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November 2017

Dream Meaning - Scaffolding

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog where I describe a dream and then interpret it. Here is the index to my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

In this dream, the dreamer finds himself at the top of the scaffolding of a very tall building. The problem is that the building has not yet been built and he falls....

Scaffolding is a means that we use to either climb a building that is already there or is used when a new building is being built. To dream of scaffolding shows that there is growth in your life, particularly if it is part of a new building. Perhaps you are in school and learning something new or you are building a new life or a new business. Scaffolding on an old building would mean that you are trying to hold up something that may no longer be fit for it's purpose, the dream is telling you to adapt to new circumstances. This dream is telling you to modify or rebuild.

In order to start some thing new, you need a strong foundation but scaffolding without a building shows that you are possibly ahead of your time or jumping the gun. You need to wait until things are more secure before you make your move.

Our dreamer, had reached a pinnacle -he was on top of a really tall building so had seen great success. The warning is that he is ahead of his time and he needs to slow down because his anxiousness caused him to fall.


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Please see list of dreams below.

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

Dream Meaning - Cobwebs

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog where I describe a dream and then interpret it. Here is the index to my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

In this dream the dreamer saw cobwebs on the ceiling of her home. The cobwebs kept increasing and she asked her friend to help her to remove them but he was not listening to her.

Dreaming of cobwebs means that there are issues in your life that you need to pay attention to. If the cobwebs are preventing you from progressing in your life, there are hinderances that are inhibiting you and you must confront them in order to move on. If you see spiders creating more cobwebs then your problems are increasing and you need to take urgent action, as others are actively working to hinder your progress.

In today's dream, the cobwebs were on the ceiling and the dreamer was in her own home, this is an indication that her basic needs of security are taken care of but her higher order needs are being neglected. The cobwebs are increasing and so she is not doing anything to take care of the problem. She asks her friend for help but he either does not want to help or is unable to help her. This shows that she needs to take care of her own needs and not rely on anyone else to improve her life.


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Please see list of dreams below.

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

Dream Meaning - Park Bench

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog where I describe a dream and then interpret it. Here is the index to my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings.

This is an obscure dream and I wonder how many people have similar dreams. In this dream, the dreamer dreams that she is talking to homeless people and learning how to be comfortable sleeping on a park bench. She has to choose between two types of padding to see which is the most comfortable.

I think this dream is most likely a warning, the dreamer is asked to choose between two types of homelessness and has to decide which is the most comfortable. It is likely that the dreamer is choosing between life styles and neither is ideal. The padding shows that she has some choice about how comfortable to be, the homelessness may be self imposed.

A park bench represents a place of comfort in the outdoors, a place to sit and look at nature whilst still enjoying the comforts of man made products. 

The location of the bench could indicate the meaning of the dream, was the bench in pleasant surroundings which would be that you are in a comfortable environment or was the bench in a dangerous place and therefore you need to be careful of the places where you spend your time.

Sleeping on a bench is a sign that you are overstaying your welcome and sleeping in a place that is not designed for you. You are having to make do with a situation that is not ideal and is uncomfortable for you. 


Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Please see list of dreams below.

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

Life's Journeys - Daily Meditation

The first time I experienced meditation was through a yoga class more than 30 years ago. I enjoyed practicing yoga, but the best part was always the calm and relaxing meditation time at the end of class. I would practice a little at home but it was never a habit and I didn't think that meditating was going to be important to me later on.

Over the years, I took classes in psychic development and self hypnosis and was able to refine my practice through guided meditation and classes. I also purchased several CD's to learn more about meditation. I used to get upset with myself for not being able to focus and for thinking about mundane things during practice such as shopping lists but now I am able to control these things with ease. I recognise my thoughts and let them drift away like clouds in the air.

My latest experience of meditation is daily practice, I spend some time sitting cross legged under a pyramid of bamboo sticks. I find that the pyramid gives me energy and adds extra power to my thoughts, it helps me to be more effective. I never thought that meditation would be an important part of my life but it gives me a refined focus and allows me to maintain direction and plan ahead.

When life is not going to plan and you are looking for a way to relax, meditation can be a cure without the side effects of drugs and alcohol. You learn to take control of your life and your thought patterns and find solutions through mindfulness.

You don't always have to have a set direction in life, sometimes life provides you with nice surprises like meditation. You have an amazing mind and infinite power to create your world, experience meditation to enrich your experiences.

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

Kindness posts: Natural Hair Dye ; Turn off the TV at night ; Kind Shopping ;  Kind Gardening ; Eating Kindly ; Being Kind When Challenged ; Use less plastic  ; Composting  ; Plastic Free Juicer ; Plastic Free Toothpaste ; Plastic Free Aisle ; Eliminate plastic forks ; Plastic Free Kettle ; Plastic Free Doormat ; Staying Motivated ; Reading positive news ; Blueberry Picking ; Kind Gardening; Plastic Free Hair Conditioner

Life's Journey's - quitting drinking

I had my first sip of alcohol when I was about 10 years old, my parents subscribed to the theory that introducing children to alcohol young would mean that we would develop a tolerance for it and be less likely to be drunken delinquents. Early on we just drank cider, shandy on Sundays and sherry at Christmas under the watchful eyes of my parents. It still made me feel drunk.

Despite the way it sounds, my parents were strict, at least compared to the parents of my friends, I was not allowed to go to clubs at sixteen or to go on dates with my peers. My reaction was of course to go out drinking anyway, not at night but during the day. I attended at technical college from the age of 16-18 and so was free to attend classes and take breaks between classes. Growing up near the beach meant that there were many bars and so most lunch times I would go out with my friends for a lager and lime.

