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Manifesting Magic!


How is it that when we are feeling good, we can make all sorts of great stuff happen but when we are feeling down it just gets worse!!  I am having a great weekend, feeling really positive, happy and excited, so I have been writing all the good stuff down so that I will remember it and refer back to it, should I ever have another bad day!



This quote by Christine Anderson really says it all.  We all need faith and the power of our minds and collective thoughts can really change things. We can transform everything - even ourselves.


This is a great movie and also a book on quantum physics. 

Have some positive thoughts for the world today, think about peace, think about the BP oil spill being cleared away, think about the beauty of the Louisiana coastline being restored and think about how truly wonderful your life is with all it's possibilities.  Have a good one!

[email protected]


Talking quantum physics to your dog.....? 

Dream Interpretations

I started interpreting dreams when I was a teenager. I always had very detailed dreams and would recount them to my friends. One of my boyfriends bought me a dream dictionary and I started to delve into interpretation. Unfortunately, I found that many dreams had elements that were contradictory and so I did not really get a detailed analysis of my dream.

I realised that different people have different relationships with dream symbols based on experience, their daily lives and culture. A person who keeps snakes will have a different interpretation of a snake dream to a person who has a fear of snakes.

Dreams may have symbols that are said to be good omens and then some that are bad omens, understanding the context of the omens will help you to interpret their true meaning for you.

My blog is a series of dreams and interpretations of the elements in each dream to help you to understand how best to interpret your dreams, I am also available to interpret a dream for you. Email me: [email protected], dream interpretations are free!

I organise the dreams by general subject area rather than alphabetically, if you have a question about a dream symbol please email me.

Tarot Readings!

I started reading tarot cards many years ago when I was in college, I was studying business but my real interest has always been in psychology, astrology, tarot and dreams. I waited a long time to pursue tarot reading professionally. I do not understand how tarot cards work or why they work. I do not believe that you need special powers to read the cards but experience and an understanding of the symbols on each card opens the doors to a successful interpretation.

It is a good idea to be in a quiet place to have a tarot reading, to be able to free your mind of distractions and concentrate on an issue that you would like some insight into. Tarot cards can give you insight into situations and things that are happening around the questioner.

I have been a tarot reader for more than 40 years and will be happy to do a reading for you, the cost is $30 for 30 minutes or $50 per hour.  In UK: £20 for 30 minutes or £35 for 60 minutes. I use PayPal for payment and Skype to complete the reading. Please email me to set this up with your preferred time see below. [email protected]. Readings are for entertainment only! 

 In US Time: I am available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 2pm, 3pm, 4pm or 5pm Eastern Standard Time and Saturday 9 am, 10 am and 11 am EST. 

In UK time: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 7pm, 8pm and 9pm. Saturday 2 pm, 3pm and 4 pm.

Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

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Dream about swans


Most of us dream, some of us remember our dreams, sometimes we just see an image for a second but if we remember it, it may have some significance. Looking up the meaning of dreams is helpful but you also have to use your own interpretation of what that dream means to you. The emotion and sometimes the symbols are not the same for you as they are in a dreamers dictionary.


People often tell me their dreams, sometimes the meaning is so obvious to me but the dreamer totally missed the message. Why is it important? It depends on your viewpoint - sometimes understanding a dream meaning can be a shortcut to understand your deeper thoughts and emotions, sometimes it can be a warning about a certain pattern of behaviour and sometimes it is a residue of the days activities.


The Children of Lir, transformed into swans by their evil stepmother.

I woke up this morning and then closed my eyes briefly and saw several black swans, they were beautiful swans with red beaks, there was one white swan. I knew the swans had come in from Australia and I think they were on Lake Eola in Orlando.


If I were to look up black swans in in the dreamers dictionary in some interpretations they are seen as negative, a white swan that is dirty, but these swans were what they were supposed to be, they were just a long way from home. The other curious thing about seeing the swans is that I have been wearing a swan necklace for the last few days. My necklace is Celtic and is called "The children of Lir", it is hard to see but it is several swans flying away.It is from a story about a woman whose children were turned into swans. Children of Lir


Swans represent beauty and grace and strength, they are perfectly adapted to their environment. They are like the lions of the lake. White swans are associated with purity, whereas dark swans represent our inner thoughts and ideas, some would call it our darker side. It is dark because it is inside us and hidden from the light. 

