Life Coach - Time to set some goals...
You might not have spent the time thinking about what your goals are, there is work, the kids, the chores, when do you have time? You do have time, when you are driving, when you are shopping, just before you fall asleep, during the commercial breaks on TV, you are thinking all the time.
What do you want? Is it a bigger home? a faster car? Better health? More education? You can have it, but first you have to really want it and then you must believe that you can get it! The believing is the important point - not just saying it, not just thinking about it but believing it.
So what are your goals? What do you think about? What do you wish for? Can you have it? Do you think you can have it? If you do then you can make it happen.
I am not talking about waving a magic wand although sometimes it feels just like that, I am talking about actively pursuing your goals.
Your action for today, be aware, what is your mind telling you? What do you want? Just write a few words today, a rough outline, it can be anything, it can be 20 things that you want, financial, physical, emotional, anything that you desire. Step one - write it down.
Tomorrow we will work with your ideas! Write them down now, go to sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow with a fresh look at your life, anything is possible for you - make it happen!
Let me help you to live a happier life -life coach Pauline Courchene.
Email me at [email protected]
College Advisor: I have worked in education for many years teaching business and information studies and advising students on which college program to take and which university to attend. I have helped hundreds of students with college applications. If you need a life coach to help you with anything related to education, please email me at [email protected] I can help you to set goals and give you the benefit of my experience.