can get her purse later, so her loss of identity is not the most important thing at this time, she is not so concerned about how she appears to others.



IMG_1151Artrees by Pauline Courchene

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

Dream Meaning - Dream about Television

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog, where I describe a dream and interpret each element to produce a dream meaning.  Here is my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

In today's dream, the dreamer dream's that she and a friend are going to appear on television. She arrives at the studio and realises that she is not prepared for the show so she just bluffs her way through but everything works out fine in the end.

Dream meaning television - to dream that you are watching television is a sign that you are being too passive and letting life pass you by.

To dream of turning off the TV - this is a sign that you are ready to go out and create your own life, perhaps make a knew life and become more fully involved in the community.

To dream of a television catching fire - in this dream you are being forced to make changes and move on from a current situation.

To dream of starring on television - you are in the public eye and people are expecting you to provide them with entertainment.

In today's dream our dreamer is expected to entertain others, she does not feel prepared, even though she has the support of a close friend. The dream is positive though because despite her fears the TV shows turns out fine, so she will be successful in her quest.


Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

The Year of Living Kindly - Kind Woman Blog - Eliminate Plastic Forks

This is my blog about living kindly, being kind to myself, kind to the planet and kind to others. The last few months I have been trying to cut down on my use of plastic, especially single use plastic. Yesterday I spent a happy day at Disney Springs and then I had lunch at Burger Fi in Windermere. However there was something that really bothered me and that was plastic forks!

I know that using plastic forks is not a huge issue in the scale of things but if you count polluting our seas and killing all the fish as a problem, which I do think is a problem, then this needs to be addressed now. Yesterday, I enjoyed a gluten free doughnut from Erin McKenna's Bakery,  it was a gorgeous, sweet sticky doughnut which I ate with a one-use plastic fork.

Later in the day I enjoyed a cruelty free burger, vegetarian, at Burger Fi, (you have to ask for no mayonnaise or cheese to ensure that nothing was tortured for your meal), my burger came in a lettuce sandwich, it was gorgeous but so mucky that I had to use a knife and fork. It would be good if these fast food chains used wooden utensils,(they used to be available to eat fries) or even real knives and forks, that would be the ultimate in re-cycling! Anyway I used a plastic knife and fork and disposed of them, it did not feel good.

Today, I went to Target to the camping section and purchased a couple of Sporks! There are from "Light my Fire" and I will carry them in my purse and use them multiple times, at least that is the plan! I wish they were metal but at least they are light. These Sporks are also available in a 4 pack from Amazon.


Next time, I will take a look at take out drink cups.

IMG_1150(1)Re-useable Spork!

Introduction, Plastic Packaging; Plastic Free Juicer;  Plastic Free Toothpaste

Plastic Free Aisle 

 Plastic Free Kettle

Pauline Courchene Life Coach email me at [email protected]

The Year of Living Kindly - Kind Woman Blog - Positive Visualization

This is my blog about living kindly, being kinder to myself, kinder to the planet and kinder to others.

Today I am more positive, I am more excited, I am more focused, I have more time and I can achieve whatever I set out to do. The reason for this is simple, it is because I believe this. I have everything that I want. I know that whatever I focus on I will create. I have job security, I am good at my job and I am surrounded by positive people. I have a wonderful home in a great, quirky town, I spend quality time with my family. I enjoy being creative, I am fit and I love to dance.

I am going to retire to a cottage near the beach, where I will continue to help people, I enjoy my every day existence, the beauty of nature and the world's infinite possibilities. Life is good.

Why did I spend this time writing this? If you are reading this, then you should write your own list. If you are not sure that everything that I said is true, read "Napoleon Hill, 'Think and Grow Rich' " or watch it on Youtube. There are so many good resources to remind you on the infinite possibilities that are available to you. Youtube has many positive thinkers and the resources are free, you could also go to a local library and borrow the books or have the audio books in the car and lsiten on the way to work.

Positive visualisation, order your perfect future today!

I know that what I am saying is true because I can see it, hear it smell it and believe it!


Photo by Peter Andrews

Here are some similar posts: Natural Hair DyeHand Wash DishesHealthy FoodIntroduction, Plastic Packaging

Plastic Free Juicer

Plastic Free Toothpaste

Plastic Free Aisle 

 Eliminate Plastic Forks

Pauline Courchene Life Coach email me at [email protected]


Dream Meaning - Dream about Fairground

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog, where I describe a dream and interpret each element to produce a dream meaning.  Here is my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

In today's dream, the dreamer is going on a date to the fairground. She is waiting for her date and wondering if she should stay or leave before her date arrives. She does not like fairgrounds, she thinks that they are tacky.

Dream meaning fairground  - dreaming about going to the fair generally means that there are fun times and relaxation ahead. However if you do not like the fairground then you will be forced to do something that other people find fun but it is not exciting to you.

Dream meaning fairground games - dreaming about fairground games usually means that you are taking a small risk with something, you are not expecting to win and even if you do the prize will not change your life.

Dream meaning carousel, tea cup rides, circular rides that do not move anywhere - dreaming about being on a carousel or tea cup type ride means that you will be having fun but not making any advances in your life. You are happy to stay in the same area and enjoy what is on offer. If you watch others on a carousel ride then your life is at a standstill while others are out having fun.

Dreaming of being on a roller coaster - to dream of riding a roller coaster means that you are happy with life's up's and down's, you are having fun and able to cope with uncertainty.

Today's dream, the dreamer is not sure if she wants to go on a date or to meet at the fairground. This means that she has the opportunity to go out and have fun but she is not feeling confident about going out with anyone and she is not sure that this is the kind of fun that she wants. It is possible that she feels that she does not have much in common with the person she is going to meet.



IMG_1135Leaves by Pauline Courchene

Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

The Year of Living Kindly - Kind Woman Blog - Plastic Free Aisle

This is my blog about living kindly, being kind to myself, to the planet and to others. One of my goals this year was to cut down on the amount of plastic that I consume, so I have been very selective when choosing foods and drinks to purchase. I spend a great deal of time looking for items in glass jars, paper or card and seeking out places to buy loose fruit and vegetables.

I was very excited to read an article in "The Guardian" about a supermarket in Amsterdam, Holland that has a plastic free aisle. It would be wonderful if Publix would do the same thing here.

I also read that Lego is going to use sustainable materials in their products, they are adding some new items now but aim to use all sustainable materials by 2030.

These are small steps but if everyone votes with their dollars, we can make progress in cutting back on the waste and destruction that has been created so far.

Kind woman Blog



Coping with disappointment

 Here are some similar posts: Natural Hair DyeHand Wash DishesHealthy FoodIntroduction, Plastic Packaging

Plastic Free Juicer

Plastic Free Toothpaste



Pauline Courchene Life Coach email me at [email protected]