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May 2013

Is it time to fix the vision board?


I love this vision board!

Vision boards are often created, around January 1st each year, we make our new year resolutions and some of us create our vision boards for the coming year. I paint my vision board; it is not a work of art, as I paint like a child but it does represent the things that I am working on for that year.

It looks something like this!

Now we are in May and I am wondering if I need to update my board a little, boards work differently for different people, I see my painted images but when I visualise in my head, I see the true picture sometimes it is like a photograph in my head. I see the new home that I am going to buy, the kitchen, the bedroom, the backyard and the neighbourhood,  I feel the sun on my arms as I sit in my new backyard, listening to the wind chimes and reading a book. I walk down the lane to my new neighbourhood. It is more than a vision it is an experience from all of my senses. I know I am going to buy this house, I don't know when or exactly where it is; I have some idea but I feel I am getting closer to it each day.

Gorgeous Picture - Gerry Scaccabarozzi

To make a vision board work; you need to believe in what you have created, be excited about the achievement of your goal and carry that expectation with you, the Universe is listening to you. Experience your vision with all of your senses not just your eyes, hear the sound of your new car, smell that new car smell, feel the seats, imagine how if will look outside of your house, be happy that you achieved your goal.

Working on your Goal - Get up early and run!

You may need to fix the vision board if your goals have changed but if not; make it more than a vision board, turn it into a feeling board, have the expectation of success, the joy of achievement and intend to succeed. It works! Please let me know if it works for you! I love success stories.

3509225450_e352ff3ffe upsoken prayer by GettysGirl at flickr
You can do it!

If you need help setting your goals and sticking to them; I can coach you. [email protected]

$30 for 30 minutes, $50 per hour.

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

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A Blessing in Disguise?


Whenever something goes wrong in my life; which does happen occasionally despite being the "super life coach", my friends always tell me that it might be "a blessing in disguise", this has happened fairly often recently so much so that I was prompted to look up the origin of this expression. What I found was this quote by Oscar Wilde "What seems to us bitter trials are often blessings in disguise", beautifully written.

Protection from Bastet

A blessing is referring to your deity's favour and protection, so a blessing in disguise would mean that you are no longer favored or protected, at least at first glance; but perhaps some good will come out of this. It sounds pretty bad, like some sort of punishment from the almighty but you are going to be blessed in the end. How you feel about this of course really depends on how bad the "punishment" was and how quickly you can recover.

Inspirational Comment

One of my favourite expressions is; "you cannot change the past, you can only change the future". As humans we can learn from experience but we must kiss the past goodbye and move on to better things. You can definitely change your future and you can make sure that you do not make the same mistakes again; this perfect quote attributed to Albert Einstein,"Insanity: doing the same thing over again and expecting different results". It may have taken a genius to think of this but it is so true!

Keep Calm

There is hope in this message; when bad things have occurred whether or not they were punishment from on high, bad luck or a repetition of past mistakes; it's time to just learn, change and move on to a better and brighter future, enlightened by past experiences and renewed by the new challenges ahead.

Sunrise in Cornwall, England

Life coaching service, goal setting and follow up. $30 for 30 minutes, $50 per hour -email me; [email protected]

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

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Caring College Advisor

Pc english pub2_2_face0  With the economy still in the doldrums and a lack of well paying jobs at any level the last few years have seen an unprecedented rise in the number of people seeking a college education. On the surface this sounds like a wonderful thing, a better educated and motivated workforce. A college education is great; you get to learn new things and most importantly learn how to think independently. However, many students are graduating from college with crippling student loan debt and unrealistic ideas about their job prospects and income potential, it would be so much better if these students had good advice before they signed up for a degree program.

A college admissions officer will give you some advice and try to help you to choose the right career, but they are employed by an organization who is paying them to sell you a degree program at their college, institute or university. An admissions person cannot tell you what your job prospects are and they cannot give you any information about salaries. Admissions officers will direct you to a website where you can look up information, if you know where to look and if you remember to do so; admissions people are relying on their charm to get you to sign an enrolment agreement and pay a registration fee to lock you into a program before have time to think!

It is a great idea to find out job placement rates, median student loan debt, student retention rates and graduation rates before you apply to college. Colleges do provide this information but it can be misleading if you are not familiar with it and it is usually really hard to find. An admissions will show you where to locate this information but do you really have time to read and understand it?


If you are not sure which career would suit you; it is a good idea to take some tests to identify your strengths and weaknesses and what type of work would suit your personality. If you are talking to an admissions officer at a school; they can only offer you their degree programs and make a quick guess about what might suit you based on a five minute conversation. Their aim is to enrol you, not to get to know you; at a for-profit schools your admissions officer is following a script just like a telemarketer.

So what can a college advisor offer you?

  • Personality tests to help you decide on a career.
  • Statistics showing you job prospects for your industry, pay rates, qualifications needed and future growth.
  • Statistics from potential schools on student outcomes.
  • A list of schools that offer the programs you are looking for.
  • Reviews of the schools from students and graduates.
  • Help completing forms
  • Help with essay writing and college applications.
  • Goal setting, follow up and coaching to ensure that you pursue your passion.
  • A reassuring voice when you need help!
  • A person who will give you honest advice and pull information from all sources that are available.

If you need help with getting into college, filling in your forms, researching colleges and careers, please email me: [email protected], $30 for 30 minutes, $50 per hour.



College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

In UK: £20 for 30 minutes or £35 for 60 minutes. I use PayPal for payment and Skype to complete the reading. Please email me to set this up with your preferred time see below. [email protected].

 In US Time: I am available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 2pm, 3pm, 4pm or 5pm Eastern Standard Time and Saturday 9 am, 10 am and 11 am EST. 

In UK time: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 7pm, 8pm and 9pm. Saturday 2 pm, 3pm and 4 pm.

Regionally Accredited or Nationally Accredited?

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