This blog helps you to learn tarot by providing easy poems to memorize meanings and shows you how to interpret cards in different positions in the spread. Here is the introduction: Easy way to Learn Tarot. Cards must be interpreted in the light of the question asked by the questioner. The spread tells a personal story and as a reader you must use your intuition to interpret the possible journey of the questioner.
This is a link to the main page of my blog, the daily psychic workout, looking at dream interpretations, psychic readings and meditation Here is a link to my blog "The Daily Psychic Workout - 7 Steps to warm-up I examine how to get into the right frame of mind to do psychic readings.
The Priestess
The Priestess
I am the Priestess
Queen of the stillness.
I like to meditate, seek what’s inside
My strong intuition acts as my guide.
With lunar crown and papal robes,
I have no use for normal clothes.
I am a teacher,
But not a preacher.
The female pope at number two,
I can keep a secret from you.
I’m very quiet but not asleep,
Remember still waters run deep.
The priestess is a strong quiet woman, she is smart and intellectual and well read. She may be working in education, she is an introvert and not really interested in fashion. She would rather meditate than go to a wild party. She says what she needs to say when it is needed, she is intuitive and very deep.
Most books on tarot do not give you many tips on how to interpret the card in different positions. Here are some ideas on how to interpret "The Priestess' in different positions using the traditional Celtic Cross spread.
Card number one, Present Position: the questioner is quiet, thoughtful, perhaps they are a teacher or they are in education of some type.
Card number two, Immediate Influence: the questioner is being influenced by a teacher, a quiet woman, someone who likes to meditate, a calming influence.
Card number 3, Goal or Destiny: the questioner is looking to become more centered, calm and at ease with the world or to work in educating others.
Card number four, Distant Past Foundation: many years ago, the questioner learned many things from someone who was quiet and intellectual or they were more studious and introverted themselves.
Card number 5, Recent Past Events: the questioner has met someone who is quiet and less outgoing or they were that person.
Card number 6, Future Influence: the questioner will become more like the priestess or be influenced by someone who has the characteristics of the priestess.
Card Number 7, The Questioner: the questioner has the characteristics of a teacher, intellectually curious, quiet, introverted -this relates to the personality of the questioner in relation to the question asked.
Card Number 8, Environmental Factors: there is someone or something in the questioner's life who has the characteristics of the priestess.
Card Number 9, Inner Emotions: the questioner wants to be more serious, educated, studious, possibly calmer, more likely to explore their inner world.
Card Number 10: Final Result: the priestess in this position may mean that the questioner has attained some inner peace, has become more meditative, intellectual, calmer and less concerned with worldly things.
Tarot Readings!
I started reading tarot cards many years ago when I was in college, I was studying business but my real interest has always been in psychology, astrology, tarot and dreams. I waited a long time to pursue tarot reading professionally. I do not understand how tarot cards work or why they work. I do not believe that you need special powers to read the cards but experience and an understanding of the symbols on each card opens the doors to a successful interpretation.
It is a good idea to be in a quiet place to have a tarot reading, to be able to free your mind of distractions and concentrate on an issue that you would like some insight into. Tarot cards can give you insight into situations and things that are happening around the questioner.
I have been a tarot reader for more than 40 years and will be happy to do a reading for you, the cost is $30 for 30 minutes or $50 per hour. In UK: £20 for 30 minutes or £35 for 60 minutes. I use PayPal for payment and Skype to complete the reading. Please email me to set this up with your preferred time see below. [email protected]. Readings are for entertainment only!
In US Time: I am available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 2pm, 3pm, 4pm or 5pm Eastern Standard Time and Saturday 9 am, 10 am and 11 am EST.
In UK time: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 7pm, 8pm and 9pm. Saturday 2 pm, 3pm and 4 pm.
Tarot Card Positions - The Fool
Tarot Card Positions - The Priestess