Seeing more black swans than white swans would mean that the dreamer is spending more time looking inside themselves, intuitively than focussing on their outer appearance. Their inner world is dominating at this time.



Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Dream Interpretation, Tarot Reading and/or Mediumship with Mystic Polly

Would you like a reading?

More than 30 years experience.

$25(£20) for a 30 minute face to face reading on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. Payment is via PayPal.

Email me today:  [email protected]

Remember to let me know your time zone so we can set something up!

Readings are for entertainment only


Main blog page: What does my dream mean?

Please see list of dreams below.

Dream Interpretation List

Dreams about Transportation, cars, bikes, helicopters..

dream about riding a bike, unicycle or tricycle

Dream about driving a car

dream about a helicopter.

Dreaming about a drone

dream about a UFO

Dream about catching a plane

Dream about having someone on your back, dream about plane crash

Dream of a road

Dream meaning running away

Dream about moving backwards

Dream about Rocks

Dreams about clothes

Dream about shoes

Dreaming about a hotel and wearing white

dream about losing your purse or handbag

Dream meaning out of breath, lost luggage, bus

Dream of losing your purse, dream of making dough; dream of photographs

Dream about Losing your Clothes

Dream about being naked .

Dreams about family and people

Dream about family moving away  

dream about talking babies 

Dream about having someone on your back  

Dream of looking for your date

dream about a room mate and musicians!

Dreams about buildings and furniture, man-made things

Dream about a helicopter, broken legs and a closet

Dream about Dorm Room and Key

Dream about Cell Phone or Mobile Phone

Dream about car park, road and driving

Dream about Driving and object in road

Dream about being lost in a hotel

dream about a house 

 Dream about Painting   

 Dream meaning scaffolding

Dream about stealing dishes ;

dream about television ;

Dream Meaning: Room mate, furniture, musicians ;

Dream about cups, dream about two ;

Dream of a sink ;

Dreaming about floors ;

Dream of Photographs ;

Dream about a mirror

Dream about candlesticks,

dream about book shelves

Dream about a book 

Dream meaning Park Bench ;

Dreaming of cutting the grass, mowing the lawn ;

Dream about a Statue

dream about fairground

Dream about job interview and clothes

Dream about Statues and Graveyard

Dreams about situations

dream of being blind ;

Dream about ex-boyfriends mother

Dream about Blood ;

Dream meaning out of breath,

lost luggage, bus ;

Dream of searching for your seat,

dream of looking for your date

Dream about an interview

Dream about pie,

dream about explosion ;

Dream of losing your purse,

dream of making dough;

dream of photographs

Dreaming of numbers,

dreaming of income  

Dream about retirement, drag queens and pink hair

Dream about cups,

dream about two

Dreams about nature and wildlife

dream meaning birds

 Dreaming of Ducks and Water Birds

Dreaming about birds flying

Dreaming about birds 1

Dream about alligators, crocodiles or caiman

Dreaming of butterflies,

dreaming of flowers

Dream about rocks ;

Dreaming about Fire,  ;

Dreaming about Mud

Dream meaning cobwebs

Dream about wolves

Dream meaning vintage car, department store and swamp

Dream meaning spider, Web and Dog

Dream of a forest and a cradle

Dream about escaping a spider web

Lost in the woods!

When I was a child, we used to go for long walks in Weston woods, the paths were often muddy and full of holes where people on horseback had been through, there were puddles and sometimes a clearing in the trees where the grass was able to grow. The sun would peak through at these places and the day would feel warmer.


Sometimes we would wander up to the Roman Encampment that is now just several piles of stones where the romans used to live and protect their homes. It is a 2000 year old hill fort where many human remains have been found some of which had met violent deaths. The view from the encampment was beautiful, you could see across sand bay to Wales.


Sometimes we would wander back to the water tower passing "Peak Winna", a pile of stones, where you would throw a stone on the pile and say, "Peak Winna, Peak Winna, give me a good dinner". Historians believe that it was used by fishermen going off to fish in the bay.


