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September 2017

Dreaming of Birds -Water Birds

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog where I describe a dream and then interpret it. Here is the index to my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

There are so many types of birds that live in the water and it is the characteristics and behaviour of these birds that give meaning to your dreams. Dreaming of ducks swimming along is a sign that things will be going smoothly, you have adapted to your situation, taken to it like a duck to water!

Wading birds vary in size and behaviour, herons stand still for a long time and then dip quickly to catch their prey.Dreaming of a heron would mean that you have to be patient, make sure that you are in a position to take advantage of a situation when it occurs. Storks are traditionally associated with babies or in general with deliveries so you should expect a delivery of some kind. Small wading birds that run along the seashore, sanderlings, would mean that you are nervously running around from place to place, it works for the birds so it may work for you too.

In any bird dream it is important to remember the behaviour of the bird, and anything that was significant about the bird, so you can interpret the message. Did the bird look healthy? Was it able to fly? Was it drowning? Was the bird the wrong colour? All of these things are important.

A duck swimming along with her baby chicks behind, might mean that you are going into a motherhood or leadership role, or you may be one of the ducklings following along. A dream of a heron catching a snake could mean that if you are patient you will succeed, even though you may need to wrestle with an opponent first.

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Please see list of dreams below.

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web


Photo by Peter Andrews

Dreaming about Birds Flying.


What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog where I describe a dream and then interpret it. Here is the index to my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

There is so much to write about bird dreams, what were the birds doing, the type of bird, perhaps the colour of the bird. 

Flying Birds: If you identify with the birds, you are able to reach your highest aspirations, see new opportunities, rise above a situation. Flying like a bird represents freedom. Birds flying away from you is a sign of an opportunity missed, you have been left behind by the others. If the birds fly into danger then you made the right decision.

Flying birds arriving and pitching near you, is a sign of new opportunities and ideas coming to you. If these birds are aggressive to you then it is a warning that you must watch out for enemies arriving in your circle. Birds landing may also mean that you have just reached your goal.

Birds flying into a window is a sign that an opportunity or idea meets a sudden unexpected hiccup that may derail the whole process or may be an obstacle in the road. If the bird or birds flew away unharmed then the problem is just temporary. 

Birds flying high is a sign that your aspirations are big and long term, where low flying birds are a sign of short term goals that will soon be realised. Whereas birds taking off into flight are new ideas that are just starting to happen.

A bird struggling to fly shows that there are many problems to overcome before an idea can take flight, it may be a sign that a rethink or redesign of ideas is needed.

Baby birds learning to fly is a sign that your project, aspiration is in it's infancy and needs time to mature before you go ahead and launch your idea.

Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Please see list of dreams below.

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

Dreaming about Birds Fighting


What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog where I describe a dream and then interpret it. Here is the index to my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

I was recently asked to interpret a dream about birds.  The dreamer was standing near to the edge of a dock by a lake and saw an osprey swoop down and attack a blue heron. It killed the heron and dropped it at her feet, she was very disturbed by this. When dreaming about anything the first step is to ask yourself about your feelings and relationship with the subjects of your dream. In this case the dreamer identifies with the heron and believes that the heron is her spirit bird. The osprey is a graceful strong bird, who is agile, and has great timing to be able to swoop and grab fish from the water. It seems uncharacteristic for the osprey to attack a heron, although both birds eat fish, their diet is different, herons fish at the edge of the water and catch small fish, ospreys grab larger fish and fly through the air.

I think this was a warning dream, the dreamer needs to watch out for someone strong and graceful who she does not expect to attack her. Although the attacker has similar interests, the osprey may represent someone who is more successful or stronger. It could be business competition, their is similarity in the way that the birds survive or it could be an emotional attachment where the dreamer gives up her life in order to satisfy a stronger partner. The event will happen soon as the dreamer is near the end of the dock but not quite there yet.

An interpretation of a bird in a dream is then based on the dreamers relationship with that bird, the actions of the bird and the natural characteristics and colours of the bird.

Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Please see list of dreams below.

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web



The End or a New Beginning?