College of course was a further haze of alcohol and the place where I learned that I could not hold my drink. Alcohol allowed me to be the extrovert and risk taker that lurked somewhere deep inside my small introverted self. I can blame my drinking for numerous dubious situations that I found myself in although fortunately I survived relatively unscathed.

I married a drinker who drank heavily every single night and who regularly became abusive and difficult to deal with. In comparison I was not a heavy drinker and it took me over 20 years to admit that I had married an alcoholic and was actually pretty miserable.

I got divorced but continued to have a drink every night. I still wanted to go out and drink and meet a new man and I still felt that alcohol allowed me to be more sociable. I would fret about drinking and driving laws and blame them for my inability to go out and have fun. 

Years passed, I would sit at work and look forward to going home and having a glass of wine,  the highlight of my day. I would fantasise about the condensation on my wine glass and gripping the stem with that first sip of cool white wine.  I was drinking just a couple of bottles of wine a week. However, I started to hear reports about how drinking even moderately could cause dementia in later life and as later life was quickly approaching I decided to quit drinking.

Quitting drinking was easy for me, although I really enjoyed drinking, I didn't think that quitting was permanent, I just stopped buying it and replaced my wine with coffee, tea and sometimes ginger beer. I needed to drink something while watching tv. I feel so much better, less headaches, less dehydration and my interest in hanging out in bars has totally gone away. Why would I want to go to a bar and meet another alcoholic?  Life is a journey, and you can take positive steps to quit drinking, when the time is right for you.

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

Kind Woman!

People who know me will understand why I have included the exclamation mark in the title. I am definitely a work in progress to becoming wise. What I do have, is a lot of experience. I have worked in many different fields, emigrated twice, been married and divorced once, been a mother twice and I am currently a carer. I am an intuitive person and I like to help people and the planet so some of my blog posts are about that. My latest thought was to develop a 'Carers Anonymous' group but that has not come to fruition yet.

Like most sensitive people I am also very interested in the environment, being kind to the planet and being kind to those around me, you will also find here my kind woman blog, where I attempt to be kind to the planet, to others and to myself.

Kindness posts: Natural Hair Dye ; Turn off the TV at night ; Kind Shopping ;  Kind Gardening ; Eating Kindly ; Being Kind When Challenged ; Use less plastic  ; Composting  ; Plastic Free Juicer ; Plastic Free Toothpaste ; Plastic Free Aisle ; Eliminate plastic forks ; Plastic Free Kettle ; Plastic Free Doormat ; Staying Motivated ; Reading positive news ; Blueberry Picking ; Kind Gardening; Plastic Free Hair Conditioner

Life's Journeys - Becoming Vegan

I think if I had been given the choice as a small child, I would always have been vegan. I could never square away the idea in my mind that the yummy meat I was eating came from the killing of a poor defenceless animal. I remember saying to my father how much I liked eating lamb. I watched the pretty little lambs frolicking around in the meadow and somehow, it never tasted the same. I really liked the mint sauce, mint and vinegar that was on the meat, not the meat at all.

Years later I was living in Tunisia and I remember being upset when I saw animals being slaughtered on the edge of the road. My friend pointed out that what we do is much worse, driving terrified animals for miles with no food or drink and then letting them watch while their companions are killed. How is that better?

Firstly I became vegetarian, I could still enjoy eggs and cheese.  I discovered that I was intolerant to milk, it always made my nose run so quitting was a good idea.  I then discovered that even free range chickens have their beaks broken and are exhausted from producing eggs that they are not allowed to hatch.  Dairy cows have young that are not allowed to drink their mothers milk because apparently we need it more. Young males are slaughtered young and females die young exhausted by milk production. I learned this from visiting a rescue farm where animals are saved from slaughter.

Vegan became the only option and whenever I think that I want meat, I just think of the suffering animals and the dead flesh that I would be consuming and allowing to fester in my gut.

Let's face it, most of us don't even like to eat dead flesh we disguise it with smoke flavour, hot sauce, ketchup, salsa, mustard, relish, anything to make it taste good.  Big animals like cows survive on a vegan diet, I think that I can too!

Remember life is a journey and it takes a series of small steps to reach your destination, who knows what is next? Could vegan be for you?

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

Getting Fired


Life Balance

Who are you?

Weekly Review

Pendulum Wisdom

The Universal Laws

What is your Mantra?

Career Goal

Your Vision

Be Positive

How to Survive an Ugly Boss

Unfortunately, we all have times when we work for someone who is negative. It doesn't matter how well you do your job, they are going to criticise and belittle you. They may be drunk on power, lacking in confidence or just miserable people but you will never please them. They storm over to your desk and you have to drop everything, they demand that you work overtime when it is not necessary and then they try to take over your personal life by demanding extra hours. The days of slavery are over and you do not have to suffer through this abuse.

Many of us are feeling the pinch rising prices and pay checks that do not keep up, billionaires gloating and lording it over us and then you have to deal with this annoying tick bite of a person every day!! You cannot use tweezers to rid yourself of them and ignoring them is probably not the best plan. The answer is to be super organised and to answer them slowly when they make requests of you. They rule by bullying and you are not going to get anywhere by arguing with this person.

Have confidence, you know what you are doing despite the petty put downs and ridiculous games. Take a deep breath and meditate, you can do this. Let this person self combust, whatever their problem is, you are not the cause.

Happy days!

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

Who are you?

Weekly Review

Pendulum Wisdom

The Universal Laws

What is your Mantra?

Career Goal

Your Vision

Be Positive

Real Goals

Think Positive

Great Expectations

Manifesting Perfection

Do it now!


Running Away

Clean House

Bad Relationships

Manifesting Magic

Doubting Yourself

Working in Sales


Abusive Relationships

A Better World

Change is Good

Climb the Mountain

Blessing in Disguise

Interview Tips

New Year Resolutions

Vision Board

Working too hard?

Faking It

Why you should dance