A skull from the bronze age showing sword wounds - this person did not make it out of the woods! 

Well, what does all this reminiscing have to do with living a better life? I think it is about appreciating where we are and what is going on around us now. I often feel as if I am lost in the woods but I know that I can find my way out. Even if I went back to my woods in Weston after being away for 30 years, I could find my way around.


There are signs all around us, showing us which way to go, there are reasons why the phone rings or does not ring, why some things come easily to us and sometimes we have to work hard.  It is all about your belief in yourself and your intentions.


If you decide to get lost in the woods, it will happen but if you know that you will find a way out and enjoy the journey that will happen too!


The pier burnt down and you can ride donkey's on the beach! 

Have a great day! Visit Weston-super-mare if you get the chance, it is a very old and interesting place!

[email protected]

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

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Attack of the Xenoestrogens!


I have been out of sorts for the last few days, terrible headaches associated with too many xenoestrogens. Xeno as you may know means foreign or alien and estrogens are female sex hormones.

I have been aware of xenoestrogens for the last 3 years and sometimes I do a good job at avoiding them and sometimes, I feel healthy, I relax and become less vigilant.

Xenoestrogens are chemicals that get into your body and the body treats them like human estrogen - giving you more estrogen than is good for you. Problems associated with xenoestrogens are breast cancer, fibroids, ovarian cysts, migraine headaches, acne, low testosterone in men, early onset of male menopause - andropause, man boobs, early onset of puberty.....

There are so many conditions related to this, it is a really serious problem and is caused by the chemicals in the food that we eat, the pesticides, hormones in meat, the cosmetics and creams we put on our skin and the laundry detergent and fabric softeners that we use.


Here is a list of things to do to avoid xenoestrogens from


List of Xenoestrogens

  • Organ chlorines, are one of the largest sources. They are used in pesticides, dry cleaning, bleaching of feminine-hygiene products and the manufacture of plastics.
  • Bisphenol-A, a breakdown of polycarbonate, is used in many plastic bottles. It’s found in the lining of many food cans and juice containers.
  • Avoid heated plastics, plastic lined items and Styrofoam (microwave, oven, sun), as the polycarbonate escapes
  • Use glass, ceramics or steel to store/consume foods and liquids.
  • Choose organic produce. Always go organic with thin skinned fruits and vegetables.
  • Buy hormone-free animal products (eggs, poultry, meats, dairy). To avoid xenoestrogen injections, supplements, bovine growth hormone.
  • A common food preservative in processed foods (BHS: butylated hydroxyanisole).
  • Avoid non-organic coffee and tea.
  • Use reverse-osmosis filter water or purchase your own filter (drinking and bathing).
  • Many creams and cosmetics contain parabens and stearal konium chloride. Choose natural brands (preservatives made with minerals or grapefruit seed extract).
  • Most skin lotions, creams, soaps, shampoo, cosmetics use parabens and phenoxyethanol as a preservative. Substances are 100% absorbed into the body. Go natural or organic.
  • Phthalates are commonly found in baby lotions and powders.
  • Sunscreen can contain benzophenone-3, homosalate, 4-methyl-benzylidene camphor, octal-methoxycinnamate, octal-dimethyl-PABA. Go organic.
  • Many perfumes, deodorizers, air fresheners have artificial scents and contain phthalates.
  • Most perfumes are petrochemically based.
  • Nail polish and removers contain harsh chemicals.
  • The birth control pill contains high concentration of synthetic estrogen. Choose a condom or diaphragm gels without surfactants. Use a condom without spermicidal.
  • Hormone replacement therapy (contains synthetic estrogens) - opt for paraben-free progesterone cream.
  • Research ingredients in your pharmaceuticals.
  • Dryer sheets, fabric softeners and detergents put petrochemicals right on your skin. Use laundry detergent with less chemicals or use white vinegar and baking soda.
  • Be aware of noxious gas that comes from copiers and printers, carpets, fiberboards, new carpets.
  • Do not inhale and protect your skin from: electrical oils, lubricants, adhesive paints, lacquers, solvents, oils, paints, fuel, industrial wastes, packing materials, harsh cleaning products, fertilizers.
  • Become educated on: pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, parathion, plant and fungal estrogens, industrial chemicals (cadmium, lead, mercury), Primpro, DES, Premarin-cemeteries, Tagamet, Marijuana, insecticides (Dieldrin, DDT, Endosulfan, Heptachlor, Lindane/hexachlorocychohexan, methoxychlor), Erythrosine, FD&C Red No 3, Nonylphenol, Polychlorinated biphenyls, Phenosulfothizine, Phthalates, DEHP.
Bottles_sixpack from Aquasana.