Today is September 24th 2017, the day after the world, (according to some)was due to end.  I am not ready to heave a sigh of relief yet, this feels like an apocalyptic time, enormous hurricanes, devastating earthquakes, gigantic volcanoes that are ready to erupt and we have the threat of nuclear war. There are writings in "Revelations" in the bible, stories from the Mayans and astronomical messages from the pyramids of Giza telling us that this is the time of change. A few weeks ago, there was a giant asteroid that narrowly missed the earth and now we have the tale of Niburu the hidden planet that was due to hit earth yesterday, what is going on?

You may take the view that this is just a lot of hot air, there is no global warming, we can abuse the planet to make money with no consequences and that this end of the world talk is just more of millennial type hysteria. What if this is wrong? Who provides us with the information that we listen to? Who is trying to control our thoughts and why? My motivation for writing this is solution based, I love our beautiful planet; we are just guests here.

I have been trying to make sense of what is happening in the world and asking a bunch of questions.

  1. Large hurricanes are caused by warm sea temperatures so why are the seas so warm?

The planet is getting hotter, there is a great deal of scientific evidence to support this, 

Are we causing the planet to heat up? Carbon dioxide is increasing along with global temperatures, much of the increase in carbon dioxide is due to man's activities on earth.

Of course there could be additional outside factors that are causing global warming, it could be cyclical but even so something causes a cycle to happen. In the past solar activity caused the plant to warm and cool but the sun's rays have not become stronger this time around, we have upset the chemistry in the greenhouse and are now suffering the consequences. Solar Activity

Warming seas are also making the ice caps melt, one of the largest icebergs ever broke off antarctic this year: largest iceberg

2. Why do earthquakes and volcanoes often happen together?

We are seeing a large number of earthquakes around the world caused by moving tectonic plates, volcanoes are often also situated on fault lines and so the likelihood of having volcanic eruptions is increasing. There have been many warnings this week around the world about increased volcanic and seismic activity. 

We also know that large storms can cause earthquakes, the increased water flow puts stress on the rocks and can cause movement, Storm related earthquakes

3. Do nuclear tests cause earthquakes?

We have heard in the news this week that nuclear testing my have caused an earthquake in North Korea, Nuclear test may have caused an earthquake . My thought is that we should not be surprised by this, every action has a consequence and the planet at this time is under attack from many sides. 

4. What else are we doing to cause earthquakes?

We are continuously assaulting the earth, we are fracking and that is increasing the number of earthquakes we are also pumping wastewater into the ground that is also causing a problem. You will read misleading information on this as there is money to be made in fracking. Fracking and Earthquakes

5. Does the position of the planets cause earthquakes and volcanoes?

This is an old theory that has been difficult to prove, the problem is that in past studies the movement of the sun and moon have been studied but not the effects of a combination of planets. One of my theories to explain what is happening with the planet at this time is that the unique planet line up that we have at this moment is causing earthquakes and volcanoes to erupt. This is the planet line up that causes huge problems for the earth as predicted in the bible, by the ancient Egyptians and the Mayans. Astronomical tidal forces and earthquakes

There is also research to suggest that underwater volcanoes do erupt in response to changes in tides and therefore the moon does effect volcanic eruptions as do sea levels. Sea floor eruptions and the tide

6. Why might the sun, moon and stars be lessened by one third?

This information comes from the book of Revelations 8:12. If we are truly in the end times or the new beginning then this is about to happen. The most obvious reason that this would happen would be if there are enormous volcanic eruptions that block out the light of the sun, the moon and the stars. There could also be a planet collision or nuclear war. Revelation 8:12

7. What does Niburu mean?

This is the name of the planet also known as planet X that was supposed to collide with earth on September 23rd 2017. The word means a crossing or a point of transition. It could be an unknown planet crossing our path or a transition to a better or worse time in the world, in our thinking or way of life. NASA has confirmed the existence of planet X but states that there is no evidence that it is going to hit earth. NASA planet X. If you believe in astrology the planet could still effect events on earth such as volcanoes, earthquakes and storms by effecting our atmosphere.

