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February 2018

Dream Meaning - Dreaming about Talking Babies

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog, where I describe a dream and interpret each element to produce a dream meaning. Here is my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

 In today's dream, the dreamer sees a baby that talks to her and tells her that she missed her birthday.

Dream meaning baby - for a fertile woman the dream may mean that she is pregnant. Dreaming of a baby may mean that the dreamer needs to let their inner child come out, Babies represent innocence.

Dream Meaning Crying Baby - This is a sign that the dreamer is feeling neglected, some of their basic needs for comfort and security are not being met.

Dream meaning -Laughing baby - dreaming about a happy baby is a sign that the dreamer is feeling comfortable and secure and is enjoying the basic things in life.

Dream meaning -Talking baby - to see a talking baby in a dream is a sign that basic needs are not being communicated. The talking baby is your subconscious telling you to be more creative.

Dream meaning -birthday -birthday's are a cause for celebration. This is a reminder that the dreamer needs to take time to celebrate life's accomplishments.

Dream meaning to forget someone's birthday -is telling the dreamer that life is passing by and the dreamer should enjoy life.

Dreaming of a talking baby shows that the dreamer is not paying attention to basic needs, her subconscious is telling her that life is passing by and she needs to go out and enjoy herself and celebrate with others.




Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

Dream Meaning - Dreaming about Wolves

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog, where I describe a dream and interpret each element to produce a dream meaning. Here is my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

In today's dream, the dreamer has an appointment to go and learn how to make wolf noises. She goes to the lesson and finds that it is easy.

Dreaming about wolves, the interpretation will depend on your experience and feelings about wolves. Generally we see wolves a pack animals, loyal and protective to each other and wild and vocal. Wolves are family and community minded and protective, cooperating as a group.

Dream about seeing a lone wolf - this is a dream about independence and breaking away from the pack, your interactions with the wolf will tell you more about the meaning.

Dream about a pack of wolves - if the wolves were living in harmony, this is a sing that you will be living in a community where people look out for each other. If the wolves were fighting - you will face opposition from someone in your community.

Dream about wolves howling -this is a dream about expressing your true feelings and becoming part of the pack.

Dreaming about a mother wolf and her young - you will be feeling protective of those around you who are vulnerable.

Dream meaning -learning how to make wolf noises - this is a dream about being part of a group or learning how to communicate and assimilate with others.

In today's dream the dreamer found that making wolf noises was easy, although the dreamer had to learn how to be part of the group after a quick initiation she was ready. She will quickly learn what needs to be learned and assimilate without any issues.




Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

The Year of Living Kindly - Kind Woman Blog - Plastic Free Toothpaste

This is my blog about living kindly, being kind to myself, to the planet and to others.  One of my goals for this year was to cut down on the amount of plastic that I use.

I found a plastic free toothpaste from Taylors Natural that is pretty good. I have the cinnamon flavor. It is only necessary to use a tiny pea sized amount so the small jar should last a long time.  It is a charcoal based paste so the sink definitely needs a wipe after use unless you clean your teeth in the shower. The flavor is not as fresh as toothpaste in a tube and it is less sweet but less sugar in toothpaste is a good thing. Remembering that using this product is saving many plastic tubes being created makes the small difference in flavor worthwhile.




Kind Woman Blog

Here are some similar posts: Natural Hair DyeHand Wash DishesHealthy FoodIntroduction, Plastic Packaging

Plastic Free Juicer


Pauline Courchene Life Coach email me at [email protected]



Dream Meaning - Dreaming about a UFO

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog, where I describe a dream and interpret each element to produce a dream meaning. Here is my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

This is a continuation of the "Drone" dream, the dreamer has attacked and brought down the drone. It is at this point that she realises that the drone contains a small alien being. It is shaken up by her attention to it, she looks overhead and sees an alien craft land on the property and some people come out with stretchers. They are going to take the dreamer and her partner away by force. The alien people explain that they themselves had previously been abducted and it is better to go voluntarily. The people give them 30 minutes to get ready to be abducted they will never be able to return home. The dreamer and her partner spend time trying to decide whether to tell their families that they will be gone for good and wondering what to say.

Dreaming meaning aliens: dreams about aliens are all about being in strange situations where you feel that you do not belong.

Dreaming about being an alien is a sign that you do not fit into your surroundings. You feel out of place or alienated. Perhaps you are living in a foreign country or working in an environment where you feel out of place.

Dreaming about being abducted by aliens is a fear of losing your home or family. You are being taken away from those you love and care about. This can also happen when you marry into a different family or you move house.

Dreaming about people who have become assimilated with aliens -this dream tells you that however strange some people are it is possible to assimilate into an alien group in time. People can join other groups and become confident and comfortable with them and not want to return to life outside of that group. This can be clubs, work groups, family groups or people from other lands.

In today's dream the dreamer, who lives away from people catches an alien on her property. The alien brings in reinforcements in an alien craft. This is telling the dreamer that you are never isolated even if you have space around you, you will interact with others and everyone is connected in a community of some sort. In the dream the dreamer is given the choice to join the aliens and other humans by force or willingly. She decides to join them willingly but then feels really worried about leaving her family behind. The dream is telling her that she has no choice but to join in the new community and it is better to do so willingly, she is losing one family but gaining a new one. The other humans who are in this alien family have settled in and are happy.






Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

Dream Meaning - Dreaming about a Drone

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog, where I describe a dream and interpret each element to produce a dream meaning.  Here is my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

In this dream the dreamer is living in a house with her partner, the house is large and surrounded by fields. She looks up in the air and sees a drone, she thinks the drone is spying on her so she attacks it and brings it to the ground. I will describe the second part of the dream in my next post.