Avoiding xenoestrogens is difficult, one of the most difficult things is avoiding drinks in plastic bottles, if you live in a warm climate and you don't drink soda and you don't want the caffeine in a Starbucks it is difficult to find plain water in a glass bottle.  You would think that knowing about the environmental hazards of plastic bottles people would stop purchasing drinks in them and now being aware that the plastic bottle may give you breast cancer that might work...oh, well being thirsty you have to drink something.This is supposed to be a consumer led market so let's see if we can do something about this?

If you can't avoid all the xenoestrogens there are ways of detoxifying your body, such as eating cabbage and broccoli. See explanation below, follow the link for more:

Phytoestrogens are probably at the top of the list. Why would you want to put MORE estrogen into your body, you ask? It's because phytoestrogens, found in plants, bind to the receptors that xenoestrogens bind to and keep them from accumulating in your body.

These weak estrogens, found in beans, leafy green vegetables and oils, are a very good way to detoxify and remove xenoestrogens naturally. Another good detoxifier and cancer preventive is Indole 3-Carbinol found in cruciferous vegetables like kale, cabbage and broccoli.

You can find Indole 3-Carbinol in capsules, but getting it from vegetables also gives you the rest of the plant's nutrition. It helps your liver remove xenoestrogens and also provides vitamins and minerals that enhance your body's immune system.

Phytoestrogens are probably at the top of the list. Why would you want to put MORE estrogen into your body, you ask? It's because phytoestrogens, found in plants, bind to the receptors that xenoestrogens bind to and keep them from accumulating in your body.

These weak estrogens, found in beans, leafy green vegetables and oils, are a very good way to detoxify and remove xenoestrogens naturally. Another good detoxifier and cancer preventive is Indole 3-Carbinol found in cruciferous vegetables like kale, cabbage and broccoli.

You can find Indole 3-Carbinol in capsules, but getting it from vegetables also gives you the rest of the plant's nutrition. It helps your liver remove xenoestrogens and also provides vitamins and minerals that enhance your body's immune system.


Unfortunately, avoiding xenoestrogens is going to cost you money, it's funny how wanting less of something seems to cost more...On Angel's Wings has several estrogen free products:


The reason to be concerned about skin creams and cosmetics is that everything that goes onto your skin gets absrobed by the body and is not filtered by the liver as food that is ingested internally. The liver filters 90% of what we take orally, it does not filter the products that we put onto our skin.

Eden natural products is a great resource for estrogen free products, one of the most prevalent being parabens that are used as preservatives in all sorts of lotions, shampoos and deodorants.

Well, I am off for a bowl of cabbage soup - perhaps broccoli and cheese is better....


If you want to talk about life, email me: [email protected] Have a good one!

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

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Surviving a negative attack!!


Perhaps some people are lucky enough never to have a negative thought, never to be hurt by the actions of others, never to feel negative energy around them. If you are one of those amazing people then this blog is not for you!


It seems that the more sensitive we are the more we notice bad energy around us. Sometimes it is energy vampires - friends of ours who call us up on the phone, tell us lots of really bad stuff and then hang up feeling better. Meanwhile we are left drained and disillusioned.  Sometimes we are trying to do the right thing by helping someone out but the person is so negative that they see your assistance as a bad thing and they try to drag you down to their level. Then there are the angry and hurt people around us who are in pain and instead of dealing with the problem they spread bad energy around them feeding off each negative situation that they create. Unfortunately these people create more bad feelings because not all of us are able to effectively fight off negative attacks without stooping to their level.


I hunted around online for ways of dealing with all this negativity. This article is really good if you are dealing with the negative people face to face.

This is my list of ways to deal with negativity:

1. If you are talking to the person, try to make light of what they are saying. If it is ridiculous, repeat it back to them.