8. Are the poles about to flip?

If the poles flip then north becomes south and south becomes north, or there may be a partial pole flip where the poles move to either side of the equator. The earth's poles have flipped many times in the past, the last full reversal was 780,000 years ago. The magnetic field of the earth is decreasing and this may be a sign that a pole flip is due. If the poles flip there could be mass extinctions, huge volcanoes or the loss of satellites, electricity and increased radiation. The earth's magnetism comes from it's liquid core deep beneath the surface, the way the molten iron centre moves is being monitored but as this event has not happened recently it is difficult to predict when a flip may occur. How a flip in the magnetic poles could effect us.

9. Why do we think that if we damage one part of the earth the whole is not effected?

Everything changes, nothing is constant and things will happen to the earth with or without man's interference, however we can keep the sun shining a little longer, keep the water and the air fresher is we learn to live responsibly and to respect our planet. We need to realise the things that are important in life, love, beauty, kindness and respect and turn our backs on the materialistic greed that has caused so much bitterness, hatred and exploitation.

Think of the earth this way, it is a big stone ball, with a liquid core, covered in beautiful oceans, lush forests and green fields. It floats and spins in a gorgeous blue sky under a blazing sun protected from the sun's radiation. At night the moon shines brightly and the stars glimmer in a cool dark sky. Man trashes the earth with bombs, cars, fracking, chemicals, poisons. How can we truly believe that our actions have no consequences? The evidence is there and it is time to wake up and make a transition, we need to love of our planet and respect each other and all living beings so we can find a way to make this a beautiful place for all people, this is our new beginning....

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

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Weekly Review

Pendulum Wisdom

The Universal Laws

What is your Mantra?

Career Goal

Your Vision

Be Positive

Real Goals

Think Positive

Great Expectations

Manifesting Perfection

Do it now!


Running Away

Clean House

Bad Relationships

Manifesting Magic

Doubting Yourself

Working in Sales


Abusive Relationships

A Better World

Change is Good

Climb the Mountain

Blessing in Disguise

Interview Tips

New Year Resolutions

Vision Board

Working too hard?

Faking It

Why you should dance

Dreaming of Butterflies and Flowers

What does my dream mean?

This is my dream interpretation blog where I describe a dream and then interpret it. Here is the index to my dream interpretation blog, where I explore dream meanings. 

This weeks dreams involves seeing a young red headed girl playing with pink cherry blossoms and surrounded by pink butterflies. It is a beautiful vision of happiness and beauty.  The sky is blue and the sun is shining.

Dreaming of butterflies is a sign of change and transformation. Butterflies are at the final stage of a metamorphosis, so if you were to see butterfly eggs or caterpillars you would be seeing an early stage of a transformation. Butterflies are delicate so this transformation may be something that needs to be nurtured in order to survive. 

Dreaming of cherry blossoms is a reminder that life is short, things are going well, the trees are flowering but cherry blossoms like butterflies do not last very long and so the dream is a reminder to enjoy life while you can. Dreams of flowers can mean love and happiness, withered flowers can mean disappointment.

The colour pink is a feminine colour, and can be associated with love and happiness. Meanings of other colours, red can mean passion, love, or anger, seeing red. Orange is a sign of new beginnings and opportunities. Yellow can be a bright optimistic colour such as a sunny day or the yellow of cowardice. Green can be a colour of growth, money and healing. Blue is the colour of depression, having the blues, it can be a blue sky or a blue sea or the colour of communication.  Purple is a spiritual colour and can be associated with royalty, healing and our best intentions.

Dreaming of a young girl is usually a positive symbol and in this dream she was innocent, happy and engrossed in nature. Dreaming of a young boy can be a symbol of positive or negative changes, it can be a reminder that you need to have more fun and youthfulness in your approach to life.

This weeks dream meaning, there is going to be a transformation in your life, represented by the butterflies, you need to enjoy the transformation because life is short, cherry blossoms. The change is positive, pink, you need to be more oblivious to your surroundings, like the young red headed girl. The sun is shining, go out and enjoy what nature has to offer now.

Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Please see list of dreams below.

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Butterfly on Bamboo