Dreaming of Drones: Drones can be used to take photographs and to spy on people. Generally if you dreamed about a drone that you are not controlling then you have a fear of your privacy being invaded by others.

Dreaming of a military drone: you are afraid that the government is spying on you and you feel that your security is threatened.

Dreaming of flying a drone: If you were in control of the drone in your dream then you are able to see things that others do not have the ability to see. If you crashed the drone your are being told that there are some things that you are not ready to learn about and perhaps it is better not to seek further information at this time.

Dreaming that you lost a drone: this means that you had access to information but were unable to use it, most likely because you are not skilled enough at this time. You should consider going back to the basics of a situation first, in other words learn to walk before you try to run.

Dreaming that someone gave you a drone: this dream means that someone has given you the key to learn more, perhaps to become more educated about something, how you use this is up to you.

In today's dream the dreamer has a secure home and is surrounded by fields, this shows a need for privacy. A drone flies over and the dreamer feels that someone is spying on her so she attacks the drone and brings it down. This is a person who values privacy and has taken steps to keep away from wandering eyes of neighbors by living in a country area. The dream is a warning that even when you are trying to be private there is new technology that can spy on you. You can attack the technology and temporarily defeat it but this may have consequences.

Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

IMG_0980If you can't stand the heat.....

If you would like me to interpret a dream for you, please email me at [email protected]


The Year of Living Kindly -Kind Woman Blog - Choosing a Plastic Free Juicer

This is my blog about living kindly, being kind to myself, to the planet and to others.  One of my goals for this year was to cut down on the amount of plastic that I use. I usually purchase fruit juice in a plastic bottle, I have looked for glass bottles but those juices are very costly. Living in Florida we have plenty of fresh citrus fruits so I decided to purchase a juicer.

I researched different juicers, I wanted a manual juicer and no plastic. There are many juicers out there and having read the reviews, I decided on a large juicer from "Gourmia". It is large and strong and should last me a lifetime. I have had to change my philosophy from the "throwaway" attitude that I previously held.

I ordered the juicer from Amazon Prime and I am excited!

Contact me: [email protected]

Kind Woman Blog

JuicerGourmia Large Juicer



Here are some similar posts: Natural Hair DyeHand Wash DishesHealthy FoodIntroduction, Plastic Packaging 

Plastic Free Toothpaste

Pauline Courchene Life Coach email me at [email protected]

The Year of Living Kindly -Kind Woman Blog - Compost Benefits

This is my blog about living kindly, being kind to myself, to the planet and to others. Today, I am writing about compost, this is one of the benefits of recycling. I bought a composter at Home Depot about a year ago and since then I have been composting my fruit, vegetable and tea bag waste. Here is my list of benefits of composting.

  1. Nutrient rich soil - no need to buy potting soil when planting.
  2. Less waste -fewer trips to the trash can - fewer days to put the garbage can onto the street. Less waste at the landfill.
  3. New plants - tomatoes, peppers, avocados, pineapples, red cabbage, onions and lettuce. I have had plants from all of these from my compost. Actually, I did not put the pineapples in the compost first, I just planted the tops.

I highly recommend composting, keep a pot in the kitchen to put in all of the kitchen waste and then take it out to the composter once a day. Add a few leaves to the compost and turn each time you add something.



Embrace nature with it's endless and fascinating variety



Kind woman blog


Pauline Courchene Life Coach email me at [email protected]







Dream Meaning - Dreaming about a Helicopter

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog, where I describe a dream and interpret each element to produce a dream meaning. Here is my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

In today's dream, the dreamer is walking in the neighbourhood, near her home and she sees a helicopter fall out of the sky and crash in front of her.

Helicopter's can have many different dream interpretations based on the type of helicopter and how the dreamer interacted with it.

Dreaming of a private helicopter - is a symbol of ambition and of having lofty dreams, hoping that your ideas will "take off". Helicopters take off and rise quickly so your idea may or may not be realistic. 

Dreaming of a military helicopter - if you work with these helicopters then this is a work related dream. If you are traveling in a military helicopter you are possibly moving into unknown or dangerous territory and you are not in control of your destiny.

If a military helicopter is hovering over you in your dream, then you are either being rescued from a dangerous situation or you are in grave danger and need to take actions to ensure your survival. You must interpret this based on your emotions during the dream.

If you saw a news helicopter in your dream then you are in the spotlight and events are happening around you that you may not be able to control.

If you were chased by a police helicopter in your dream, you need to change your current path or there will be serious consequences.

If you saw a helicopter take off in your dream, then your ambitions are likely to be rewarded, especially if you were on board the helicopter.

If you see a helicopter land in your dream, then your lofty ideas are being brought back down to earth and you will need to make a more realistic plan.

To dream of being rescued by a helicopter, this is a fortunate dream, telling you that although your situation looks bad, there are people out there who will help and support you. You will be given an opportunity to start again.

If you saw a helicopter crash in your dream then all of your lofty ideas are about to go up in flames, very suddenly. It is time to take a more realistic view of your future plans and aspirations.

In today's dream the dreamer saw the helicopter crash in her neighbourhood. Dreaming about your neighbourhood is usually a dream about social interactions, it is where your friends live and you spend time being sociable. The helicopter represents dreams and aspirations and the neighbourhood means the area of friendships. This dream is telling the dreamer that her dreams about her social life and interactions are about to be destroyed. She does not cause the problem herself, she is just getting on with her walk or life, but everything falls apart around her very suddenly.



Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only

Do you need a dream interpretation? email me.

Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web


The truth is a matter of perspective, our intuition will tell us which is the right way to view a situation.