2. Ask them why they feel that way.

3. Negative people are often hurt and they have an unresolved conflict - sometimes they just need love - even though fighting seems like a better option.

4. Avoid really negative people - try not to pick up the phone to energy vampires unless you feel able to protect yourself from them.

5. If you walk into a room with a really bad vibe to it, leave!!

6. Make them a cup of tea!


Things to do at home to help you recover:

1. Turn off the TV!

2. Listen to some good music that will lighten your spirit.

3. Meditate

4. Saltwater bath

5. A really good shower, scrubbing all the bad energy off your skin.

6. A nice candlelit bath with bath salts, soft music ( I like Rod Stewart's American songbook)

7. Yoga

8. Sitting in the moonlight.

9.Sitting anywhere near water, fountains, rivers, lakes, ponds, oceans....

10. Sitting outdoors - communing with nature.

11. Have a cup of tea!


What happens if you have a really negative day at work and you can't do these things:

1. Take a "happy walk" around the building

2. Sit crosslegged in your car for a while and meditate

3. Lock the office door and lie down on the floor and stare at the ceilng - it works!

4. Make a cup of tea!


Let me know if you have any others to add to the list.

Having negative thoughts?  Email me: [email protected]

Have a great day!

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

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I don't like you but I love you.....

Sounds familiar? Here are some of the lyrics to the song:

Really Got A Hold On Me

Smokey Robinson, Motown

I don't like you, but I love you
Seems I'm always, thinking of you
Oh, oh, oh, you treat me badly
I love you madly
You really got a hold on
You really got a hold on
You really got a hold on
You really got a hold on me

It seems as if this is the universal problem with relationships - we are always falling for people who are no good for us and make us miserable, because of this I have been working with the 50/50 rule for a while now.  It takes an analytical person to look at an emotional problem this way but.....if the person is making you unhappy more than 50% of the time, then it is time to move is short!


Of course this is way too simple - you need to ask yourself why you are letting the other person make you unhappy because believe it or not  - you have a choice - you can become immune to destructive negative behaviour.

The first step is to realise that there is a problem. Are you always complaining about the other person - has this been going on for a while? Have they done something that you feel is unforgivable? Is there realistically a chance that things will get better soon?

The second step is to ask yourself - what exactly is it about the relationship that is not working? Is it the other person or is it you? Why are you so unhappy? Which of your needs are not being met? Can you  fix it?

Step three is to take some action. You must take the action - you must change either yourself, your reactions to this person or you should walk away.


Trying to change someone else is a waste of time, but you can change the way that you allow them to treat you. Here is a poem that says it brightsmylesxx

You can't hurt me anymore
Your words
They used to cut so deep
Leaving painful gashes
On my heart
Now they barely leave a mark
Within days, all trace of them is lost.
You can't hurt me anymore.

I won't let you.
I'm done giving you power
over me.
I am free.
You can't hurt me anymore.

Maybe there are some scars
Scars of the past
Scars of the things you did
That will haunt me forever.
Maybe the harsh words have been said
And the damage has been done.
I'll live with those scars.
You can't hurt me anymore.

I'll look at them
Those gashes formed by the words you said
And remember
How you used to control me
The things I did
The clothes I wore
The words I spoke
You've lost that power.
You can't hurt me anymore.

It's not easy to walk away
Each step I took
Away from you
Brought the teasing and pain
But I kept on walking
Until I had reached freedom.
You can't hurt me anymore.

Finally, I've taken off the mask
Of a perfect
happy girl.
I'm through with bottling it all inside.
It's time for me to just be myself
And not let you force me to be someone I'm not
I'm free.
You can't hurt me anymore.

Your words
They used to cut so deep
Leaving painful gashes
On my heart
Now they barely leave a mark
Within days, all trace of them is lost.
You can't hurt me anymore.

I won't let you.
I'm done giving you power
over me.
I am free.
I am free.
I am free.
And you can't hurt me

Try it, it works!

If you have a love issue and need a friendly person to talk to: email me: [email protected] life coach

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

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Time to Clean House!


Using Feng Shui to create an uncluttered bedroom.

