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September 2016

Interview Tips

Some people excel at interviews, they have the confidence and personality to impress an interviewer, whilst others who may be better qualified for a position struggle with nerves.  Here are my tips for overcoming interview nerves.

  1. Be Prepared - do your research, who is the ideal candidate?
  2. Find out about the organisation.
  3. Read online reviews.
  4. Read your application so you can remember the information that you supplied.
  5. Read the requirements of the job so you can show what a good fit you will be for the position.
  6. Write some sample interview questions and practice answering them.
  7. Rehearse your interview with a friend.

Day of Interview

  1. Wear something appropriate for the position that you are applying for
  2. Wear something smarter than you would wear every day.
  3. Create the image of the person that you want to be.
  4. Break in new shoes the day before to make sure that they are comfortable.
  5. If you bought a new skirt make sure that you remove the labels and unpick the tacking stitches if there is a slit.
  6. Check that your undergarments are not visible (unless that is a requirement of the job), and stand in the light to see if your clothes are see through.
  7. Do not display too much flesh and wear hose if necessary.
  8. Be comfortable, wear layers if the climate suggests that you will be too warm or cold.
  9. Do not wear perfume that is too strong as this upsets some people.
  10. Keep yourself hydrated - avoid drinks that will stain if you spill them on your clothes
  11. Nail polish should be fresh if you wear it.
  12. Make up should be appropriate for the position you are applying to.
  13. Hair should be clean and off your face.

Things to help you relax on the way to an interview.

  1. Sing - it doesn't matter what you sing. Singing will relax you and warm up your vocal chords.
  2. Singing - will help you to speak clearly and should put a smile on your face.
  3. Get to the interview early - allow time for every problem you can think of -getting lost, elevators, parking a long way from the building, train strikes, traffic, bad weather.
  4. Eat to give yourself energy - freshen your breath.

Packing you interview bag

  1. I have heard that a flashlight in your bag will help you to find your way.
  2. Carry a lucky charm or some crystals to give you confidence.
  3. Spare copies of your resume.
  4. Pen
  5. Business cards if you have them.
  6. Phone, computer or tablet with contact information for previous jobs and referees.


  1. Remember, the interviewer is human
  2. I know some people will tell you to imagine the interviewer in their underwear -but be careful of this as you may get distracted wondering what type of underwear they are wearing or if they are wearing it and it could all go very wrong!
  3. Make a friend - try to find some commonality with the interviewer.
  4. Use similar body language to the interviewer
  5. Talk at the same speed as the interviewer, in other words mirror them, this is flattery and everyone likes that.
  6. Touch yourself lightly on the chest and ask who their ideal candidate would be!
  7. Have fun, show that you have a sense of humour -if you have one.
  8. Remember why you are a great candidate for the position
  9. Ask questions and be interested in the job itself -not just the vacations and benefits.
  10. Act as if you are interviewing them - remember you are in high demand and they will be lucky to be working with you.
  11. Use a firm hand shake if hand shaking is required do not be a wet fish.
  12. Find out what the next steps are and when you will receive a decision.
  13. Thank the interviewer, even if the interview was torture - you will have learned something.
  14. If the interviewer is critical of your past experience, count to ten, rephrase what they are saying to you and ask it as a question that would lead to a positive answer or make a statement that will amuse them, sometimes humor can take the sting out of an attack. Be strong.

After the interview

  1. Take a deep breath.
  2. Thank the interviewer -sending an email can work well.
  3. Follow up if you do not hear anything within the allotted time.


Good Luck!

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

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