Schools are starting up again, new classes, new teachers, a new environment, a new year of opportunity. A chance to shine; a chance to find out who you really are; discover your strengths and weaknesses and to prepare for your future. This is a new journey and your teacher is your guide; full of new ideas, exciting assignments; ready to help you on the path to success. Your teacher is there to help you; communicate with you and show you how to be better, so listen and learn!
A teacher is not always going to be happy with you; you must obey; you must understand that they know more than you do; they are educated and hard working and dedicated to making a difference. Despite poor pay, (they could earn much more money working somewhere else) they devote themselves to making sure that tomorrow the country is full of talented educated people; who make good decisions. People like you, successful because a teacher spent the time with you to make sure that you learned something. A teacher who motivated you to go home and study; someone who encouraged you to practice your skills.
This is a new year; a time to reinvent yourself to make a difference in your life; time to do it, time to appreciate those who are helping you.
So listen to your teachers; learn from your teachers and then thank your teachers! They deserve it!