Why bother to clear up your clutter? I know that I think much clearer when my surroundings are clean and tidy. I like to eat in an uncluttered space and be surrounded by nice things. I wondered if I was being quirky or if there is a real reason why a clean environment makes me feel better.


I found several articles, none of them scientific about how clutter can make you sick. Here is a link to one:

Here is another one, that talks about stagnant energy being associated with clutter.


I have talked to many people who believe that clutter prevents the air from circulating properly and that old stagnant energy can get trapped in your belongings causing you to feel bad.


I may be hyper sensitive but I do believe that it is true. I then researched Feng Shui to see the Eastern philosophy on clutter. Apparently clutter in different areas of your home can cause blockages in different areas of your life. Some people resist clutter clearing because it is emotional and feels like therapy.

Here is another great article about clutter and Feng Shui -


I am writing this to motivate myself to clean up my own clutter but also to encourage those of you who are as sensitive as I am and need to get some good energy flowing at home or at work.

Make everything around you as beautiful as possible and you will feel the flow of good energy.


Want to talk about life with a life coach? email me: [email protected]. First session is free!

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

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Running Away

Running Away!


Most of us have thought about doing this at some stage of our lives, it is the fight or flight syndrome. If you dislike confrontation you are more likely to choose running away.  Running away in fantasy is much better than running away in reality. In reality, when we get to our destination, we are still the same person with the same problems. A different environment may change our mood and over time will change our expectations and may change the way that we behave but it doesn't happen over night.


Even when things are tough, running away can be a problem!

I have moved many times in my life, emigrated, changed careers countless times but in the end I am still the same person whatever my nationality, my name, my career path or my label. Other people's perceptions of you may change, which effects the way they treat you but you are exactly the same person.


This is the fake suicide - clothes left on the beach, from the 80's TV show, "The rise and fall of Reginald Perrin", it was a very funny show. 

My message to you today is that you are you - you cannot run away from yourself and you had better respect yourself first and value the unique person that you are. What others say about you is merely a reflection of the image that you have created.


This is a wonderful piece of art. Parts of this person are hidden and parts are not a true reflection - we control our image. 

Get out your mirror and make sure that you are making a good impression, not just physically but mentally and spiritually. Good things come to good people - don't run away....


If you want to talk about not running away or even running away, email me: [email protected] life coach

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

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A little rain must fall.....


Usually I write my blog about positive things, feeling good and being optimistic and upbeat. Some days, it doesn't feel appropriate, so I am going to use a technique that does the opposite but can actually make you feel better.

I remember the Monty Python sketch where everyone is boasting about how bad life was when they were growing up:

Michael Palin: You were lucky. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down the mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!
Graham Chapman: Luxury! We used to have to get out of the lake at three o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of hot gravel, go to work at the mill every day for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would beat us around the head and neck with a broken bottle, if we were LUCKY!
Terry Gilliam: Well, we had it tough. We used to have to get up out of the shoebox at twelve o'clock at night, and LICK the road clean with our tongues. We had half a handful of freezing cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at the mill for fourpence every six years, and when we got home, our Dad would slice us in two with a bread knife.
Eric Idle: Right. steels himself I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing "Hallelujah."
Michael Palin: But you try and tell the young people today that... and they won't believe ya'.
All: Nope, nope...

Well today is my day for feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, walking in treacle, climbing uphill, going around in circles, getting the run around, being a dollar short and a day late, missing the boat, sleeping at the wheel, swimming against the tide, running on empty.

It's strange, but writing all those sayings made me feel better, I hope it works for you.  BTW - I am happy not to be living in a shoe box.

Perhaps singing this song will work for you:

Into each lifesome rain must fall
But too much is falling in mine
Into each heart some tears must fall
But some day the sun will shine

Some folks can lose the blues in their hearts
But when I think of you another shower starts
Into each
lifesome rain must fall
But too much is falling in mine

Into each life some rain must fall
But too much, too much is fallin' in mine
Into each heart some tears must fall
But some day the sun will shine

Some folks can lose the blues in their heart
But when I think of you another shower starts
Into each life some rain must fall
But too much is fallin' in mine

Into each and every life some rain has got to fall
But too much of that stuff is fallin' into mine
And into each heart some tears got to fall
And I know that someday that sun is bound to shine

Some folks can lose the blues in their heart
But when I think of you another shower starts
Into each life some rain must fall
But too much is fallin' in mine.

