How to Make Magical New Year's Resolutions!
The holidays are almost over and some of us are snuggling up warm and cozy indoors planning the year ahead. I make resolutions every year and I am pretty good at keeping them so here are a few things to think about when you make that list, if it is indeed a list.
1. Brainstorm some ideas - what do you want to change or improve on in your life? I was writing the same goals every year until I tried this.
Ideas for brainstorming new years resolutions:
A tarot card reading
Painting on a Buddha board with water,
Abstract drawing,
Opening an atlas and pointing at places
Reading last years social media posts
Looking at your photos
Thinking about your friends/families lives
Listening to music
Hopefully at least on of these things will start you thinking about what you would like to achieve next year. You are about to start a new chapter - what would you like it to be about? Would you read a book about your own life?
2. Write down some categories: work and career, pleasure, love, family, vacation, health and fitness and finances. You should have one or more goals for each of these.
3. Make your list!
4. How to make your list of resolutions magical.
- Paint a picture or several pictures of your resolutions and take a photograph .
- Find a photograph of each resolution and make a vision board
- Type up your list and use an appropriate photograph as a watermark.
- Turn your goals into a rap or a mantra and say or sing them over and over.
- Make a recording of yourself -speaking your resolutions and listen to it daily.
- Create a dance of your resolutions and feel how your life is improving for the better.
- Write the list in your best handwriting on some special paper.
5. How to make your list work.
My list is wallpaper on the front of my phone so I look at it 100's of times a day. It is there whenever I want to check my progress or remind myself of my goals. You could also make a screensaver out of your list. The same advice applies if you sing, dance, hand write or record your resolutions. It is the repetition that creates the habit of thinking about your resolutions and you will then feel more inclined to continue to work on your goals for the year. You will rewire your brain to achieve the life that you want. The Super Life! Good luck.
Happy New Year.
College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.
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