If you need some help with the rainfall in your life,  Pauline Courchene Certified Life Coach email me at: [email protected] first session is free, affordable rates for all.

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

Your Vision

Be Positive

Real Goals

Think Positive

Great Expectations

Manifesting Perfection



When will my ship come in?


I'll keep checking the horizon.

Any minute now, my ship is coming in
I'll keep checking the horizon
I'll stand on the bow, feel the waves come crashing
Come crashing down down down, on me

And you say, be still my love
Open up your heart
Let the light shine in
But don't you understand
I already have a plan
I'm waiting for my real life to begin

When I awoke today, suddenly nothing happened
But in my dreams, I slew the dragon
And down this beaten path, and up this cobbled lane
I'm walking in my old footsteps, once again
And you say, just be here now
Forget about the past, your mask is wearing thin
Let me throw one more dice
I know that I can win
I'm waiting for my real life to begin

Any minute now, my ship is coming in
I’ll keep checking the horizon
And I'll check my machine, there's sure to be that call
It's gonna happen soon, soon, soon
It's just that times are lean

And you say, be still my love
Open up your heart, let the light shine in
Don't you understand
I already have a plan
I'm waiting for my real life to begin

I love this poem!  It is so true, we are all waiting for something to happen and some of us are expecting wonderful things to happen and they will - when the time is right! Meanwhile, we need to enjoy life as it happens and not wish our days away.

Take each opportunity as it comes, enjoy the small things in life and discard those things that do not work for you.

You have to remember that you have the perfect life now, and by having that feeling it will be the perfect life. If you are always waiting, then your life will continue to be one of being dissatisfied and waiting. New opportunities happen every day, make sure that you are able to take advantage of them and not just keep waiting for everything to be perfect. 

Your ship is in - you need to climb aboard - if a better one comes along you can always disembark!

Don't know what to do while you are waiting for your ship?! Email me; [email protected] First life coaching session is free, affordable rates for everyone.

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

Your Vision

Be Positive

Real Goals

Think Positive

Great Expectations

Manifesting Perfection

Living the Perfect Life!


We all want to live a perfect life and yet for some of us, it is a struggle to find ourselves and live life in a way that is true to who we really are. So here are some tips on getting it right.

1. Do things that feel good to you.

2. Use your gut instinct - your intuition when making decisions.

3. Spend some time in quiet meditation to find out who you really are.

4. Listen to your inner voice.

5. Make sure that when you act it is your decision. Family members and friends are well meaning but only you know your own soul.

6. Make sure that your actions will not harm others. Good karma comes from a pure soul.

7. Always have good intentions.

8. Say what you need to say in a sensitive way.

9. Help others and feel good about yourself.

10. Express your love.

11. Trust that others will believe in you when you believe in yourself.

12. Take care of your mind and your body. Respect starts with you.

13. Keep your surroundings clean so that you can allow positive energy to flow freely around you.

14. Surround yourself with like minded people - they will seek you out.

Realise that finding yourself may take awhile.  You may be aware that certain people or situations upset you and there does not seem to be a logical reason for it. Listen to yourself and avoid those people and things that do not resonate with you.  You will be so much happier when you are able to truly be yourself.

The answer is there inside of you..


The_wizard_of_oz___a_sing_along_at_the_castro_theatre "Just click your heels together three times and say...there's no place like home."

For me, it was a little bit like the end of the movie, "The Wizard or Oz" when Dorothy realises that she could have gone back to Kansas at any time but she had to learn some lessons first. Finding yourself is just like that, really simple when you have the answer and quite puzzling when you are still working on it!

Need some help with your perfect life? email me: [email protected] First session is free, affordable rates for everyone.

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

Having Great Expectations


I am always writing about positive thinking but  to really make it work you need to have positive feeling. It is a whole emotional expectation that something wonderful is about to happen.


A positive state of mind can be seen in your aura. Please follow the link above for some fascinating reading. 

If you are looking for work, expect to get phone calls and emails offering you interviews and jobs, be excited and upbeat. If you are looking for love, expect people to like you and be attracted to you. If you are looking for money, expect to get checks in the mail and money transferred into your bank account.

Whenever I take part in a raffle, I expect to win, I get nervous when they call out the numbers because I know that I am about to go up and get my prize. I win so often, but I know I am going to win because I can feel it.

I know that the universe is helping me to live a better life and every day, I am offered great new opportunities. Sometimes I am so excited that I can barely contain myself!


Inspirational Quote:

Douchan Gersi
Victory always starts in the head. It's a state of mind. It then spreads with such radiance and such affirmations that destiny can do nothing but obey

I couldn't write it better myself! If you would like someone to mentor you and motivate you, email me: [email protected] First session is free, affordable rates for everyone.

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

Positive Thinking in the Land of Opportunity




 Let's do something to help this country....believe that the economy is good, believe that there are plenty of good jobs out there and many opportunities. This is a great country and the people who still believe in it will succeed. The US lost it's confidence after 9/11 and the only way to rebuild it is by each person believing that this is a great place to live and there are unlimited opportunities. If you have lost your job, don't spend each day thinking that there are not enough jobs or you will create that. People get hired every day, people get promoted every day, most people have jobs - so why not you?  You know your skills, you know your abilities, now go out there and show the world how good you are!

Every time somebody tells you that things are bad, you need to walk away and count your blessings, if you agree with them you are creating more bad feelings and negativity. Today is a beautiful day, full of opportunity and new beginnings. You are surrounded by sunshine and the light of positive energy emanates from your being. You feel good and you know that things are looking up, you are where you are supposed to be and you are heading in the right direction.


Even when bad things happen, things that you cannot control, you can still control the way that you react, you always have a choice. Let each day be perfect and wonderful and let yourself be the best person you can be. Be strong, be positive and be a wonderful positive light.

Are you ready to let me help you improve your life? email me: [email protected]. Together we will win! First session is free, affordable rates for everyone.

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

Goal Setting Day! Be Passionate!


It's the first Monday of a new month, and for many sales people it is the day when they have to sit down and write out their goals for the month. It's not just sales people, dieters, sports people, musicians, actors, everyone should be setting goals.

There is a difference between half heartedly writing out goals because your boss told you to do it and really writing out what you want with a passion. Any motivational guide will tell you that goals must be measurable, attainable and have a date where you will achieve them. You follow the instructions and then nothing happens, you don't reach your goals and then you give up!


The difference is passion, it is a belief in what you are trying to achieve, goals are not just ideas scribbled on a piece of paper because you feel you should write them down. You have to revisit your goals every day, say them over and over and block out the people who tell you that you cannot achieve those goals. The goals are yours, they are personal to you and it is your unwavering belief in yourself and your abilities that will enable you to succeed.

If you need some help, email me: [email protected] First session is free, affordable rates for everyone.

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

Life Coach - How do you choose a life coach?

We all need help at some time in our lives, finding direction, refocussing on our goals or just working out what we need to do next.  A life coach will come with you on that journey, listening to you, asking you questions and motivating you to take action.

Most life coaches have had some kind of training, there is no official body regulating life coaches, all life coach accreditations are from private businesses.  Choosing a life coach is personal, you should always talk to the coach first to make sure that they are a person that makes you feel good about yourself and ready to take steps to improve your life.

Many life coaches work over the phone; so you want to make sure that you like their voice and find them easy to talk to. If a coach is offering a free session you should take advantage of it to see what benefits you will gain from working with this coach.

Payment is usually with Paypal and the cost of each session and the number of sessions per week can be tailored to your requirements.

Some life coaches are generalists and some specialise in particular areas. I have helped many people to advance in their careers and education, to develop self confidence, to achieve goals and improve health and fitness by creating new habits. The first thing I do is to listen to you, to find out your needs, your strengths and your challenges, I help you to gain self awareness and use a step by step process to encourage you on your path to success.

The first life coaching session is free, I want to make sure that you will benefit from my coaching. In the first session we will discuss your needs and goals in all areas of your life, this will help me get to know you and set up a plan for our future sessions.

Email me: [email protected] Pauline Courchene -Super Life Coach

Life Coach

College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.

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